Use "more likely" in a sentence

1. Ovarian cancer's way more likely.

2. Families that are more likely to have Autistic children are also more likely to have geniuses.

3. Testing proved that it's more likely genetic.

4. More likely it was the neck spasm.

5. "Which convict is more likely to reoffend?"

6. More likely a routine sort of affair.

7. This, in turn, makes binge eating more likely.

8. Arabs are more likely to have subjective perceptions

9. Nowadays we're more likely to make a wish.

10. More likely someone of your household or staff.

11. Thus, he is likely to become more teachable.

12. Four times more likely to die from fires.

13. Or more likely you, you sick, perverted rapist!

14. Discussions, Aggadot are far more likely to include Greek loan words, and are more likely to evidence other forms of hellenistic influence14)

15. More messages make them more active, and more likely to add phosphate to receptor molecules.

16. People with an Anxiety disorder are three to five times more likely to go to the doctor and six times more likely to

17. Veterans suffering ailments are considered more likely to participate.

18. Nonetheless advection is a more likely alternative food source.

19. People with diabetes are more likely to develop Carbuncles

20. Automatisms were more likely in longer seizures and hyperventilation

21. Most likely, more than idle curiosity brought him there.

22. Women are more likely to be Affected than men

23. Children With Severed Fingers: Children are more likely to heal an Amputated digit and more likely to have good function of a replanted finger

24. People are more likely to talk in the day.

25. It likely would generate more tax revenue than Sears.

26. 26 More messages make them more active, and more likely to add phosphate to receptor molecules.

27. The more Creditworthy you are, the more likely a bank will lend you money

28. "Covered by blankets" is a more likely example

29. Sick pets fed Barf are more likely to become well.

30. Choriocarcinoma is more likely to happen after a molar pregnancy

31. 4 Infections are more likely in those suffering from malnutrition.

32. Hotel restaurants are much more likely to serve kosher food.

33. Three flames more likely to die from all causes combined.

34. Africanized honeybees are much more protective of their beehive and more likely to sting

35. Young people are more likely to rebel against old traditions.

36. • The children of poor families are more likely to be malnourished and much less likely to attend secondary school.

37. So it turns out that optimists are not less likely to divorce, but they are more likely to remarry.

38. 8 Short questions are more likely to elicit a response.

39. That is less likely, perhaps, with a more radical redesign.

40. The more stress you are under, the more likely you are to catch a cold.

41. The more often men and women cohabit , the more likely they are to divorce later .

42. We hypothesize that firms with more earnings management are more likely to be given MAOs.

43. You are much more likely to get Backwinded in light winds

44. It is much more likely, however, that they represent sexual dimorphism.

45. Māori are 20 times more likely and Pasifika 40 times more likely to be hospitalised with acute rheumatic fever, compared to people of European or other ethnicity.

46. Young nonsmokers who see tobacco advertisements are more likely to smoke.

47. I understood his comment was more than likely intended as humor.

48. The presence of simple life forms will be even more likely,

49. You're much more likely to catch the joy of human bonding.

50. Women are far more likely to be the victims of abuse, while men are most likely to be the Abusers

51. Banneret 3/Tomelock X or more likely Tomelock 3/Banneret X

52. Buffeting is likely to get worse as vehicles get more aerodynamic

53. Suffering households and companies are more likely to repatriate overseas investments.

54. Recent insurgent attacks are likely to make banks even more reticent.

55. Certain foods are more likely than others to cause allergic reactions .

56. More likely, it was the consequence of unwinding leveraged bets elsewhere.

57. Indeed, as some traditionalists complained, the more outrageous the art, the more likely the critical accolade.

58. See more words with the same meaning: accurate, probably, likely, Certainly

59. More likely than Gray Butcherbird to perch atop trees and poles

60. However, bicuspid valves are more likely to deteriorate and later fail.

61. Such reforms seem likely to remain little more than pious hopes.

62. I will likely be replaced by someone more amenable to Cohen.

63. “Remove yourself from situations where you’re more likely to face temptation.

64. More than this, it seems likely that Aspies might actually feel more emotion/empathy than neurotypicals.

65. The proactive approach involves considerably more effort but is more likely to produce a positive result.

66. Older Caregivers (50+) are more likely to have been caregiving for more than 10 years (17%)

67. In general, the more Westernized the place is, the more likely you'll be expected to gratuity.

68. Larger males are more likely to win fights, are more dominant, have clout with the Ivy's maitre d', make eye contact with bar staff at crucial moments, and, crucially, are more likely to reproduce.

69. Mature women are more likely to climax during intercourse than young girls.

70. It is altogether more likely that we are faced with an interpolation.

71. Blisters also form more easily on moist skin and are more likely to occur in warm conditions.

72. Men with high blood pressure are more likely to develop prostate cancer.

73. Bosniak 1 and 2 lesions are likely to be benign whereas Bosniak 3 and 4 lesions are more likely to be cancerous

74. It appears that the more secretions she's got, the more likely the baby is to suckle quickly.

75. The combination of arts and science is more likely to become overachiever.

76. Aging (visual Auras are more likely to occur in individuals over 40)

77. Tom is likely to hold out for more than 300 pound's price.

78. Then, he would be more likely to value his precious find highly.

79. More likely , perhaps, is a loan move for Tottenham's misfit Roman Pavlyuchenko.

80. Obese people are more likely to take time off owing to illness.