Use "make bad weather" in a sentence

1. Bad weather forced the pilots to make an unscheduled landing.

2. It will also make local movements, even in the west, to escape bad weather.

3. Bad weather bedevilled our plans.

4. Bad weather doomed the crops.

5. A depression usually brings bad weather.

6. 21 Bad weather doomed the crops.

7. The bad weather ruined our trip.

8. The weather was not too bad.

9. Bad weather scrambled the air schedules.

10. 19 Bad weather doomed the crops.

11. The bad weather aggravated his illness.

12. The expedition was Bedevilled by bad weather

13. I always keep indoors by bad weather.

14. 17 The bad weather ruined our trip.

15. 3 The weather was not too bad.

16. She keeps in during the bad weather.

17. 12 Bad weather scrambled the air schedules.

18. Our holiday was spoiled by bad weather.

19. 6 The bad weather aggravated his illness.

20. The bad weather seriously impeded our progress.

21. In hot weather, eggs easily go bad.

22. 15 A depression usually brings bad weather.

23. The expedition was bedevilled by bad weather.

24. Heavy traffic, bad weather, and road repairs may cause delays that the driver somehow has to make up for.

25. We didn't calculate for having such bad weather.

26. The bad weather has sent vegetable prices up.

27. 2 Despite the bad weather, we enjoyed ourselves.

28. Notwithstanding the bad weather, the match went on.

29. The rescue attempt was impeded by bad weather.

30. 25 The bad weather has been fairly general .

31. 4 We hadn't bargained for such bad weather.

32. 18 The bad weather has been fairly general .

33. 4 Despite the bad weather, we enjoyed ourselves.

34. And really bad weather looks a lot different!

35. We didn't reckon for having such bad weather.

36. Presumably the bad weather has delayed the flight.

37. Don't let the bad weather spoil your holiday.

38. The bad weather detained us for several hours.

39. Bad weather and many defeats demoralized the enemy.

40. 3 She keeps in during the bad weather.

41. Rescue attempts were stopped because of bad weather.

42. The good seaman is known is bad weather.

43. The bad weather played havoc with our plans.

44. Bad weather is hampering the search for survivors.

45. 9 Our holiday was spoiled by bad weather.

46. The bad weather blunted their enthusiasm for camping.

47. An Appalling famine 2 BAD very bad SYN atrocious The weather was absolutely Appalling

48. Voting was brisk in spite of the bad weather.

49. The bad weather will persist all over the country.

50. Bad weather made the trip inadvisable at this time.

51. 20 Rescue attempts were stopped because of bad weather.

52. The buses had stopped early because of bad weather.

53. They had a wonderful holiday, despite the bad weather.

54. Notwithstanding the bad weather, the ship arriver on schedule.

55. 6 We didn't reckon for having such bad weather.

56. The bad weather has seriously disrupted supplies of food.

57. 8 They may be in for some bad weather.

58. 2 We didn't reckon for having such bad weather.

59. The bad weather will set back our building plans.

60. Despite the bad weather the fete will go ahead.

61. Bad weather didn't deter them from starting their vacation.

62. 11 Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather.

63. 5 Bad weather is hampering the search for survivors.

64. The weather got very bad later in the day.

65. It is madness to climb in such bad weather.

66. 2 Bad weather is hampering the search for survivors.

67. 14 The good seaman is known is bad weather.

68. 7 The bad weather detained us for several hours.

69. Bad weather put back the building of the road.

70. The ship deferred its sailing because of bad weather.

71. 27 The rescue attempt was frustrated by bad weather.

72. The bad weather added to the shipwrecked sailors' difficulties.

73. 22 They had a wonderful holiday, despite the bad weather.

74. Since the weather is bad, let's call off the trip.

75. We had better to be inside in such bad weather.

76. 10 I don't envy your journey in this bad weather.

77. The effect of the bad weather was not felt uniformly.

78. The celebrations had to be Curtailed because of bad weather.

79. Very bad or unpleasant SYN terrible The weather was Awful

80. The relief efforts have been hindered by unrelenting bad weather.