Use "hallo to you too" in a sentence

1. Hallo!" and "Dum og deilig".

2. Hallo, k ? nnen ( Sie ) Geld ( in Kleingeld ) wechseln?

3. Owe you too much, just enough to love. Give you too much, you just enough to cherish.

4. You want to die, too?

5. Merry Christmas to you, too.

6. Nice to meet you.--Nice to meet you, too.

7. Happy New Year to you, too.

8. Are you allergic to gluten too?

9. Good afternoon to you too, Andy.

10. 1 Merry Christmas to you, too.

11. They decide what is too offensive or too provocative for you to see.

12. Do you want to pull out too?

13. Are you too old to wear miniskirt?

14. And you too!

15. Are you just too stubborn to die?

16. You too, Toothpick.

17. Attack you too?

18. You got a right to be happy too, you know?

19. Fuck you, too.

20. Pleased to meet you. Plsd to meet u, too.

21. You know, you can never let life get too stagnant or too safe.

22. I am too busy to go with you.

23. You were too obtuse to take the hint.

24. Edward: Nice to meet you, too . Mr. Mustang.

25. Do you feel up to it, or are you too tirde?

26. You want me to get locked up, too?

27. I'd be only too pleased to assist you.

28. 3 You whish to avoid too soon ejaculations.

29. If you provide too many links, too many images, or too much text, you might confuse a potential customer.

30. Everyone's too afraid of you to speak truth.

31. You were too young to remember this tale.

32. You are too young to kick the bucket.

33. It should be very precious to you too.

34. " You want me to pay for violin too? "

35. Never feel you are too unworthy to pray.

36. You want me to lick his nuts too?

37. K3 to you and your modem, too, buster!

38. You smell good too.

39. You speak Arabic, too?

40. You behaved too naively.

41. You disappeared too soon.

42. You risk too much.

43. Because you did, too.

44. You, braking too early.

45. You talk too much.

46. I love you, too.

47. You say hi, too.

48. She loved you, too.

49. You think too much.

50. Adjective You use Cloying to describe something that you find unpleasant because it is much too sweet, or too sentimental

51. Hallo! Bandoeng! Ja moeder hier ben ik! Dag liefste jongen,zegt zij met een snik

52. I'll miss you. --I'll miss you, too.

53. If you are too fortunate, you will not know yourself; if you are too unfortunate, nobody will know you. 

54. I missed you, too, you demented bastard.

55. Chocolates start to cloy if you eat too much.

56. Learn the definition of 'That Applies to you, too.'

57. ‘You are too pure to look at evil’ (13)

58. You are likely to benefit from the experience too.

59. Or were you too bored to notice the pattern?

60. You risk too much for a father to ignore.

61. It's too bad you can't come to the party.

62. Chocolates start to cloy if you eat too many.

63. Once you get too exclusive, too obsessed with a place, you are worshipping false gods.

64. Ah, you worry too much.

65. Mum, you worry too much.

66. Are You Doing Too Much?

67. You copy that, Too Tall?

68. You can't be too careful.

69. You eat too much starch.

70. You need a crown too.

71. I missed you too, always.

72. I love you, too, son.

73. You don't smell too hot.

74. He'll be tickling you too.

75. I love you too Amby.

76. Shouldn't you be training, too?

77. You are rather too easygoing.

78. You probably fight duels, too.

79. I love you, too, sweetheart.

80. Perhaps you are too acquiescent.