Use "narcotics" in a sentence

1. His business is narcotics.

2. Robberies, narcotics, homicide.

3. Spilling my narcotics, fucking me around!

4. Avoid tea, coffee, liquor, tobacco, and narcotics.

5. Sign out narcotics according to agency policy.

6. He died from an overdose of narcotics.

7. The sale of narcotics is proscribed by law.

8. And the Albino, he likes his narcotics.

9. They were busted and put away on narcotics charges.

10. Anti Narcotics Force (Anf) is a Federal Executive bureau of the Government of Pakistan, tasked with combating the narcotics within Pakistan

11. He faces three years in jail for selling narcotics.

12. Hey, so I talked to my guys in Narcotics.

13. Such figures cause narcotics agents to wring their hands.

14. Driving erratic, suspects are under the influence of narcotics.

15. 5 The sale of narcotics is proscribed by law.

16. We know him mainly as a mid-level narcotics smuggler.

17. Cartels control approximately 70 per cent of the foreign narcotics

18. Los Alcones are unloading a huge shipment of narcotics.

19. OPIOID Analgesics Narcotics / morphine like Analgesics are included in this category

20. Predatory trafficking in addictive narcotics has become a worldwide tragedy.

21. The authorities have been accused of active involvement in the narcotics trade.

22. Pangsapa was a narcotics Contrabandist and an informant on the side

23. Yeah, but in this case, he consumed high levels of alcohol and narcotics.

24. According to HPD's Narcotics Division, he's a known affiliate of the KFS syndicate.

25. We got a great start today with the President’s event on counter-narcotics.

26. " An L.A.P.D. narcotics officer was killed today serving a warrant in Echo Park. "

27. Anf works under umbrella of Pakistan Army and Ministry of Narcotics-Control.

28. * combating illicit use and production, trading, distribution of narcotics/psychotropic substances and precursor chemicals,

29. Nor are narcotics -- from narkosis, Greek for "Benumbed" -- necessarily all about nodding.Chicago Reader

30. The inquest was told the injuries were sustained during convulsions induced by narcotics.

31. a) Whether America has included India in the list of countries producing and smuggling narcotics;

32. We have come to steal information from the anti-narcotics bureau of the HK police

33. It takes 36 to 48 hours for neuroleptic narcotics to reach workable levels in the bloodstream.

34. 22 In the 1940s, Hicks served time in prison for illegally dispensing narcotics, according to Crawford.

35. Synonyms for Calmatives include sedatives, narcotics, tranquillizers, downers, opiates, depressant, soporifics, anodynes, neuroleptics and sleepers

36. In June 2004, CF air and naval units detected and tracked a vessel suspected of smuggling narcotics.

37. Drug cartels in Mexico control approximately 70% of the foreign narcotics flow into the United States.

38. In terms of consumption, narcotics, anabolic substances or other doping agents can also be classed in this category.

39. As part of her answer, the appellant had listed and explained Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

40. However, some Indian nationals have been arrested in Sri Lankan waters on charges of smuggling narcotics and contrabands.

41. Creating more employment opportunities is also important to wean youth lured to narcotics, extremism, terrorism and other criminal activities.

42. We are ready to organize a conference within the BIMSTEC frame-work on issues related to narcotics.

43. 5 When we pacified the bopping gang of a decade ago, its members turned to narcotics and self-mutilation.

44. Narcotics that would have been smuggled inside the institution, she said, were instead found stashed in the visitors' restroom.

45. To cooperate secretly in an illegal or wrongful action; collude: The dealers Connived with customs officials to bring in narcotics

46. Stimulants and narcotics never act so quickly upon persons accustomed to use spirits freely as upon those who live Abstemiously.

47. However, some Indian nationals have been arrested in Sri Lankan waters on charges of smuggling narcotics and contraband.

48. Carry a Chinaman on (one's) back To suffer from an addiction to narcotics or the withdrawal symptoms caused by it

49. DG, BSF stressed the importance of vigilance against cross-border infiltration to prevent terrorist activities and check smuggling in narcotics.

50. I myself have been accused of receiving campaign contributions from the narcotics traffickers who have bought influence in these halls.

51. Updating my people the "Narcotics" about the music am working on like everything Billhook does thats includes his music

52. The board also established a system of import certificates and export authorisations for the legal international trade in narcotics.

