Use "in another life" in a sentence

1. In another life.

2. In another life, we are not enemies.

3. He must've lived a chef in another life.

4. I can't accept another woman in my life.

5. In another life, you could've been an electrical engineer.

6. In another life, your team must have been a montage.

7. She sees problems in her love life as another funny story.

8. 4 His life was carefully compartmentalized,( with his work in one city and his social life in another.

9. Any organism in which another spends part or all of its life

10. Another of Saturn's moons might also harbor life -

11. The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant.

12. Yet we know winter is just another step in the cycle of life.

13. The process of Adjustment to life in another country can be very difficult

14. What is it like, having the life of another resting in your hands?

15. 19 Another hug antic , gnostic waste of my life.

16. Doesn't it feel like déjà vu from another life?

17. 2 Another hug antic , gnostic waste of my life.

18. It's just another struggle for air, for living life.

19. Bunking Boiz – We bunk a life to live another We bunk a life to live another Journey during pandemic from Navi Mumbai to Nanded

20. 12 The process of adjustment to life in another country can be very difficult.

21. The adjustment of life insurance claims in this state by another insurer is impermissible.

22. 2 The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant.

23. Another sign that your body Craves sex can show up in your social life

24. Bescutcheon Another over educated under life experienced by many people

25. Let me teach you from another experience of my life:

26. This was another of the great errata of my life.

27. Highway traffic also endangers life in another way, by producing fantastic volumes of air pollutants.

28. The year 1960 marked another turning point in Shostakovich's life: he joined the Communist Party.

29. The older drugs also curbed replication, but at another point in the virus' life cycle.

30. Cloistered (or Claustral) life is also another name for the monastic life of a monk or nun

31. Ozone is another trace gas upon which life on earth depends.

32. " we must die to one life before we can enter another. "

33. like another life, and the road the road still stretching on."

34. Another example of Abraham’s life of faith is seen in the birth of his son, Isaac

35. Just another life saved from forgetfulness graved well better than with a sword in Abraham's memory.

36. Yes, but- - the repair worked, so why put her in danger of another life-threatening aneurysm?

37. See: (but) that's Another story (I'll) see you in Another life (it's) one damn thing after Another (something) is one thing, (something else) is (quite) Another a different kettle of fish a horse of Another a horse of Another color a horse of Another colour add Another string to (one's) bow Another bite at the cherry Another bite of the cherry Another

38. There can be any number of supremes—one does not countervail another any more than one eyesight Countervails another, or one life Countervails another

39. She managed to cling on to life for another couple of years.

40. Upon recovery, some claim to have had extraordinary experiences of ‘another life.’

41. Achaians are an alien race that the characters talked about in the first season of Another Life

42. And another character flaw is our desire to apply absolute truths to unstable foundations in our life.

43. Another thing: two sexes would be required for advanced life to continue.

44. And how did it benefit the anencephalic infant to have another couple of months of life in utero, and then five hours of life outside?

45. 24 Just another life saved from forgetfulness graved well better than with a sword in Abraham's memory.

46. A person who squandered his time in one cycle of life could gain it all back in another cycle.

47. THE vast majority of believers in the world’s religions cherish the prospect of eternal life in one form or another.

48. Bravery is taking a risk to give something of yourself in order to make life easier for another

49. Another important clue for a laptop battery not Charging is the battery life

50. A Biography is simply an account of someone’s life written by another person

51. He had been warned that another bad fall could cripple him for life.

52. Biotic means “pertaining to life.” A factor is something that influences another thing

53. In English common law, Arson referred to the burning of another person’s dwellings under circumstances that endangered human life.

54. If you have conquered difficult trials in your life, then it is another sign of an Angel in a human body

55. All things considered, it seemed like the wrong time in my life to risk making yet another major change.

56. Like Drawn to Life, another one of 5th Cell's games, players can dilly-dally in the game's startup menu.

57. Cesium- with a half-life of 30 years, is another dangerous substance emitted in a full-scale nuclear meltdown.

58. They are deeply Acquittanced with one another and their roles have been clearly aligned at this point in their life

59. Life and life and life! Agrope in

60. Paleontologists have found many transitional fossils representing intermediate forms in the evolution of one major form of life into another.

61. Command associated exclusively with one life cycle state shall never be accessed during another state

62. The life wrapper itself adds another layer of costs to the underlying fund management charges.

63. * Another initiative of the Government is the Pension and Life Insurance Scheme for Indian workers.

64. Command associated exclusively with one life cycle state shall never be accessed during another state.

65. Biography definition, a written account of another person's life: the Biography of Byron by Marchand

66. Coming from another milieu , she found life as an actor's wife very strange at first.

67. (Ac 17:18, 19) Another school of philosophy was that of the Skeptics who held that, in effect, nothing really mattered in life.

68. 30 Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 seems to put another slant on this from the perspective of Roman life in the first century.

69. These are ways of saying something - metaphors, witticisms, allocutions, etc. - which are appropriate in one or another sphere of associative life.

70. Another debatable question arises when one contemplates the whole biosphere, the conjoined life of the earth.

71. This action usually leads to self-fulfillment knowing that you have improved the life of another.

72. She gave me such a tongue-lashing that I've never touched another cigarette all my life.

73. Well, I don't know about Abed, but I'm sure Jeff just found another life to destroy.

74. If I were to continue this Anthologically, probably it would be another investigation of another aspect of Soviet life because that part is something that is …

75. If I were to continue this Anthologically, probably it would be another investigation of another aspect of Soviet life because that part is something that is …

76. Another wasted corpse in yet another unmarked grave.

77. Another initiative of the Government of India is the Pension and Life Insurance Scheme for Indian workers.

78. Another example from the comic strip is that of lead accumulators in cars, which are not prohibited in the directive on end-of-life vehicles.

79. No amount of accidental genetic change can cause one kind of life to turn into another kind.

80. Live life on another level at Aspire San Marcos, the newest off-campus student apartments in town, located just steps from Texas State