Use "in any case" in a sentence

1. I'm lost in any case.

2. I'm a model in any case.

3. It's too late, in any case.

4. In any case, I'm still alone.

5. In any case, why not a businesswoman?

6. In any case, it's a private affair

7. What does Anywise mean? In any case

8. In any case, we could halve the benefit.

9. In any case, he hesitated for a moment.

10. They were, in any case, fairly trivial flaws.

11. He wants a larger allocation in any case.

12. 24 In any case, Fred worked, worried, plugged away.

13. In any case, the Athenians soon repealed the sentence.

14. In any case, the report on this is ready.

15. In any case, the growth spurt did not last.

16. In any case, the rebel forces advanced on Constantinople.

17. In any case, he is a friend of mine.

18. 7 In any case, Fred worked, worried,( plugged away.

19. In any case, the PLO " does not represent a majority ".

20. His wounds must, in any case, have already healed completely.

21. In any case, how will you feel as a result?

22. In any case, neither bird gives up its secrets easily.

23. In any case, we need to consider the collateral damage.

24. In any case 'the most Annoyingest" would be redundant (and

25. The astral telepath would die in any case when exterminatus arrived.

26. In any case, they offer hardness at the expense of toughness.

27. There's no point complaining now-we're leaving tomorrow in any case.

28. 12 synonyms for Anyway: anyhow, regardless, in any case, for all that, at any rate, in any event, anyhow, Anyways, at any rate, in any case, in any event

29. In any case, these Breakups were all particularly brutal in various ways

30. In any case, the alms it distributed to pilgrims were very meagre.

31. The visit to Tempe was in any case not a military reconnaissance.

32. It is, in any case, a necessity in an increasingly interdependent world.

33. 15 In any case, assimilation never meant any real acceptance or belonging.

34. All this is in any case is a part of domestic agenda.

35. That's ok! In any case, I hope you'll have a productive summer!

36. In any case, the Kaiser was a most charming man, much misunderstood.

37. It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home in any case.

38. He thought her campaign would probably fade out soon in any case.

39. In any case, the mere word was anathema to her, she thought fiercely.

40. Class politics do not, in any case, enjoy a monopoly of political radicalism.

41. In any case if the goat refused to comply another would be substituted.

42. In any case, there is no feasible alternative to the course for unification.

43. I don't want to go and in any case, I haven't been invited.

44. In any case they did not inherit the doctrinaire restrictions of their elders.

45. Keep it, in any case, familiar, facetious even, rather then pedantic and portentous.

46. In any case, the anxiety about raising tuition fees in Britain is misplaced.

47. In any case, she is clearly a figure that suggests fertility and abundance.

48. 13 It was always easier to wind down at home, in any case.

49. In any case Porsche had personally taken over Hitler's bias for super - heaviness.

50. In any case, it has long been accepted that zero risk does not exist.

51. Mrs. Wang said with great magnanimity, " I'm the one to blame in any case.

52. In any case, God still had further service in mind for him in Babylon.

53. In any case, we may add, this economic growth is higher than in Europe.

54. Ten thousand people will watch it and these in any case are free concerts.

55. And in any case, no hearing aid can give you back completely normal hearing.

56. In any case and when it is possible, emergent abdominal decompression should be performed.

57. 30 In any case the zooxanthellae generate much of the coral's nutritional needs by photosynthesis.

58. In any case, the effect occurred too rapidly to be accounted for by mutation accumulation.

59. The accommodation allowance shall not in any case exceed the costs incurred by the official.

60. In any case, reliance on global trade is not an adequate solution to the problem.

61. 5 synonyms for Anyways: anyhow, anyway, at any rate, in any case, in any event

62. In any case of abnormalities clinically suspected of fungal infection, further mycological investigations were performed.

63. In any case, for the dependency theorists, development did not necessarily mean Western-style industrialisation.

64. In any case, red Blotchy skin can be embarrassing and lead to low self-esteem.

65. That will in any case lead to a reduced resolution by the factor of Binning.

66. Persons under 18 years of age are no longer accepted as volunteers in any case.

67. In any case, the EMS system shall be able to accommodate a compatible location function.

68. In any case, he added ominously, Moscow expected exit requests to decline in the future.

69. I don't see why I couldn't do it. In any case, I'm going to try.

70. In any case, article 53, which deals with the delegation of powers, is absolutely unambiguous.

71. In any case, the shining lights of the religious world will be exposed and eliminated.

72. In any case, Timothy’s mixed parentage must have been an asset in the preaching work.

73. In any case, Ned's a bit peeved so you'd better go in and see him.

74. In any case, it is essential for us to continue to have alternative sources of supply.

75. In any case, the objective is to reduce clutter —to make better use of your time.

76. In any case some of those officials are themselves busy moonlighting as doctors and writing prescriptions.

77. In any case, considering Bamboos is located in the Haile Plantation area, I expected better quality

78. (5) In any case, the Algerian producer failed to respond to the Commission's request for cooperation.

79. These collectors, plus Barbara Johnston, were in any case in the market for the stellar pieces.

80. In any case, though much of Croatia was plundered and destroyed, long-term occupation was unsuccessful.