Use "go well" in a sentence

1. Hearing didn't go well?

2. Well, let's go, Smurfs.

3. Hughs and Batules go well together

4. Well, she didn't go into detail.

5. The champagne didn't go down well.

6. Well, I have to go now.

7. Well, let's go find this guy's sticker.

8. Wine Carafes go beyond wine as well

9. Well, let's go say hi to him.

10. If I've got to go somewhere I may as well go to Birmingham.

11. Several well known alpine hikes go through Arolla

12. 7 Pork and apple go especially well together.

13. This skirt and this blouse go together well.

14. I thought they'd go well with your mask.

15. Well, folks, shall we go out this afternoon?

16. Well, you go out to the alfalfa field.

17. Go and burn down the factory as well!

18. Well, fuck you then. I'll go on my own.

19. Well, you have to go all out for it.

20. Well, I didn't think it should go to waste.

21. Yeah, well, if things go south, just stay cool.

22. Well, come on, Puss, let's go in to supper.

23. Mind you wrap up well if you go out.

24. Well, we're arranged to go on a package tour.

25. You might as well go straight to your funeral.

26. And if it does go well, you’ll feel even better!

27. Lisa: Well, my fella wants to go to Gran Canaria.

28. Well, now that Kat's settled everything, let's go see Kemmerick.

29. Anconas rarely go broody and will forage and lay well

30. (That'll be why no Cuffs go well with Italian shoes.)

31. Well, you can always go to secretarial college with Hattie.

32. Yes, and iced Coke ( Coca Cola ) would go down well.

33. But not all well-off, high-profile defendants go quietly.

34. Well should we go or stay so they can hit us.

35. I know only too well that plans can easily go wrong.

36. I hear your meeting at the school didn't go so well.

37. The following day she felt sufficiently well to go to work.

38. Well, you want to go over and sit at the desk?

39. I think we might as well pack up and go home.

40. " Well, go and tattle and see if I care, " replied Scarlett.

41. Unoaked Chardonnays go well with fresh shellfish such as lobster or shrimp

42. Or you go under hypnosis and have the arm elevated as well.

43. Well, I'll let you know when I go down the rabbit hole.

44. The whole audience was astounded and it didn't go down very well.

45. If you enjoy puzzle games then Creaks is well worth a go.

46. It's just as well that we didn't go out in this rain.

47. Well of course, you'd go to Encyclopedia Britannica and open at L.

48. Oh, well, I promised Sheila that I'd go to this AA meeting now.

49. There is nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed.

50. It is just as well that we didn't go out in this rain.

51. Kim wants to go to this party, huh? Well, we'll see about that!

52. Small companies will go out of business if they are not well managed.

53. Collocations List A collocation is a group of words that go well together

54. Well then put down your coat, your bag, and go and sit down.

55. Well, I guess we'll go back home and brush up on the anemone.

56. If there's nothing more to do, we may as well go to bed.

57. Children from well-off families would rather play computer games than go outside.

58. Well, in business, that's certainly not the way we would go about it.

59. I thought, well let's go back in 2005 -- and I won again. ( Laughter )

60. Well, I thought, I've already lost half my job, I might as well go the whole hog and lose it completely.

61. So, if you don't want to pay me, well, you can go fuck yourself.

62. Blouses with readymade styles offer variety, and one single Blouse can go well for

63. Well, you' ve got a pattern, you go after specific victims, you collect mementos

64. It would be just as well to lock the door when you go out.

65. Many, though, learn to cope very well and go on to lead satisfying lives.

66. He reckoned now he was in, he might as well go the whole hog.

67. I need to reach people out here.” but is a cut off with repeated Admonishings to “go home” (an illegitimate ask, unlike other well-deserved ones) “GO HOME! GO HOME!

68. Well, we can go back to the network structure of ideas to do that.

69. Well, that rules out letting the rat go so you can catch him again.

70. Well, you just asked if I wanted to go to bed with you tonight.

71. 25 Well, I thought, I've already lost half my job, I might as well go the whole hog and lose it completely.

72. 14 Well, I thought, I've already lost half my job, I might as well go the whole hog and lose it completely.

73. This is not to be Cocky, but, I go over real well at Comic-Con

74. And when she tried to go to her family for help, they said, "Well, you got to go back and be a better wife."

75. She's glamorous, she accessorizes well, and she can go day to night like nobody's business.

76. " Well, now, Miss Madenda, " he said, very affably, as Carrie thought, " you go over there. "

77. Millions go into our smoke-Bebannered tall factories, and serve well our iron demons there

78. Well, while His nibs is Absorbing the bad news, we'll go over this once more.

79. Well, now you've got to go to Daniella, open a client account, sign a few forms.

80. Well, if what Verne wrote was right...... these tunnels could go for hundreds, thousands of miles