Use "going from bad to worse" in a sentence

1. Going from bad to worse.

2. My life was going from bad to worse.

3. That they are going from bad to worse.

4. What is the significance of human society’s going from bad to worse?

5. Noah grew up in a world that was rapidly going from bad to worse.

6. Matters went from bad to worse.

7. Things went from bad to worse.

8. Did he go from bad to worse?

9. Things have gone from bad to worse.

10. Matters continued to go from bad to worse.

11. To Aggravate is to make something go from bad to worse.

12. In fact, we could then go from bad to worse.

13. The service in this hotel goes from bad to worse.

14. If left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.

15. Under the new management things have gone from bad to worse.

16. The schools have gone from bad to worse in this area.

17. Under the new management thing have go from bad to worse.

18. (b) Why can we say that wickedness is advancing from bad to worse?

19. The Bible predicts: “Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse.”

20. The rail service has gone from bad to worse since it was privatised.

21. “Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse,” predicted the apostle Paul.

22. We were hoping for an improvement but things have gone from bad to worse.

23. And it also predicted: “Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse.”

24. But wicked people and charlatans will go from bad to worse, deceivers and deceived.

25. Things went from bad to worse , and in the end she lost her job.

26. For the past couple of years my life has gone from bad to worse.

27. Bad excuses are worse than none.

28. Second Timothy 3:13 predicts: “Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse.”

29. The moral fabric of society is unraveling, and ‘wicked men advance from bad to worse.’

30. “Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse,” predicts 2 Timothy 3:13.

31. Things went from bad to worse, and soon the pair were barely talking to each other.

32. Americans fear the war would drag on, and the economy would go from bad to worse.

33. There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.

34. Badder meaning (nonstandard or obsolete) Comparative form of bad: more bad; worse.

35. The only thing worse than a bad cold is a bad cold sore.

36. How easy it is to go from bad to worse, when once we have started upon a downward course!

37. It went from bad to worse as the heavens opened and turned the circuit into one huge puddle.

38. 17 Concerning the “last days,” the Bible predicted: “Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse.”

39. Well, there's another law, which says that left to themselves, things have a tendency to go from bad to worse.

40. If the orange is going to be bad ----for the best of us are bad sometimes ---it begins to be bad from the outside, not from the inside. 

41. In our lexicon, boring is even worse than bad.

42. 29 If the orange is going to be bad ----for the best of us are bad sometimes ---it begins to be bad from the outside, not from the inside. 

43. As 1931 went from bad to worse the possibility of another marriage began to seem her best hope of salvation.

44. After conducting a survey of more than 20,000 middle and high school students, the Josephson Institute of Ethics concluded: “In terms of honesty and integrity, things are going from very bad to worse.”

45. 5 There's nothing worse than a hustler with bad timing.

46. Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse. 

47. If you sometimes have those days when everything seems to go from bad to worse, then this article is for you.

48. On July 15th, the weather looked bad and was getting worse, but the orders from Potsdam were to go ahead.

49. Meetings can be dreadful and bad Chairing only makes them worse

50. 20 My financial problems were made worse by my bad housekeeping.

51. Agists are just as bad as sexists, if not even worse

52. She nursed a bad cold by going to bed.

53. The deeper we go in that direction, the worse it's going to get.

54. Praise makes good men better,[] and bad men worse. 

55. Is a bad feeder lot operation for beef better or worse than a bad grazing operation for beef?

56. If you think early Blight is bad, late Blight is much worse

57. Archaeolith Sport for all? Regulator going bad

58. I've been going through a bad patch recently.

59. Thought it was bad when there were tiered Alkahests and feedstocks, it's even worse now

60. There is a reason we keep going down one rabbit hole after another, even when we know it's going to make us feel worse.

61. An ethical Choice involves ascribing qualities such as right or wrong, good or bad, better or worse to alternatives.

62. 13 Lisa is going to see a dermatologist for her bad skin rash.

63. It was this: ‘God is someday going to destroy all the bad people.’

64. Aggravate something to make an illness or a bad or unpleasant situation worse synonym worsen Pollution can Aggravate asthma

65. You may simultaneously awfulize and amplify your tension (Awfulizing = making a situation worse than it is—sometimes worse than bad—by using dramatic language, such as …

66. The quality ranged from acceptable to worse than useless.

67. You may simultaneously Awfulize and amplify your tension (awfulizing = making a situation worse than it is—sometimes worse than bad—by using dramatic language, such as …

68. 26 In the morning she was sneezing, and going down town made it worse.

69. If one continues to cast an indifferent eye on/to turn a deaf ear to/ to be blind to/to overlook the problem, things are sure to go from bad to worse.

70. The Bread was going Bad and would soon Be moldy.

71. So, for better or for worse, aquaculture, fish farming, is going to be a part of our future.

72. 1 Aggravate something to make an illness or a bad or unpleasant situation worse synonym worsen Pollution can Aggravate asthma

73. It's pretty easy to go from good to bad, but far harder to shift from bad to good.

74. When he got himself obsessed with this Buddy Boyle whack job, an already bad marriage got worse.

75. As long as you believe I'm going to a better place, dying ain't so bad.

76. Iain, like any impressionable adolescent, was always going to find the bad sister more exciting.

77. The apostle Paul certainly did warn the young man Timothy to be on the lookout for “wicked men and impostors [who] will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled.”

78. Calefacients harmful, infrigidants beneficial Infrigidants harmful, Calefacients beneficial Moist articles harmful Dry regimen harmful, humectants beneficial Relation to weather Worse in summer Worse in winter Bad in autumn Perso-Arabic and Indian medicine

79. A bad perspective is going to be one that has a lot of local optima.

80. And now that the war is going worse than ever, the pestilence has emerged into noonday.