Use "extensively" in a sentence

1. She has travelled extensively.

2. Choris worked extensively in pastels.

3. He has travelled extensively in China.

4. He has travelled extensively in Europe.

5. Almonds are used extensively in confectionery.

6. The theatre has been extensively refurbished.

7. She quotes extensively from the author's diaries.

8. Its timber and nuts are used extensively.

9. She has toured extensively in the US.

10. Bioplastics and Biopolymers are extensively used in …

11. Applicants must be willing to travel extensively.

12. Gessen has written extensively on LGBT rights.

13. The airport terminals have been extensively remodelled.

14. He has written extensively on the subject.

15. The interior has recently been extensively restored.

16. The 20m by 10m barn was extensively damaged.

17. Successful applicants will be expected to travel extensively.

18. Cyclohexene has been studied extensively by analytical methods.

19. The Iberians traded extensively with other Mediterranean cultures.

20. Mr Rowbotham's Ford Escort car was extensively damaged.

21. Fiction classifications are used extensively in public libraries.

22. 1575 – Battle of Nagashino, where firearms are used extensively.

23. The emblem is used extensively by the Italian government.

24. Capsicum peppers are extensively pickled in salt and vinegar

25. He founded two monasteries in Wearmouth, then traveled extensively.

26. Corn and cotton are extensively cultivated in this region.

27. Aluminizing is used extensively by industry to protect steel

28. Stalkup has extensively reviewed the status of miscible displacement.

29. The wound Blastema has been extensively studied in limb regeneration

30. Agar has written extensively on the debate about human enhancement.

31. Cantilevers are employed extensively in building construction and in machines

32. Ark Music extensively used the pitch-correcting software Auto-Tune.

33. We know he wrote extensively About creating a homemade Incinerator.

34. I have extensively tested nearly all Android phones to date.

35. As a student, he travelled extensively in the Middle East.

36. Bavarian and Tyrolean breeders maintained close ties and cooperated extensively.

37. Dried buttermilk is also extensively used by the food industries.

38. This field has worldwide been extensively investigated within the last decades.

39. These buildings are used extensively by the Chinese film industry.

40. He wrote and broadcast extensively on Russian politics and history.

41. Sled dogs have been written about extensively by numerous authors.

42. All these issues have been extensively researched in recent years.

43. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are the 2 most extensively used Antipyretics

44. Almost all fluorite veins coincide with extensively striking block boundaries.

45. 6 Brother Russell himself traveled extensively to spread the truth.

46. 18 Some prefer to read selectively rather than read extensively.

47. Biases have been studied extensively in both psychology and behavioral economics

48. Andalusite is used extensively where greater thermal shock resistance is required

49. The corpse has been extensively examined, measured, X-rayed, and dated.

50. Learn extensively , inquire thoroughly , ponder prudently , discriminate clearly, and practice devotedly.

51. Of all these verbs the verb is the most extensively used.

52. Mark, however, needs to travel extensively with his varied business interests.

53. Hydrogen is used extensively in industry for the production of ammonia.

54. The historians and geographers of Greece wrote extensively about Egyptian culture.

55. The apostle Paul traveled extensively as a zealous first-century missionary.

56. Around here apple trees began to be planted extensively in 19

57. Cables are used extensively in electronic devices for power and signal circuits.

58. Betaine has been extensively studied and comes with a number of benefits

59. Acetic acid which is a dilute solution is used extensively as vinegar

60. At that time we used the phonograph extensively in our pioneer work.

61. A new type of trap called the “Conibar” is now employed extensively.

62. They travelled extensively, but he had to pander to her every whim.

63. Nucleic acid is extensively used in food industry, medical industry and agriculture.

64. He wrote extensively in the areas of Climatology and physical geography

65. [citation needed] Lead Arsenate was the most extensively used arsenical insecticide

66. The algorithms were developed and extensively tested using appropriately modelled data.

67. The serological specificity of some agglutinins from snails is extensively discussed.

68. He read extensively in the classics and became an accomplished linguist.

69. He has travelled extensively in China, recording every facet of life.

70. Of Butyrates as a feed additive in poultry has been extensively

71. The first president to use the Autopen extensively was Thomas Jefferson

72. Only the anlagen of the anal plates can he extensively cultured.

73. At his clinic he witnessed extensively to patients and employees alike.

74. The new rocket was extensively tested and debugged by the army.

75. Detonators: The Group has not very extensively addressed the problem of detonators.

76. He wrote extensively about this in terms of the problem of alienation.

77. The dog was bred extensively in and around northern New South Wales.

78. He wrote extensively on astronomy, biology, chemistry, zoology, physics, geology, and psychology.

79. 1 He has travelled extensively in China, recording every facet of life.

80. These are the archetypal natures we are examining extensively in this chapter.