Use "long ago" in a sentence

1. How long ago?

2. Long[], long ago there lived a king.

3. Wing Tribe disappeared long ago.

4. With Ann, not too long ago

5. It must've broken down long ago...

6. he'd have had symptoms long ago.

7. That was a long time ago.

8. This river dried up long ago.

9. The roof had collapsed long ago.

10. That warship laid up long ago.

11. " Long ago, I had a brother... "

12. I thought he'd died long ago.

13. But that was a long time ago.

14. Long ago we fought and died together.

15. Weren't they extinct a long time ago?

16. The house was pulled down long ago.

17. He should have left her long ago.

18. How long ago did your parents emigrate?

19. Our story takes place in a far-off land, long, long ago.

20. Our Repurchaser of long ago is your name.

21. Yes, my husband died a long time ago

22. I learned long ago to avoid these invitations.

23. I wanted to part from you long ago.

24. The earliest of his achievements of long ago.

25. You lost your accent a long time ago.

26. The Green Destiny was lost long years ago.

27. Harry's daughter is dead. She died long ago.

28. 4 I forgave her a long time ago.

29. 4 They long ago forsook their nomadic life.

30. Not long ago I succeeded in finding one.

31. Yes, my husband died a long time ago.

32. We washed our hands of politics long ago.

33. That old mine was worked out long ago.

34. You should have been rendered mute long ago.

35. I vaguely recall something from long, long ago that involves cuddling by the fire.

36. I went through something similar not that long ago.

37. Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony

38. A long time ago, this little bear was alive.

39. That country came off the gold standard long ago.

40. I came across the expression “Awfulizing” not long ago

41. Jehovah purposed to do all of this long ago.

42. Bandy was a drover's boy a long time ago.

43. Kanishka's head and torso were lopped off long ago.

44. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony.

45. It began long ago in the early Baroque era.

46. Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago.

47. We had our bicentenary celebrations not that long ago.

48. Anciently (Adverb) In the manner of very long ago

49. Eons ago, the Kree waged a very long war.

50. Something I should have done a long time ago

51. long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony.

52. The berries had long ago withered on the tree.

53. She walked in on us once not long ago.

54. And a long time ago -- well, about 40 years ago -- my mom had an exchange student.

55. I wish I'd discovered Pilates and Bluming Studio long ago

56. From the time I established the people of long ago,

57. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

58. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

59. I'm afraid you left government behind a long time ago.

60. This same mob spat at my sister not long ago.

61. The Cairn terrier may have existed as long ago as …

62. She called up here for you not too long ago.

63. Not long ago, sturgeons weighing 125 kilograms were not uncommon.

64. Long, long ago,[] there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand).

65. Not long ago, people like me were shunned and hidden away.

66. Just that he mentioned her a few times not long ago.

67. The weirwoods there were all cut down a long time ago.


69. There's no point wailing about something that happened so long ago.

70. I believed that in civilized countries, torture had ended long ago.

71. Celia had decided long ago she would never temporize on that.

72. Long ago, in ancient China, the Peacocks ruled over Gongmen City.

73. It all happened so long ago now, what does it matter?

74. The gorilla study was actually done a very long time ago.

75. Not long ago , selling American cars in Japan was downright quixotic.

76. A long time ago, there lived two woodcutters, Minokichi and Mosaku.

77. He had long ago repressed the painful memories of his childhood.

78. They probably disintegrated long ago, most of them in ancient Israel.

79. Not long time ago this territory accommodated five pioneer summer camps.

80. Cut off from Krypton, these outposts withered and died long ago.