Use "hitherto" in a sentence

1. A hitherto unthinkable question was asked.

2. French astronomers have found a hitherto unknown galaxy.

3. Hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarm.

4. Standard & Poor's had hitherto maintained the UK's AAA status.

5. Mira revealed hitherto unsuspected talents on the cricket pitch.

6. Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply.

7. Hitherto, however, these agencies have earned themselves a dishonourable reputation.

8. Hitherto he had experienced no great success in his attempt.

9. Such advances offer a potential cure for hitherto incurable diseases.

10. Usage the most Contumelious she had hitherto borne with silent indignation

11. This paradox, hitherto unknown to mankind, helps identify our extraordinary times.

12. The environment has hitherto been a fief of the interior ministry.

13. Isabel trembled, half afraid, half shocked, at such shameless, hitherto unknown longings.

14. Budragchaagiyn Dash-Yondon, hitherto party chair, was elected as secretary-general.

15. Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored. 

16. It is the first hitherto published case of conjunctivitis caused by Actinobacillus lignieresi.

17. Cogitations (1 Occurrence) Daniel 7:28 Hitherto is the end of the matter

18. The township of Rio Rancho has hitherto not had its own emergency facilities.

19. The hitherto 29 observations of Homocystinuria are published in the anglo-american literature.

20. With the new equipment we will be able to accomplish hitherto impossible tasks.

21. There are proposals to phrase out the hitherto separate Department of Economic Geography.

22. Their refusal to acknowledge the hitherto unfair rating of widows, widowers and single people.

23. This may be shown by the same matrix method we have hitherto employed .

24. I was no longer satisfied with the life that had hitherto contented me.

25. What could be more postmodern than probing the hitherto sacrosanct inner workings of science?

26. However, another fascinating question, hitherto absent from the current palaver, may prove more tractable.

27. The different statements made at European level hitherto have remained ambiguous on that point.

28. She remained the same officious and imaginative Mrs. Penniman, that we have hitherto known.

29. Thus, it has hitherto been appropriate for the professional partnership where limited liability is forbidden.

30. Often nuclear forms are imitated, hitherto interpretated as expression of amitosis or similar events.

31. - S . Kameswaran Hitherto we have been discussing varied types of pollution caused by materials .

32. Hitherto it had followed the access paths of the Westweg via the Schwanner Warte.

33. I believe that the linkages to the meteorological stations have operated more effectively than hitherto.

34. She discovered a world of parties and pleasure she had hitherto only known by hearsay.

35. Hitherto defacto president in his capacity as Supreme Soviet Chair, he defeated one other candidate.

36. whereas hitherto official forecasts of increases in traffic density have been exceeded by actual developments

37. She possessed affections, too, though hitherto acrid and disagreeable , as the richest flavors of unripe fruit.

38. The polytechnics have hitherto been at an unfair disadvantage in competing for pupils and money.

39. See how the peasants who hitherto detested the schools are today zealously setting up evening classes!

40. His death prompted a coup by army officers led by a hitherto unknown captain, Moussa Camara.

41. Annexation, a formal act whereby a state proclaims its sovereignty over territory hitherto outside its domain

42. The second-century Attalid state was characterised by administrative decentralisation on a scale hitherto unknown in the

43. It finally sought to break up the unitary system under which British India had hitherto been administered .

44. Adjustment to their customers' needs compelled them to establish an international presence that had hitherto been unnecessary.

45. Desiderius responded to the Pope by raising an army and seizing Sinigaglia and Urbino, hitherto papal cities.

46. In counter-attack, the General Staff discovered and revealed the information hitherto ignored in the "secret file".

47. But the wealthy businessmen who hitherto have been his best customers are counting their change these days.

48. Only when people hitherto marginalized identify themselves as agents of change can their grievances become less volatile.

49. Not long afterwards, I shut down my account and transferred the business to another hitherto dormant account.

50. THE EVOLUTION OF MODERN CAPITALISM JOHN ATKINSON HOBSON Hitherto the term Church had been “ideally Conterminous” with the

51. The reopening of Boundary Bay Airport in 1983 provided an alternative for many light aircraft hitherto using YVR.

52. The cone cells show a number of structural peculiarities which had hitherto not been found in mammals.

53. In forcing AlphaGo to withstand a very severe, one-sided attack, Lee revealed its hitherto undetected power ...

54. analysis of the results of the hitherto conducted inspection-supervision activities; accidents at work which have taken place.

55. 25 Not long afterwards, I shut down my account and transferred the business to another hitherto dormant account.

56. It's that good.This lovingly curated reissue enables a long overdue reappraisal of the hitherto buried genius of Batteaux.

57. Such a conception allows for a greater fluidity between the two modes than has hitherto been found acceptable.

58. Accoucheurs characterised themselves as the carriers of rational, scientific expertise to an area hitherto dominated by allegedly backward and …

59. • Ceremonial and precedence notably lost most of the power to Agitate rulers and governments which they had hitherto possessed

60. Fen was much taller and broader and his swarthy colouring was not something that had appealed to her hitherto.

61. The creation of these two kingdoms seems quite anomalous at the earlier conquest phase, as has hitherto been assumed.

62. We cease trying vainly to understand the secrets of the Universe as we have hitherto tried to do.

63. In those moments, everything changes, with the classic tonal level hitherto explored then giving way to Atonalisms and noise

64. It brings us into touch with levels of ourself untouched hitherto, and so it has a profound esoteric significance.

65. Moreover by the 1750s the provincial parlements, hitherto relatively inactive, were increasingly following the lead of that of Paris.

66. 20 Commentators are a maligned lot and deserve some credit for disseminating enthusiasm for sport on a hitherto unimagined scale.

67. As capital has become more powerful, it has also sought to dissolve other local monopolies that have hitherto been immune.

68. My life had hitherto been remarkably secluded and domestic, and this had given me invincible repugnance to new Countenances

69. Context examples: was hearing evidence in an assumed capacity / Congress's Arrogated powers over domains hitherto belonging to the states

70. In order to ingratiate himself with the populace, he rebuilt the Temple of Jerusalem on a hitherto unprecedented scale.

71. Ceremonial and precedence notably lost most of the power to agitate rulers and governments which they had hitherto possessed.

72. THE EVOLUTION OF MODERN CAPITALISM JOHN ATKINSON HOBSON Hitherto the term Church had been “ideally Conterminous” with the Jewish Church

73. On a far more extensive scale than we have done hitherto, we must help refugees in their own and neighbouring countries.

74. Further legislation followed, which could more reasonably be said to have united the hitherto disparate regimes of legacy and trust.

75. Certainly the change in legislation is unlikely to provoke a sudden rush of hitherto tied farm workers from the industry.

76. Strict liability is the reason why nobody has hitherto contemplated large-scale digitisation: the potential financial hazards are too unpredictable.

77. The status of the employee, hitherto determined by grade pay, will now be determined by the level in the Pay Matrix.

78. No details are given of this hitherto unknown organisation, but the platform put forward by the paper looks like pure Thatcherism.

79. 30 Moreover by the 1750s the provincial parlements, hitherto relatively inactive,[] were increasingly following the lead of that of Paris.

80. The coming of war in 1914 quickly gave new impetus to the hitherto rather limited and amateurish propaganda efforts of governments.