Use "likely" in a sentence

1. Not likely.

2. But likely.

3. Likely, the prehuman Jesus.

4. Getting oiled, most likely.

5. Rape was likely commonplace.

6. After Cautery, you will likely

7. Catchy: likely to attract attention

8. It likely means "talking man".

9. Calculated definition is - apt, likely

10. Ovarian cancer's way more likely.

11. Aircraft remain likely terrorist targets.

12. While the House vote likely will be close, the Senate appears likely to agree with Clinton.

13. Families that are more likely to have Autistic children are also more likely to have geniuses.

14. Conspicuous: likely to attract attention

15. Snow showers are likely tomorrow.

16. + They will likely respect this one.’

17. Tickets are likely to be expensive.

18. Dancing on the Sabbath, most likely.

19. We'll do it together, most likely.

20. They'll very likely come by car.

21. When temptation is likely to strike.

22. Normal WBC makes that less likely.

23. He's likely to be Attorney General.

24. Girls are always likely to dawdle.

25. Expanded demand for Bushmeat will likely

26. Belike definition is - most likely : probably

27. Likely, the woman was a prostitute.

28. He likely saw faults in Moses.

29. Bob Dole, the likely Republican nominee.

30. Most likely an aggressive flu strain.

31. Negotiations are likely to bog down.

32. Belike definition is - most likely : probably

33. It's the most likely heavy metal.

34. 'Will you apologize?' 'Not bloody likely !'

35. You're likely to be Accosted by …

36. Sexual desires will likely be stimulated.

37. All of the equally likely events.

38. That is a very likely supposition.

39. Afeard!'Tain't likely. Will you meow?

40. • The children of poor families are more likely to be malnourished and much less likely to attend secondary school.

41. So it turns out that optimists are not less likely to divorce, but they are more likely to remarry.

42. It Likely Came From Chinese Biowarfare Lab

43. Apical dominance is therefore most likely adaptive

44. Testing proved that it's more likely genetic.

45. Likely I'll stay drunk for a month.

46. Then, likely, harm might come to you

47. When will a dog most likely misbehave?

48. This is most likely prolapsed fallopian tube.

49. 12 They'll very likely come by car.

50. The train is likely to be late.

51. Your friend likely needs to feel capable.

52. More likely it was the neck spasm.

53. The negotiations are likely to bog down.

54. Ultra low prices very likely " jerry-built".

55. That's when you're most likely to Conceive

56. Check and triple check the likely candidates.

57. Our proposals were likely to fall flat.

58. You are likely to devolve into Aimlessness

59. "Which convict is more likely to reoffend?"

60. But most likely you will be ignored .

61. Colical definition is - likely to have colic

62. A Bioprospector is most likely someone who

63. So will the Beanballs fly? Not likely

64. Many will likely respond as Alla did.

65. This hypothesis was considered the most likely.

66. Another Scottish referendum has become highly likely.

67. More likely a routine sort of affair.

68. A epidemic on humans likely to recur

69. The likely cause of death was starvation.

70. Without attention they will likely get worse.

71. Women are far more likely to be the victims of abuse, while men are most likely to be the Abusers

72. However, the Ceasefire is likely to be fragile

73. This would be far less likely using Certainly.

74. Definition of Advantageous (adjective): likely to bring success

75. Promotions that are likely to shock or scare

76. Millions Likely Suffering From Computer Vision Syndrome ( CVS )

77. Some kind of genetic predisposition also is likely.

78. The floor's rotten and likely to give way.

79. Evanescent : Vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor.

80. This kind of problem is likely to recur.