Use "letter received book" in a sentence

1. My letter received a swift reply.

2. 5 We received a letter of apology.

3. The book received a favorable review.

4. The book received great critical acclaim.

5. I have received a letter from my brother.

6. His latest book has received glowing reviews.

7. 16 He received a letter from his insurance company.

8. I received a letter from him in neat script.

9. Her heart beat violently when she received the letter.

10. The book was received with Adulation by critics

11. His new book received accolade from the papers.

12. The book was received with adulation by critics.

13. 17 Julie received a letter of apology from the hospital.

14. Cawley received an intimidating letter from her ex-husband's lawyer.

15. 2, The book was received with Adulation by critics

16. The book was received with Adulation by the public

17. We have received your letter and thank you for your inquiry.

18. We are currently unable to respond to Complaints received by letter

19. 6 The charity received an anonymous letter enclosing a large cheque.

20. Then he wrote: “I was overjoyed at having received your letter.

21. Her new book has received fulsome praise from the critics.

22. On the fourth day he received a long chatty letter from Eleanor.

23. I have just received a letter from Jane, with such dreadful news.

24. Years passed and one day the Colporteur received a letter from America

25. The book was so well received that readers clamored for more.

26. 10 Next we received the beautiful book Draw Close to Jehovah.

27. For his first book he received the princely sum of $ 400.

28. Where are all the foreign book autographed letter pi da.

29. Soon afterwards, another rationalist and author, K. S. Bhagwan, received a threatening letter.

30. I received a courteous letter from Jane's mother thanking me for my help.

31. Further, this book received the whole wholehearted cooperation of Bethune's medical colleagues.

32. I received this book from Buview in exchange for an honest review

33. One man who received the book shared it with his friends immediately.

34. Her outburst was a delayed reaction to an unpleasant letter she'd received that morning.

35. The contestants were to write a letter based on a book.

36. If a Countermanding letter is not received once the five business days have expired, …

37. He decided to abridge his stay here after he received a letter from home.

38. I received a nasty surprise in the shape of a letter from the taxman.

39. A goodwill Adjustment letter will inform the latter that the company has received their complaint

40. He received no reply; seldom can a mislaid letter have had so costly a sequel.

41. Countermanding letter is received your agency will be named the servicing producer for this policy

42. 'You've Bollixed up my book': letter reveals Hemingway's fury at being censored

43. One letter received at the Society’s office in Britain came from a school-age publisher.

44. I received this really interesting letter about a protective alarm experienced by a faithful sister.

45. • Ensure that letter of offer was received and acceptance of offer is returned in writing.

46. Later Joseph received the gold plates and translated them into the Book of Mormon.

47. Buview Review I received this book from Buview in exchange for an honest review

48. Stevens received the 1951 National Book Award for Poetry for The Auroras of Autumn.

49. A few days after the convention, the pioneers received a thank-you letter from the family.

50. My office received this ledger, along with a letter from Mrs. Lillian Bell several days ago.

51. If you've received a letter containing a PIN to verify your address, please follow these instructions:

52. If a Countermanding letter is received, we will withnotify the broker who submitted the original BOR

53. Later, Josué received a letter from Javier explaining what had moved him to accept the truth.

54. Her book Pravesh (1975) received critical acclaim and she has published several poetry collections since.

55. An elder from Connecticut, U.S.A., comments: “On June 15, we received our Family Happiness book.

56. It was probably the highest honorarium ever received by an author for writing a book.

57. By letter of 23 May 2007, the Commission forwarded the observations received from ABI to the Italian authorities, who replied by letter dated 22 June 2007.

58. In July 1942, I received a letter that asked whether I would be willing to serve abroad.

59. A few weeks later, Ulam received a letter from Hans Bethe, inviting him to join the project.

60. It was a red-letter day for Ann when her first book got published.

61. Pages from A Growing ABC Book; cover and page featuring the letter C Source:

62. It follows the enclosure line and lets the reader know of anyone else who received the letter.

63. We've received this letter from a collection agency about an outstanding debt from the Pawnee Public Library.

64. One day in 1925, Father received a German copy of the book The Harp of God.

65. His book "I was born in 1402" received a literary award from the Academy of Athens.

66. The book has received international press and has been reviewed by media outlets around the world.

67. God’s people then received the absorbing book Life Everlasting —in Freedom of the Sons of God.

68. Every time we received a letter from the United States, a wave of homesickness would sweep over us.

69. The identity Confirmation process is based on information associated with either name listed on the letter you received

70. DO YOU recall the last time you received a letter from a loved one who lives far away?

71. He swears in an affidavit that he received no payment for assisting Pepper with the book.

72. He received an anonymous letter threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didn't pay the money.

73. 21 He received an unsigned letter, delivered by an unknown messenger, asking him to write a Requiem Mass.

74. In just two months after the shipment was received, 1,044 copies of the Paradise book were placed.

75. In 1985, she received another award for Daily Bread after Eze at the Ife National Book Fair.

76. One aggrieved customer complained that he still hadn't received the book he had ordered several weeks ago.

77. We have received your letter of 17th June, and regretted the error in the statement of account for May.

78. Crash dive: A great book,Pity I only received half then Phantom please fixg I only read the first half of the book,Crashdive and then the book Phantom appeared so I could not finish the really great book Crashdive

79. 7 One aggrieved customer complained that he still hadn't received the book he had ordered several weeks ago.

80. Unless instructed otherwise, you must book an appointment for the MCQ tests following the instructions received from EPSO.