Use "once more" in a sentence

1. Once more and I'm gone.

2. Come on! Try once more.

3. Me once have more pain.

4. Let's sing it once more.

5. Could you repeat that once more ?

6. I'll repeat the question once more.

7. LEGO City is safe once more!

8. And forests dried out once more.

9. Then enhances own tutelage once more!

10. It is the American renunciation once more.

11. I hit him once more for luck.

12. I was reminded of it once more.

13. Once more, Machanguana is starting from scratch.

14. I'll play back the text once more.

15. She has mused that question once more.

16. In moments, I was asleep once more.

17. Let's go through the sonata once more.

18. What does Anew mean? Once more; again

19. Corbett tried to assert himself once more.

20. Let me hear it just once more.

21. Our abilities were professionally assessed more than once.

22. Could we go through Act 2 once more?

23. Once more, the lights did not burn brightly.

24. What does Afresh mean? Once more; anew; again

25. The two kingdoms were once more at war.

26. Ann turned over in her bed once more.

27. Radical reformers are once more in the ascendant.

28. Peace descended once more on the little town.

29. 13 Famine hit that benighted country once more.

30. Now those lives are at risk once more . . .

31. She braced herself up and tried once more.

32. Though springing from Genesis, this is at once more ambiguous, more heroic, and more humane.

33. 9 synonyms for Afresh: again, newly, once again, once more, over again, anew, again, anew, anew

34. The hill country had once been far more populous.

35. Here, once more, I think of my own youth.

36. She's saved both of our lives, more than once.

37. I'm pleased that Daniel's working with us once more.

38. Right, let's take it from the top once more.

39. Ripcord: My inferior! Won't hprair-conticis applicforionen once more!

40. 2 Once on shore, we pray no more. 

41. Once more I wept inconsolably for a long time.”

42. He apologised once more for troubling me, and Ambled …

43. Once more I was impressed with his manly bearing.

44. Repeat once more for a total of three Blanchings

45. We are proud to fight alongside Men once more.

46. Once more, on pain of death, all men depart.

47. The Cryptographer can't select a focus power more than once.

48. He decides once more to prove she is a fraud.

49. Mr Sylvester Stallone, the muscular thespian, is smitten once more.

50. Participants may not take the same Course more than once

51. I must troble you once more Abought my cosen Tenoson

52. And the bier was lifted once more, and they proceeded.

53. His sudden change of heart left Brenda unsure once more.

54. Say that once more, I'll smash your bloody face in!

55. Once more Sethe touched a wet forefinger to the stove.

56. The Abbasid rule was at once more restrictive for the individuals and more open intellectually

57. What’s more, most have reported being Catcalled or harassed on the street more than once

58. Synonyms for Afresh include again, anew, newly, over, once again, once more, over again, de novo, lately and recently

59. Miss Bassett is once more safely affianced to Mr Fink-Nottle.

60. Perhaps yes I did love her once but not any more.

61. Amy picked up the hairbrush and smoothed her hair once more.

62. This is AOL fold halberd in Chinese inland market once more.

63. Soon after this, he accepted once more an invitation to Sicily.

64. More than once, Jonathan risked his life to help his friend.

65. Recap to go over something again , to explain it once more.

66. She was looking forward to standing on dry land once more.

67. Yesterday once more,memory,raining,snowing smiling are touching my heart.

68. And she was off into her bedlam of mythology once more.

69. Primmie sniffed once more, gulped, and then Blurted forth the explanation

70. However, once bound, ADARs deaminate certain Adenosines more efficiently than others.

71. Within a year, England was once more at war with France.

72. The mare neighed once more, turned and disappeared amongst the trees.

73. Tireless, she came back once more and was condemned to death.

74. Such measures accelerated the economic free fall. Debt exploded once more.

75. Let's act out the story of the three bears once more.

76. The tower acknowledged him, once more ordering the Ilyushin to overshoot.

77. However, once bound, ADARs deaminate certain Adenosines more efficiently than others.

78. From 1990, the village was lavishly restored and inhabited once more.

79. I'd like to visit the colleges once more before we leave.

80. 16 He tried once more to take stock of his business.