Use "in evidence" in a sentence

1. In Canadian evidence law, according to the general evidence rule, hearsay evidence is generally inadmissible.

2. A party may always submit evidence in rebuttal or amplify previous evidence

3. Circumstantial evidence, in law, evidence not drawn from direct observation of a fact in issue

4. Bloodstain Evidence Bloodstains are an important piece of evidence in a forensic examination

5. 24 It means blind trust, in the absence of evidence, even in the teeth of evidence.

6. Conclusive Evidence is evidence that cannot be contradicted by any other evidence

7. Admissible evidence is any document, testimony, or tangible evidence used in a court of law

8. Evidence, mark, let's just get some evidence.

9. Anecdotal evidence suggests that sales in …

10. Economic growth is also in evidence.

11. Admissibility the concept in the law of evidence that determines whether or not evidence can be received by the court. The evidence must first be relevant, but even relevant evidence will …

12. Corroborating evidence means supplementary evidence that tends to strengthen or confirm the already existing evidence.

13. The value of Direct Evidence is more than Circumstantial Evidence is more than Circumstantial Evidence

14. Associative evidence can be used to provide links between evidence and individuals involved in a crime

15. Circumstantial Evidence is also known as indirect evidence

16. On the other hand, Corroborative evidence is the evidence used to make substantive evidence more concrete

17. Corroborative evidence merely restates facts already introduced into evidence

18. The difficulty lies in providing sufficient evidence.

19. Credible evidence is evidence that's likely to be believed

20. There's plenty of evidence in the basement.

21. In science and history, Consilience (also convergence of evidence or concordance of evidence) is the principle that evidence from independent, unrelated sources can “converge” on strong conclusions.

22. This paper discusses types of non - repudiation evidence , elements non - repudiation evidence and validity non - repudiation evidence.

23. Anyone 2021 © 6006 WORLDWIDE Store Evidence Contact Evidence Contact

24. What evidence?

25. Bilingualisms and multilingualisms in medieval wales – evidence and inference Evidence for bilingualism and multilingualism in medieval Wales is very patchy and scattered

26. In the age of evidence-based medicine, therapeutic decisions should invariably be based on the best available evidence.

27. Since the evidence against him is overwhelming, Jordan agrees to gather evidence on his colleagues in exchange for leniency.

28. 2 Lack of evidence resulted in their acquittal.

29. If you're looking for Eddie, he's in Evidence.

30. The evidence clearly implicated him in the crime.

31. Hearsay is not allowed as evidence in court.

32. Music has been in evidence in Ireland since prehistoric times.

33. There was no evidence at all in the suite.

34. There may be trace evidence preserved in the craquelure.

35. In a barely audible monotone, she gave her evidence.

36. In many cases, investigators found no evidence of wrongdoing.

37. In Tel Aviv they showed you evidence for this?

38. Corroborative evidence, in providing independent evidence supporting the truth of the conclusion, helps to show that no counter-examples apply in this instance

39. leaving no evidence.

40. The Archaeological Evidence

41. Where's the evidence?"

42. The prosecution in this case has no solid evidence .

43. In some fungi, there is evidence of incipient speciation.

44. In short, because of evidence within the Bible itself.

45. None of the evidence adduced in court was conclusive.

46. Authenticating or Identifying Evidence Primary tabs (a) In General

47. Their unity is especially in evidence at international conventions.

48. 30 The evidence clearly implicated him in the crime.

49. Anecdotal evidence suggests that sales in Europe have slipped.

50. They liken the standard for scientific evidence to that for other evidence.

51. Your son broke in to the police evidence vault

52. There is scant evidence of reconciliation in that room.

53. For cross-country evidence and Bogotic and Fedderke (2006) for South African evidence

54. Look, m-my brother-in-law, evidence-wise, has nothing.

55. Experts are still analyzing the DNA evidence in the case.

56. Anthropologists have found evidence of romantic love in 170 societies.

57. Macrofossil evidence for both crops is present in the cave.

58. There is evidence of a downturn in the housing market.

59. Not Conclusive: inConclusive evidence

60. Meaning of Circumstantial Evidence

61. Authenticating Social Media Evidence

62. There's evidence of rape?

63. False Evidence Appearing Real.

64. But on what evidence?

65. “OBJECTION: Your Honor, the question Assumes facts not in evidence

66. He was in court to Adduce evidence against the Mr

67. No evidence exists to implicate Lord Ashcroft in committing crimes.

68. Indeed, depressive traits are more in evidence than paranoid tendencies.

69. Definition of Anecdotal evidence : evidence in the form of stories that people tell about what has happened to them His conclusions are not supported by data; they are based only on Anecdotal evidence

70. Evidence and research Clearinghouses

71. Circumstantial Evidence Primary tabs

72. The evidence is contestable.

73. Evidence of Authentic Reporting

74. What about forensic evidence?

75. Reason on the evidence.

76. So what’s our evidence that Constituents exist in our minds?

77. There is always an element of doubt in Circumstantial evidence.

78. Evidence of transparency and accountability in Southern Cone partner organizations.

79. The evidence he gave in court was a complete fabrication.

80. In fact, the earliest evidence of agriculture in Nicaragua was found here.