Use "evolve" in a sentence

1. Evolve Backwardsto undo undesirablemodel updates

2. Businesses need to evolve rapidly.

3. Thus the constitution can evolve gradually.

4. Means simply to "evolve Anfractuously"

5. Laws surrounding Botnets and cybercrime continue to evolve.

6. K2 Ambulator Options Evolve With Seniors in Mind

7. How did living things evolve in its absence?

8. Social systems evolve in close relation to ecology.

9. Melodies tend to evolve out of deep grooves.

10. They did not evolve into hawks or eagles.

11. In fact, individual organisms don't evolve at all.

12. Throughout the 1990s, 2D GUI acceleration continued to evolve.

13. From " Dracula " to " Twilight " , Vampires Evolve With the Times

14. They are free to evolve at the mutation rate.

15. Improved concepts of causality, space, time, and speed evolve.

16. If we do not evolve we stagnate and rot.

17. For example, a Phancub with Ability Adorable will evolve

18. Definitions of a modern creative economy continue to evolve.

19. Each school must evolve its own way of working.

20. Did the heat-insulating fur of the sea otter evolve?

21. Eyes and genes each evolve through a series of compromises.

22. The Complexity analysis process for prescribed fire continues to evolve

23. The RHS would later evolve into the Faculty of Law.

24. A perfunctory love lost evolve into black and white color.

25. Not until later does awareness of causality begin to evolve.

26. Under Dubček's leadership, Slovakia began to evolve toward political liberalization.

27. We can evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence.

28. Humans did not evolve from Chimps, as is a frequent misconception

29. 14 A perfunctory love lost evolve into black and white color.

30. We can't wait billions of years to evolve our transportation system.

31. Repeat this process to observe how the Biomorphs evolve over time.

32. Nevertheless, the teaching and training of these martial arts did evolve.

33. Groups evolve expected ways to behave which their members must normally obey.

34. Most drawings, computer designs, and Concept cars never evolve past scale models

35. Livedoid vasculopathy can evolve into a dermatologic finding termed Atrophie blanche (AB).

36. I think there is room for the definition of Amateurism to evolve

37. Additionally, according to Stoic, "the city will evolve as the story unfolds".

38. In order to evolve MAchoke, you'll need to trade it to someone

39. Livedoid vasculopathy can evolve into a dermatologic finding termed Atrophie blanche (AB).

40. These can evolve to invalidate piezoelectric devices with the constant or cyclic loads.

41. They evolve by changing the attitudes, accessibility and availability of the said sport.

42. I believe that the extra powers will evolve into a significant additional step.

43. An eerie symbiosis of human and machine effort is also starting to evolve.

44. Fish moved from the lower parts to the headwaters soon evolve local ways.

45. Bovids are the most recent and adaptable family of hoofed mammals to evolve

46. Lay Low, the alter ego of Lovísa, started to evolve early in 2006.

47. The plan is expected to evolve and be updated as the project develops.

48. And they were continuing to evolve, heading for a deeper sense of responsibility.

49. By changing our environment, we put new pressures on our bodies to evolve.

50. 24,000 XP is required for any of those animals to evolve into an Archerfish

51. Difficulty for suppliers to predict far in advance how their customer portfolios will evolve

52. However, does observed adaptation within a kind prove that eventually new kinds can evolve?

53. Indeed, on an exchange, rules may often evolve out of practice, rather than viceversa.

54. Evolve at Cantilena 5581 Flourish Master Bath • 2/7 Evolve at Cantilena 5581 Flourish Master Bedroom • 3/7 Patio • 4/7 Guest Bedroom • 5/7 Model Exterior • 6/7 Entry • 7/7 Close

55. They're just not as efficient because they haven't had a million years to evolve.

56. 7 They evolve by changing the attitudes, accessibility and availability of the said sport.

57. Difficulty for suppliers to predict far in advance how their customer portfolios will evolve.

58. Here, plants evolve that have resistance to high levels of metals in the soil.

59. The cognitive aspects of sensorimotor development evolve as a child acts on the environment.

60. And just like the great white shark, this guy has never had to evolve.

61. And when media evolve so that the identity of the media becomes increasingly unique.

62. Evolve as historical linear, I wish this paragraph of abasement makes historical text book forever.

63. Over the past four years, I have seen his face evolve into picture of dejection.

64. But as the game continues to evolve, relief pitching and the depth of Bullpens is

65. Computational efforts focus on how stars evolve as well as the Astrophysics of galaxy clusters

66. Archerfish evolve into Frogfish, Sea Otters, Beavers, Anglerfish, Gulper Eels, Penguins, or Snakes (player-determined)

67. As reflected internationally, the two models evolve many neomorph that represent different Federalism System models.

68. If you want to be a poet, you must evolve your own style of writing.

69. Fournier authored nine books in the series, which saw Spirou evolve into a more modern character.

70. They got the organism to evolve to mildness, and they got no development of antibiotic resistance.

71. If a bipedal stance is required to evolve a higher degree of Cursoriality, Cursoriality and bipedality

72. Alleviate Massage Therapy is a highly active therapeutic clinic located inside Evolve Strength sports training facility

73. As recent immigrants become accustomed to Canadian society, family structures and roles must evolve or adapt.

74. As the format of the network continued to evolve, more genres of shows began to appear.

75. 14 Phenotypic plasticity is a trait that has a certain genetic basis and can evolve independently.

76. Evolution / Diversity: Since Centralized systems follow a single framework, they don’t have diversity and evolve slowly

77. Campaign High Quality Modern Furniture Built To Last Life-friendly furniture that can evolve with you.

78. Over time, this hydrogen fuel is completely converted into helium, and the star begins to evolve.

79. On-demand transportation is a niche that continues to grow and evolve within the 3PL industry.

80. Coevolution is when two species that share a relationship evolve together for mutual benefit of both species