Use "marked man" in a sentence

1. Mark Gallagher - marked man today Much ado about nothing!

2. Without hesitation, this young man ran to the tree marked “strongly disagree.”

3. He has been a marked man since he decided to cooperate with the police.

4. He was a man of austere habits, in marked contrast to his more flamboyant wife.

5. All our Party comrades have worked as one man and made marked achievements in every held.

6. Bob Dole may be indelibly marked as the man from Kansas but his roots are in Ohio.

7. 2 As that man suffered through his final, agonizing hours, heaven itself marked the significance of the event.

8. For decades scientists—including Curnoe—have assigned the fossils now marked H. gautengensis to Homo habilis ("handy man").

9. Marked for Survival

10. Asterisked definition: marked with an asterisk synonyms: marked, starred antonyms: unmarked, unnoticeable, inconspicuous

11. PA chest radiograph of a 43-year-old man with ischemic cardiomyopathy and a large left ventricular aneurysm shows marked Cardiomegaly and interstitial edema

12. When you are Backslidden, you are one of the most dangerous people on earth — a walking time bomb! Backslidden Jonah was a marked man

13. ls it marked urgent?

14. Ezekiel overheard Jehovah’s instructions to them: Follow the man with the inkhorn and kill off everyone except any who have been marked on their forehead.

15. Riser marked out and Bandsawed

16. Military crates marked G6:5.

17. His silence marked his wrath.

18. Marked by anger or sullenness.

19. The teacher marked her absent .

20. As described at Ezekiel 9:3-6, a class of persons are marked in their forehead for protection from destruction by God’s executional forces, not being marked by angels in this instance, nor with a “seal,” but by a man who has “a secretary’s inkhorn.”

21. Pedestrians: • Always cross at marked Crosswalks

22. Assumptive Marked or characterized by assumptions

23. They are marked for target practice.

24. It's all marked on the papers.

25. Marked by effusive and insincere flattery.

26. These show marked indications of immortality.

27. Bottle is marked: Borine Borine MFG

28. Engine modifications have some marked advantages .

29. Abusive: marked by harsh insulting language.

30. This marked an important turning point.

31. They found marked points of similarity.

32. Having or marked by Bilateral symmetry

33. Applause definition is - marked commendation : acclaim

34. • Sample Marked Ballots: Accepted and Rejected

35. Headed to rooftop marked by flare.

36. His file's already marked for review.

37. You and Al will be marked.

38. Prices are marked on the goods.

39. Barbed: marked by the use of …

40. Muslim cAliph whose reign was marked …

41. Marked by energetic activity; busy: Active

42. Definition of Beseeching : expressing or marked by earnest pleading or entreaty The wretched young man arose, and with a last Beseeching glance at us walked from the room

43. Buildout files are marked with icon

44. Axiation are marked by cytoplasmic asymmetries

45. Will You Be Marked for Survival?

46. Shunem—Marked by Love and Violence

47. Bitonal definition, marked by or using Bitonality

48. Bronchitis is marked by: Low-grade fever

49. Acuminulate Yuapin whip-marked anteflected cherubim costopleural

50. Of Arrhythmous ”, “ Marked by loss of rhythm ” …

51. Madillos showed a marked Arhythmic respiratory pattern

52. Adversarial: marked by opposition or ill will

53. 13.) are incubated by14C-marked linoleic acid.

54. Antagonistic: marked by opposition or ill will

55. Adversary: marked by opposition or ill will.

56. Audacious: displaying or marked by rude boldness.

57. She marked a square on the blackboard.

58. His face slightly marked with the freckles.

59. He wore a furry silk hat, and the frequent substitution of twine and shoe- laces for buttons, apparent at critical points of his costume, marked a man essentially bachelor.

60. Brash: displaying or marked by rude boldness.

61. Fruity aroma, with a marked, lingering acidity.

62. He showed a marked Antipathy to foreigners

63. 2 a : marked by power or authority vested equally in each of a number of colleagues There was an increasing tendency to turn from Collegial to one-man management.

64. Historically, Cruelty has always marked prison administration

65. Stress is marked with an acute ( ́) accent.

66. Marked by quivering: The children were Aquiver …

67. He showed a marked antipathy to foreigners.

68. Yesterday marked the climax of the celebrations.

69. Downbuckling is marked by an offshore trench.

70. 16 Marked by unintentional lack of care.

71. Some shops marked up the goods unfairly.

72. Do not open any mail marked 'Confidential'.

73. Creaky definition is - marked by Creaking : squeaky

74. Cheeky: displaying or marked by rude boldness.

75. 2020 Lou marked his Centennial birthday on

76. To deliver Cylinders are typically marked TD.

77. The admission tests are marked by computer.

78. Marked by unusual and impressive intellectual Acuteness

79. Of, relating to, or marked by Atonality.

80. A large purple scar marked his cheek.