Use "good day" in a sentence

1. Good day, Doctor.

2. Good day, Countess.

3. Good day, Master Ng.

4. Good day, Miss Sullivan.

5. Have a good day.

6. But it's all good practice, a good day out.

7. 13 Shalom Shalom, good evening, have a good day!

8. A good day to socialise.

9. Have a good day at work.

10. Have a good day at school.

11. Today had been a good day.

12. Today's a good day in hell

13. Did you have a good day?

14. Tomorrow's gonna be a... good day.

15. It's been a good day all around.

16. One day a good fortune befell him.

17. 7 A good name* is better than good oil,+ and the day of death is better than the day of birth.

18. Good afternoon, and welcome to our Career Day.

19. Did you have a good day at school?

20. Not a good day, one of the worst.

21. Not all good day care is so costly.

22. 24 It's been a good day all around.

23. Hello darling. Did you have a good day?

24. I must get back. Good day to you .

25. It was a good fight the other day.

26. Well, that's my good deed for the day .

27. What good shall I do this day? What good have I done today? 

28. It's a good day for going to the beach.

29. Well, I'd better be off. Good day to you.

30. There's a good film on the day after tomorrow.

31. Have a good breakfast to get your day rolling.

32. We'd really like to give you a good day.

33. Stoke up for the day on a good breakfast.

34. Did you have a good day at the office?

35. Andoer is consistently providing good action cameras, pocket cameras, and getting better day by day

36. If the day is sunny, I think, "Oh, the gods have had a good design day."

37. 12 Ecclesiastes 7:1 says: “A good name is better than good oil, and the day of death is better than the day of birth.”

38.  · The right Concealer is the key to a good skin day, every day

39. He picked a good day to go swimming, didn't he?

40. ‘I AM happy to share the good news each day.’

41. Until that happy resolution... I bid you good day, gentlemen.

42. Too bad every day can't be as good as this.

43. If some one has a really good day, I call.

44. Hi, sugar, did you have a good day at school?

45. A good name and the day of death (1-4)

46. A good health system improves people's lives tangibly every day.

47. She stood up, smiling acidly, and bade him good day.

48. 27 A business day means any weekday other than Christmas Day, Good Friday or any bank holiday.

49. Remember that it's weighing and measuring day the day after tomorrow, so please be super-good today!

50. I could work at fighting all day, every day, I'd still never be as good as you.

51. Paul Magazine, Barbette is simply good food, all day and night

52. Paul Magazine, Barbette is simply good food, all day and night

53. Good day friends! It’s me, Sally, your director of the Awl

54. The organisers say the 4-day trip is good value at £

55. The team reaps only ridicule or, on a good day, apathy.

56. Hi, sugar, did you have a good day at school?

57. Wednesday would be a good day for us to go running.

58. The water tapped is good to leave one day before use.

59. A collection of good Day jokes would fill a minor anthology.

60. Your Bogydom scorning, And all your love-lorning, I bid you good-morning, I bid you good-day

61. "DIA says it's 'Somehow' a good day in debut MV".

62. Your Bogydom scorning, And all your love-lorning, I bid you good-morning, I bid you good-day

63. What are some “good works” that might indicate that a Latter-day Saint youth is following the Good Shepherd?

64. The good news is he'll be in solitary, watched day and night.

65. The suspects all had good alibis for the day of the robbery.

66. All day long Sally was a good and diligent bookkeeper and salesman.

67. She felt that she had done her good deed for the day.

68. They are never drunk one day and good for nothing the next.

69. A Crumble is a good filling dessert on a cold winter's day

70. A "red-letter day" is one of special importance and good fortune.

71. Religion And Festivals - Afrikaners Religion: Afrikaners celebrate Christmas, Good Friday, and Ascension Day, which is the 40th day after Easter

72. In the Latin liturgical rites the only fully Aliturgical day is Good Friday

73. 18 Working out for an hour every day is good for your health.

74. Walking for one or two hours every day is good for your heath.

75. The French say a day moon brings good luck to whoever sees it.

76. After a day of seasickness, it felt good to step on to land.

77. Braindead Season Finale Recap: Election Day Braindead’s final offering is good, silly fun

78. Plenty of good food will be on tap for the Memorial Day celebration.

79. Any day is a good day to watch one of the single most important and engaging genre shows of All time

80. I have heard many good speakers in my life, but no one any better than Ed Sadlowski on a good day.