Use "inherited disorder" in a sentence

1. Excessive Clotting Explanation: Factor V Leiden is an inherited Clotting disorder

2. In some cases, Clubbing may be inherited and not indicate any disorder

3. Wilson’s Disease is a rare inherited disorder in which copper accumulates in tissues.

4. Congenital methylmalonic aciduria (MMA) is a metabolic disorder inherited by an autosomal recessive trait.

5. Hypercoaguable… An abnormally increased tendency to form blood Clots, due to an inherited or acquired disorder

6. Friedreich's Ataxia is an inherited (genetic) disorder that causes certain nerve cells to deteriorate over time

7. Wilson disease is an inherited disorder of copper transport, resulting in accumulation of copper in liver and brain.

8. Cystinosis is a recessively inherited disorder of amino acid metabolism resulting in the abnormal intracellular accumulation of cystine.

9. 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA Carboxylase Deficiency Disorder (3-MCC Deficiency Disorder) is an inherited condition in which the body is unable to breakdown the amino acid, leucine (a building block of protein) 3-MCC Deficiency Disorder is caused by changes (mutations) in MCCC1 or MCCC2 gene and is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner

10. Leber congenital Amaurosis (LCA) is a rare type of inherited eye disorder that causes severe vision loss at birth

11. HoloCarboxylase synthetase deficiency is an inherited disorder in which the body is unable to use the vitamin biotin effectively

12. The disorder is caused by an inherited defect of collagen, long intertwined proteins that form the supporting matrix for bone.

13. Agammaglobulinemia is an inherited disorder in which a person has very low levels of protective immune system proteins called immunoglobulins

14. Pyruvate Carboxylase deficiency is an inherited disorder that causes lactic acid and other potentially toxic compounds to accumulate in the blood

15. Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (Alps) is an inherited disorder in which the body cannot properly regulate the number of immune system cells (lymphocytes)

16. 24 Perinatal complications among babies born with an inherited predisposition towards schizophrenia may be implicated in the later manifestation of this disorder.

17. Hemophilia A is the most common inherited bleeding disorder. Microsatellite is playing important role in the diagnosis of it in the recent years.

18. Cystic fibrosis, inherited metabolic disorder, the chief symptom of which is a thick, sticky mucus that clogs the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract

19. Factor V Leiden is the most commonly inherited blood disorder, caused by a deficiency of Protein C (a blood factor which contributes to Clotting)

20. Cutis laxa (CL), or elastolysis, is a rare, inherited or acquired connective tissue disorder in which the skin becomes inelastic and hangs loosely in folds

21. Cytochrome C Oxidase (COX) deficiency is a very rare inherited metabolic disorder characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme Cytochrome C oxidase or Complex IV

22. Is OI inherited ?

23. Cutis laxa (Latin for loose or lax skin) is a rare, inherited or acquired connective tissue disorder characterised by loosely hanging skin that lacks any elasticity

24. 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA Carboxylase deficiency (also known as 3-MCC deficiency) is an inherited disorder in which the body is unable to process certain proteins properly

25. 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA Carboxylase deficiency (also known as 3-MCC deficiency) is an inherited disorder in which the body is unable to process certain proteins properly.

26. 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA Carboxylase deficiency (also known as 3-MCC deficiency) is an inherited disorder in which the body is unable to process certain proteins properly

27. 6.8 Inherited diseases

28. They include Antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder

29. Cystinuria is an inherited metabolic disorder characterized by excessive amounts of undissolved Cystine in the urine, as well as three chemically similar amino acids: arginine, lysine, and ornithine

30. Primary Ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an inherited disorder of clinical and genetic heterogeneity resulting from mutations in genes involved in the transport, assembly and function of motile cilia

31. Bruton Agammaglobulinemia or X-linked Agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is an inherited immunodeficiency disorder characterized by the absence of mature B cells, resulting in severe antibody deficiency and recurrent infections

32. Medium-chain Acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) is an inherited metabolic disorder that prevents the body from converting certain fats to energy, particularly during periods without food (fasting)

33. Bipolar disorder, also known as Bipolar affective disorder, is a mood disorder

34. Female: amenorrhea, menorrhagia, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, breast pain, ovarian disorder, vaginal disorder

35. We inherited our situation.

36. What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder is a type of mood disorder

37. You've inherited Jonathan's business acumen.

38. Agammaglobulinemia, a genetic autoimmune disorder, is an inherited immune system disorder in which the body’s immune system is not able to make enough antibodies to fight off infections either bacteria or viral.Agammaglobulinemia is also known by the name of Bruton’s Agammaglobulinemia or X-linked Agammaglobulinemia

39. Many Blood disorders are inherited

40. It's ancient, he inherited it.

41. She inherited the family jewellery.

42. Beatitude inherited its blessedness from …

43. - for inherited liabilities, the amounts granted "did not exceed the actual amount of the inherited liabilities";

44. They include: generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobias, panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia), obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

45. She inherited a large fortune.

46. Delusions are typical symptom of various mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder,(sentencedict .com) and schizophreniform disorder.

47. ADD abbr. attention deficit disorder Attention deficit disorder.

48. Bartter syndrome is an inherited renal tubular disorder caused by a defective salt reabsorption in the thick ascending limb of loop of Henle, resulting in salt wasting, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis.

49. Unlike Acquired cystic kidney disease, PKD is a genetic, or inherited, disorder that can cause complications such as high blood pressure and problems with blood vessels in the brain and heart.

50. Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder

51. He has inherited his mother's patience.

52. Bartter syndrome is a rare inherited disorder that impedes the kidneys' ability to reabsorb salt, potassium, calcium, and other electrolytes, leading to the excessive loss of all of these compounds in urine.

53. I inherited my mother's curly hair.

54. My mother has inherited some land.

55. Stammering is probably an inherited defect.

56. They are shackled by inherited convention.

57. Amenorrhea, breast pain, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, menstrual disorder, vaginal disorder

58. Sickness is linked to inherited sin

59. I inherited it from my grandfather.

60. Movement disorder?

61. He inherited a fortune from his grandmother.

62. 20 He's inherited his father's explosive temper.

63. Female: amenorrhea, menorrhagia, menstrual disorder, vaginal disorder Male: testicular pain

64. Bed wetting can be an inherited problem

65. You're lucky you inherited your father's legs.

66. I inherited this ring from my grandmother.

67. She inherited some money from her mother.

68. 3 words related to Athetosis: nervous disorder, neurological disease, neurological disorder

69. Trait they inherited from you, dear mother.

70. She inherited a fortune from her father.

71. She has inherited her mother's stubborn streak.

72. She inherited our father's thick, wavy hair.

73. Their offspring inherited this loss of freedom.

74. She has inherited her mother's fine features .

75. She inherited a fortune from her grandmother.

76. He inherited a big fortune from his.

77. Birthrights: something that is or may be inherited.

78. 18 I inherited this ring from my grandmother.

79. Rosie inherited her red hair from her mother.

80. She inherited a share of the family fortune.