Use "meet with opposition" in a sentence

1. Such a threat was bound to meet with opposition.

2. 26 These are likely to meet with opposition on the grounds of spoiling favourite views.

3. We will all face fear, experience ridicule, and meet opposition.

4. When the fans meet their idols, apply their war paint and barrack the opposition.

5. I was glad to meet Alan Savory, the opposition spokesman - a young, cool customer, dark and striking.

6. The plan has met with strenuous opposition.

7. Their idiotic suggestions met with widespread opposition.

8. 9: Japanese advances in Borneo met with little opposition.

9. The speech was greeted with derision by opposition leaders.

10. His speech was greeted with derision by opposition leaders.

11. 19 Church leaders have aligned themselves with the opposition.

12. The army met with fierce opposition in every town.

13. 4 Church leaders have aligned themselves with the opposition.

14. I'm gonna meet with him.

15. They meet with great regularity.

16. They debated whether to compromise with the opposition parties.

17. He had worked with the diverse, fractious Iraqi opposition.

18. To my surprise, I met with mockery and opposition.

19. Plans to desegregate the schools/universities met with opposition.

20. He pulverized the opposition with the force of his oratory.

21. He agreed to meet with us.

22. We must meet violence with nonviolence.

23. Sacrifices That Meet With God’s Approval

24. Meet Adversity With “Soundness of Mind”

25. He pulverise the opposition with the force of his oratory.

26. The opposition says the legislation was drafted with indecent haste.

27. The plans to desegregate the universities were met with opposition.

28. He pulverize the opposition with the force of his oratory.

29. Talks have begun in Geneva again with a reformed opposition representation.

30. 1 He pulverized the opposition with the force of his oratory.

31. Enduring Strong Opposition

32. Do the plans meet with your approval?

33. The various opposition parties speak with one voice on this issue.

34. Meet and make friends with other Couples!

35. This policy did not meet with success.

36. Does the design meet with your approval ?

37. Bulgy is a double-decker bus with an ideological opposition to railways

38. Anticlericalism opposition, especially political opposition, to the power and influence of the church.

39. He's determined to go through with the marriage despite his parents' opposition.

40. A great wizard meet with a great patron.

41. I trust the arrangements meet with your approval.

42. Management will meet with union representatives next week.

43. Bulgy is a double-decker bus with an ideological opposition to railways.

44. He held talks with governments and leaders of self-proclaimed republics and with opposition leaders.

45. Opposition From Religious Authorities

46. Opposition From Envious Neighbors

47. The opposition was unbeatable.

48. Learning English with Bels – Meet the Bels Team

49. I meet up with Simon to play basketball.

50. She ran to meet them with outstretched arms.

51. Their plan will probably meet with little success.

52. The haughty Servants meet him with a Frown.

53. We pulverized the opposition.

54. They did not always meet with success, however.

55. He distracts attention with homophobic rants and attacks on opposition politicians and journalists.

56. Facing Contempt and Opposition

57. 12 The provincial coalition government is already shaky, with opposition members bought off with ministerial posts.

58. Opposition came primarily from students.

59. They ruthlessly smother all opposition.

60. Nagging, begging, coercion, and ridicule seldom meet with success.

61. I don' t want you to meet with mishap

62. I've been invited to meet with the American Ambassador.

63. The new law met with a good deal of opposition at local level.

64. “Growing and Prevailing” Despite Opposition

65. • when facing apathy or opposition?

66. This resulted in immediate opposition.


68. His friendliness disarmed all opposition.

69. 6 We pulverized the opposition.

70. We will also alone to arrange with everybody meet.

71. They went to meet her with a heavy heart.

72. Meet Zealand with a Japanese twist in bar Blueness

73. Captain, Governor Vagh is ready to meet with you.

74. With high inflation, few can make both ends meet.

75. Aversion means opposition or repugnance

76. Chechnya has no opposition media

77. Meanwhile, the opposition looks groggy.

78. It' s bad when people meet their governor with tears

79. Time and again, Christians meet with rude or harsh responses.

80. 5 I've been invited to meet with the American Ambassador.