Use "heavy drinking" in a sentence

1. Most air rage incidents involve heavy drinking.

2. 11 Most air rage incidents involve heavy drinking.

3. Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain.

4. He tried to conceal his heavy drinking from his family.

5. 1 Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain.

6. Years of heavy drinking had given Alison a florid Complexion

7. Many people have succumbed to torpor after a week's heavy drinking.

8. Heavy drinking caused his body to produce an excess of acetone.

9. A decade of heavy drinking and popping pills ruined her health.

10. Two soccer fans plunged to their deaths after a heavy drinking session.

11. Most of us were too busy to indulge in heavy lunchtime drinking.

12. 19 After twenty years of heavy beer-drinking he has a massive potbelly.

13. Milton, because of heavy drinking and smoking, lost a business with 23 employees.

14. He had chosen an immoral life, heavy drinking, interest in “pop” festivals and fighting.

15. Many people seem simply to grow out of heavy drug use, rather as many young drinkers mature out of heavy drinking.

16. Though alcohol is permitted, excessive drinking, heavy partying, and loud Carousings are not permitted

17. December 19 I am at the moment just recovering from a heavy bout of drinking.

18. Of the demographics studied, only age and marital status predicted heavy monthly drinking among women.

19. Another billion goes for things associated with heavy drinking —absenteeism from work and alcohol-related accidents.

20. Heavy drinking impairs the drinker’s judgment, so that he ‘will not be able to think clearly.’

21. But more unusual was her crackdown on heavy drinking among employees-also a largely male activity and a national plague.

22. She had been abandoned by her heavy-drinking husband, who years before took off for Santiago to live with another woman.

23. On the aggregate level, there was colinearity between volume of drinking and frequency of heavy drinking occasions. When entered in the same model, however, only the effect of volume effect stayed in the same direction.

24. Floods and heavy rains can wash large amounts of debris and pollutants into Cisterns and rain catchments systems, causing drinking water contamination.

25. Al-Anon recognizes alcoholism as a family disease, and is committed to helping family members and friends cope with a loved one’s heavy drinking

26. Daughter's drinking.

27. Drinking troughs

28. Some people develop the symptoms of Alcoholism after only months of heavy drinking, whereas other alcoholics may drink heavily for years before developing the disease.

29. “Alcoholism is a disease in the sense that over time there are neurological or functional changes that happen as a result of heavy continuous drinking,” Dr

30. Please start drinking.

31. Heavy action, really heavy.

32. Drinking and gambling.

33. The Bible has transformed me from an ambitious, violent, drug-abusing, heavy-drinking soccer fanatic into a servant of God who enjoys teaching others about the Bible.

34. Jamal, after a long morning of heavy drinking, decides to inform the class of how, in order to properly please a woman, one must suck the Clit

35. Will Raj stop drinking?

36. You're still drinking coffee.

37. Shake up before drinking.

38. I was drinking milk.

39. You still drinking coffee?

40. excessive drinking and promiscuity.

41. That's heavy, Robin, real heavy.

42. Drinking Water Disinfection Techniques.

43. Beauing, belleing, dancing, drinking

44. Why'd you quit drinking?

45. The drinking, the drugs.

46. Drinking gambling screaming fight...

47. I went on a drinking spree and also bought drinks for my drinking companions.

48. Ceremonial Grade Drinking Cacao, Drinking Chocolate to support you during intentional meditation, reflection, and introspection

49. "Consequences of Drinking Expired Milk".

50. Drinking in the morning sun

51. Quiet, mild and polite, a docile husband and apparently entirely unremarkable person, he had a wife who is always described as a Blowsy, heavy-drinking nightmare, vain, bullying and promiscuous

52. He is moderate in drinking.

53. Drinking ‘bia hoi’ with locals

54. 14 Drinking was his ruin.

55. After drinking, they were overexcited.

56. 3 They slathered time drinking.

57. He's drinking himself to death.

58. His drinking had become habitual.

59. a Bronze Age drinking vessel.

60. He is drinking lemon squash.

61. Like drinking a candy bar!

62. Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.

63. Hollywood has always glamorized drinking.

64. Drinking to the point of drunkenness, with its above-mentioned consequences, is definitely too much drinking.

65. Eating or drinking too fast, smoking frequently, and drinking carbonated drinks are some common causes of Burps

66. WATCH: Clean Drinking Water for All.

67. Cured me of drinking and wickedness.

68. Brannigan definition is - a drinking spree

69. Beverage: a liquid suitable for drinking.

70. Abstemious: Eating and drinking in moderation

71. You like drinking while eating, right?

72. Drinking and digging your own grave.

73. You shouldn't mesmerize anyone who's drinking.

74. Excessive drinking will do you harm.

75. She doesn't enjoy drinking chocolate soda.

76. He's given to drinking rather heavily.

77. Mending his clocks and drinking beer.

78. Chemical hazards in drinking-water: Aldicarb

79. Anacreontics, Drinking Poem by Abraham Cowley

80. And this is pure drinking water.