Use "further" in a sentence

1. Further advice


3. Our educational system continues to slide further and further into mediocrity.

4. 17 They are emboldened to take their practice further and further.

5. How much further?

6. No further examination.

7. Come no further.

8. His people had fallen further and further into a quagmire of confusion.

9. Moving Further Afield

10. Further Global Expansion

11. Schools get bigger and bigger, and therefore, further and further from each other.

12. 22 His people had fallen further and further into a quagmire of confusion.

13. Closed until further notice.

14. Each produced further copies.

15. Further map administrative arrangements

16. Andantino Andantino; Further reading “

17. Consider a further point.

18. Further Privileges and Challenges

19. We will foster further.

20. They needed further protection.

21. Because under this scenario, we walk further and further away from the current climate.

22. Further deletions up to nucleotide -114 did not have any further influence on activity.

23. (Malachi 3:6) Obviously, the world is sinking further and further toward terminal ruination.

24. My marriage wasn't going well, and we just were growing further and further apart.

25. Committees Most Committees further break out into subCommittees of fewer Members for further specialization

26. So... without further ado...

27. Contentment Brings Further Blessings

28. We headed further inland.

29. Objective Further inquiry into the mouth Candidaalbicans Susceptible factor, further cognize Candidaalbicans, summary treatment experience.

30. Further deletion to -90 and/ or -55 leads to a further small decrease in activity.

31. This further reduction in the proportion of loans will help prevent further accumulation of debts.

32. Under Fritz's management, the firm's business blossomed further and further afield, spreading across the globe.

33. This will further complicate the task of the police and further deter victims from reporting.

34. The Soviet Union lagged further and further behind the leading industrial nations of the West.

35. Then he went further and further into that life style and he couldn't get out.

36. Further Reading on Viscount Bolingbroke


38. Josiah’s further reforms (24-27)

39. Some further refinement is needed.

40. According to further implementations, the above-mentioned measured quantities are accumulated and/or further processed.

41. Further condensation of Chromatin 5

42. Further into the light, hurry.

43. You're grounded until further notice.

44. Further excavations, though, proved fruitful.

45. For Further Credit Details (Optional)

46. For further credit details (optional)

47. We must await further developments.

48. They desisted from further litigation.

49. Types of Binomials – Further Examples

50. A further # adults received training

51. I should have explained further.

52. Just a little further inside.

53. You're home till further notice.

54. Bedabbled with the dew and torn with briers, I can no further crawl, no further go

55. Speed is of the essence, as the wind blows the team further and further from land.

56. Further Observations on Antidromy, 420

57. Uh, without further " adieu, " Othello.

58. Bethel Expansion and Further Increase

59. Let's reduce him still further.

60. Stand by for further orders!

61. We will help you further.

62. The program could simplify further.

63. 16 Reducing the income will further impoverish these families and could tempt an offender into further crime.

64. Its literal meaning is “the Affiant says nothing further” or “the Affiant has nothing further to say”

65. Aircraft noise set to decrease further

66. Its consequences, however, went even further.

67. Then, we go one step further.

68. 4 This point needs further elaboration.

69. This is a further abridged version.

70. Other rules further complicate the position.

71. He entered her without further ado.

72. Three further prefatory remarks are necessary.

73. With further technological advances or potential changes to system design, new situations may emerge requiring further studies.

74. - further improve quality and coverage of statistics; ensure adequate resources are available to further strengthen statistical capacities.

75. So without further ado, we present:

76. And what is your further request?

77. These plans definitely merit further consideration.

78. He absolved me from further obligation.

79. Further dispute would worsen your relations.

80. Second, further impelled the thought emancipated.