53. This type of dog can be smart and sensitive enough to work with anti-narcotics and bomb detection squads.

54. At this time there are two trained police dogs working the road in Barnstable: Rocco (Patrol K9) and Yvonne (Narcotics detection).

55. Combination Analgesics that combine aspirin or acetaminophen with barbiturates or narcotics can provide greater pain relief than can either agent alone

56. Besides, 14 Indian fishermen with 4 boats are in the custody of Sri Lanka on charges of smuggling narcotics and contraband.

57. Besides, five fishermen along with one boat have been arrested in Sri Lankan waters on charges of smuggling narcotics and contraband.

58. During this time, the new government worked to decrease the influence of criminal gangs and reduce the prevalence of narcotics and gambling.

59. Throughout his criminal life, Kuklinski was involved in narcotics, pornography, arms dealing, money laundering, collecting debts for loan sharking, hijacking and contract killing.

60. Storyline "Bent" follows Danny Gallagher (Karl Urban), a discredited narcotics detective who, upon his release from prison, makes plans to seek …

61. Altercations were most likely to develop from the following field activities: disturbances of the peace (33.8%), traffic stops (18.5%), and observed narcotics activity (14.8%)

62. Besides, five fishermen along with one boat have been arrested in Sri Lankan waters on charges of smuggling narcotics and contraband in November 2011.

63. A US diplomat estimated that the organization's narcotics trafficking, extortion and money laundering activities accounted for at least 3% of Italy's GDP in 2010.

64. Millions of lives are ruined as a result of the $500-billion-a-year narcotics trade that spawns countless acts of crime and violence.

65. You can also check here anti narcotics force Anf jobs 2021 papers question answer of screening test / results and merit list selected candidate for interview

66. About 6.62 kg Charas was seized by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) Mumbai Zonal unit from three persons at Lokmanya Tilak Terminus, Kurla

67. Anf works under the umbrella of Pakistan Army and Ministry of Narcotics Control (Pakistan) of which Ijaz Ahmed Shah is the minister since December 2020

68. We are also aware of the case of some Indian nationals have been arrested in Sri Lankan waters on charges of smuggling narcotics and contraband.

69. I was at the top of my class in college, but that narcotics charge will be a Blot on my escutcheon for years to come

70. Yan continued to complain about the availability of narcotics into the 1930s, and after 1932 executed over 600 people caught smuggling drugs into Shanxi.

71. But there are other issues - narcotics, trafficking in human beings - all these illegal activities.... we need a strong mechanism to track down these criminal elements.

72. On July 12, 1997, two planeloads of paramilitaries arrived at the airport of San José del Guaviare, which also served as a base for anti-narcotics police.

73. Anf Seized 794.836 Kgs Drugs Valuing Us$ 47.763 Million in 21 Operations [18 Mar 2021] Anf Seized 425.253 Kgs Drugs Valuing Us$ 14.658 Million in 29 Operations [15 Mar 2021] Anf Seized 2698.085 Kgs Drugs Valuing Us$ 87.716 Million in 23 Operations [05 Mar 2021] Secretary Ministry of Narcotics Control Visits Headquarters Anti Narcotics Force [04 Mar 2021].

74. Two U.S. senators said Sunday they will ask federal authorities to crack down on a secretive narcotics market operated on the Internet with anonymous sales and untraceable currency.

75. Arna – The Autonomous Region of Narcotics Anonymous is a Region that is served by a Non-Administrative service and information structure, called the Autonomous Region Service Committee (ARSC)

76. Even the police that have helped us in the past with gambling and other things are going to refuse to help us when it comes to narcotics.

77. He'll fight tooth and nail to keep you safe: chasing down suspects, finding hidden narcotics — even summoning the willpower to avoid tasty treats when in hot pursuit.

78. The two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in exchange of information relating to terrorist activities, money laundering, narcotics, arms and human trafficking, and develop joint strategies to combat these threats.

79. With the development in the 19th century of the hypodermic needle and of heroin, five to 10 times as potent as morphine, the use and abuse of narcotics increased dramatically.

80. They also agreed to enhance our cooperation in exchange of information relating to terrorist activities, money-laundering, narcotics, arms and human-trafficking and to develop joint strategies to combat these threats.