Use "like a man possessed" in a sentence

1. A man possessed of infinite patience.

2. Albert Einstein possessed the neurons of a healthy young man?

3. Passion runs like a fever through this possessed loony.

4. With due respect to our father, a very nice man, Mum possessed all the charisma.

5. Legion: Likely, this was not the demon-possessed man’s actual name, but it indicates that the man was possessed by many demons.

6. A man may talk like a wise man and yet act like a fool. 

7. That man possessed an absolutely deadly charm - a charm that could make a prisoner of the most stalwart heart.

8. 17 Consider the occasion when Jesus healed a demon-possessed man who was blind and unable to speak.

9. " Possessed "?

10. And spit like a man.

11. Like master, like man.

12. A terrible fear possessed her.

13. The Nakani were evil spirits who looked like humans and possessed supernatural powers.

14. A man acting like an ape.

15. It looks like a Pac-Man.

16. He sounds like quite a man.

17. Like the minor, circular designs of the latter, it may have possessed a number of concentric bands.

18. He looks like a restless man.

19. The three wonder if the creature is a man-like ape, or an ape-like man.

20. 24 Meet success like a gentleman and disaster like a man.

21. The soldiers continued their advance, possessed by some lemming like instinct for self - destruction.

22. What kind of man follows another man around like a dog?

23. Walking like a man, hitting like a hammer, she's a juvenile scam.

24. • Proverbs 17:27: “Anyone holding back his sayings is possessed of knowledge, and a man of discernment is cool of spirit.”

25. He was Wulfstan a churchman who like Aelfric was a scholar and possessed of a rich and impetuous prose style

26. The Beguiler was a species of exceptionally intelligent, non-aggressive mouse-like creature that possessed several astounding qualities.

27. Proverbs 17:27: “Anyone holding back his sayings is possessed of knowledge, and a man of discernment is cool of spirit.”

28. Now, your father was a good man, a flawed man, like anyone else.

29. He can't take it like a man.

30. B: I like a clean-shaven man.

31. 'tis like calling a tall man " wee ".

32. The man performed like a bucking bronco.

33. Proverbs 17:27 says: “Anyone holding back his sayings is possessed of knowledge, and a man of discernment is cool of spirit.”

34. Even the more self-possessed , like Candy Pratts Price, seem in the grip of awe.

35. Thus, Barons usually possessed a fief

36. She was possessed by a devil.

37. Neither of them possessed a credit card.

38. I'm a man, not a freak like my brother!

39. It looks like a man wrapped in a shroud.

40. He's not... a hard man like big Yugorsky.

41. He looks like a nice, wholesome, young man.

42. Like I said, John, you're a mercurial man.

43. He's a stallion, just like his old man!

44. He sounded like a perky little old man.

45. A singular sort of misanthropy possessed him.

46. Like Clinton 12 years later, he possessed in volume what the incumbent president, Jimmy Carter, lacked.

47. She was possessed by a consuming rage.

48. He possessed a vast store of knowledge.

49. She's a confident, self-possessed public speaker.

50. And this man does not look like a 65-year-old wheelchair-bound man.

51. And this man does not look like a 65- year- old wheelchair- bound man.

52. He felt genuine awe at this superhuman man, at once so puissant, so self-possessed, so monomaniac in his demeanour.

53. Though good and worthy in his way, the old man was Avaricious, and possessed an enormous amount of family pride

54. Though good and worthy in his way, the old man was Avaricious, and possessed an enormous amount of family pride

55. Furthermore, the rich man —like everyone else— is ‘short-lived, like a blossom.’

56. Chamden performed like men possessed and even had the audacity to mount wave after wave of attacks.

57. The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar."

58. He's a man that needs a woman just like me.

59. He began to wail like a man at a bier.

60. Trussing up a man like this is a message, sir.

61. A man that dastardly must be watched like a hawk.

62. A Regalia is a divine weapon possessed by gods.

63. I'm saying only a man like me can be attracted to a woman like you.

64. Not because Pac-Man looks like a hockey puck.

65. Attention to detail like that, drive a man crazy.

66. The man looks prosperous, like quite a few men.

67. Miss, your husband seems like a very clingy man.

68. Be careful! That man is driving like a maniac!

69. Beneficed: Possessed of a benefice or church preferment

70. What possessed him to say such a thing?

71. Amphius had recovered, hands gripping his gore-caked spear, and he moved to swing it upon you with all the fury of a man possessed

72. You are a younger man but you must learn to be wary of a man like me.

73. Nothing makes a woman feel more like a girl than a man who sings like a boy.

74. A man like himself, who knows the seas like the back of his hand.

75. Aurangzeb possessed natural gifts of a high order

76. 16 He felt genuine awe at this superhuman man, at once so puissant, so self-possessed, so monomaniac in his demeanour.

77. Shepperson seems possessed, brilliant, eloquent.

78. She is possessed with rage.

79. He possessed no academic qualifications.

80. She is a confident and self-possessed public speaker.