Use "it may well" in a sentence

1. Comity may well depend on how well we understand it

2. It may well blow up a storm tonight.

3. It's well and truly Buggered now; you may as well throw it out

4. It may well be that the train is delayed.

5. You may depend on him to do it well.

6. It may well be possible, but it is ATC or weather changes...

7. Antithetically, it may very well be mandatory for group progress

8. I may as well stick it out to the end.

9. Well, it looks like Jackie may be sleeping with the enemy.

10. 5 Accountancy may be boring but at least it pays well.

11. It may well be that he is not wearing his hearing aid.

12. American “exceptionalism” may sell well at home, but it does poorly abroad.

13. It may well be that ethical language has primarily a motivative function.

14. It may be a pretty unsophisticated system, but it has worked well for over fifty years.

15. It may well be that some actually do need encouragement to do more.

16. You may as well not turn it on, Cooper, until after the game.

17. It may well be that had they known of it they would have been even more exigent.

18. Given current attention spans, it may as well have come out during the Pleistocene.

19. It was May or June by modern reckoning; the dry season was well along.

20. Diamond may be strong in itself, but it does not bond well with other materials.

21. So, even if you're stupid, which you very may well be, you can understand it.

22. It may well have been rooted in a repressed homosexuality according to the psychoanalytic model.

23. " Oh well, may as well tidy up and get breakfast. "

24. We may as well declare war.

25. His elation may well be imagined.

26. Space may well exaggerate such differences.

27. Indeed, one may well be attributability-responsible for F without be-ing Answerability-responsible for it

28. And you may well be quite capable when it comes to handling finances, planning, or organizing.

29. 22 Well, it may just out to be an infatuation fizzle out sooner than you realize.

30. If a company has an in-house mainframe, there may well be attractions in using it.

31. It may well be that we have to make some of these choices when it is not convenient for us.

32. It may well be the reason why this motility pattern has previously attracted so little attention.

33. 19 It is a legacy of his past monogamy: Choose well, for it may be the only chance you will get.

34. These fishes eat well in captivity, but it may take a little coaxing to get them started.

35. Your job may well involve some travelling .

36. This may well be an apocryphal story.

37. Although the boy racers may jeer, it is still a very pleasant car to drive, as well.

38. This may well be an Apocryphal story

39. They may work well for you too.

40. Working hours may be well above average.

41. The paparazzo may not be well-liked.

42. I mean, you may as well have.

43. I may as well have not bothered.

44. Ah, well! we may conjecture many things.

45. This novel may well become a classic.

46. Well, I may as well compel you a nice place to disappear to.

47. If all goes well, medical technology may become much more accessible to the people who need it most.

48. Kedar's palette is oblique and kaleidoscopic, and like all Abstractionistic things it may not always work out well

49. At the end of that time the conscientious manager may well find it difficult to credit the evidence.

50. 4 However, when other parameters are varied it may transpire that the optimum window size varies as well.

51. From explicit Continuations, they may as well make it harder to recover specific information from the source program

52. It is unlike that of any politician, environmentalist or businessman, however committed and well intentioned they may be.

53. It may well be that the better education of orphan girls was a particular feature of the experiment.

54. You did it well, Holly, bloody well.

55. You may as well tell me the truth.

56. Collectively these entities may well deserve public suspicion.

57. So Lydia may have been well-off economically.

58. Such extremist groups may well attract rebellious teenagers.

59. Two factors may well militate against these benefits.

60. The truth may well remain hidden for ever.

61. Well it divides, it competes, it survives.

62. It may well be that these abnormal conditions played a major part in a more rapid formation of coal.

63. By May 8 it had decreased to magnitude 7, well below the sensitivity limit of the unaided human eye.

64. 7 Be that as it may,( blood-sharing in vampire bats seems to fit the Axelrod model well.

65. Modernism may well have been purged from public view, but to the determined specialist it was still covertly available.

66. 22 Imaginary time may sound like something out of science fiction, but it is a well-defined mathematical concept.

67. It appears that chronic caffeine use may cause up-regulation or down-regulation of other neurotransmitter systems as well.

68. Acceptability No matter how well designed a performance appraisal may be, it will fail if there is no Acceptability

69. They may despise the lower strata whose members may well find such behaviour offensive.

70. Might read it, “Oh, the Blessednesses!” and we may well regard it (as Ainsworth does) as a joyful acclamation of the gracious man’s felicity

71. Second of all, it's really beautifully balanced: it holds well, it feels well.

72. 13 Such extremist groups may well attract rebellious teenagers.

73. Many raised on a different diet may well disagree.

74. A language helper may well change key between utterances.

75. 6 We may as well doss down here tonight.

76. Individuals within each may well diverge from the norm.

77. In a completed well, there may be many Annuli

78. Future generations may well have occasion to ask themselves,

79. You may well participate with us in our gains.

80. 27 We may as well pass over the details.