Use "evidence in commission" in a sentence

1. The Commission should have produced hard evidence of such adverse effects.

2. 31 In that regard, the applicant maintains that the Commission took into account inappropriate evidence.

3. The Commission is also deeply concerned about increasing evidence of human rights abuses in Chechnya.

4. Jehu’s reputation as a furious chariot driver gave evidence of his zeal in carrying out his commission.

5. Moreover they expect the commission to push for a more careful approach in other areas, in particular: Forensic evidence.

6. The Commission shall take that evidence into account when drawing up the report referred to in paragraph 1.

7. How did Saul, later known as Paul, give evidence of his acceptance of his commission?

8. The Commission is also uneasy about the lack of economic and accounting evidence of tariff restructuring.

9. The parliamentary commission investigating Mr Kohl has said it will not use the files as evidence.

10. There was evidence before the Commission linking sponsorship program funding to advertising agencies to political fundraising.

11. Thus, in this case, the Commission was freed of its obligation to determine the type and value of the evidence adduced and to rule specifically what that evidence went to demonstrate.

12. The Commission shall take account of any evidence supplied by the Member State within the time-limits.

13. The Commission shall take account of any evidence supplied by the Member State within the time limits.

14. Competition ° Administrative procedure ° Commission decision establishing an infringement ° Exclusion of evidence not disclosed to the addressee undertaking

15. The records and any necessary additional evidence and information shall be communicated to the Commission upon request.

16. Competition – Administrative procedure – Commission decision finding an infringement – Means of proof – Reliance on a body of evidence

17. The relevant department of the Office may commission one of its members to examine the evidence adduced.

18. Cist 2612 computer forensics This course examines the use of computers in the commission of crimes, collection, analysis and production of digital evidence

19. Where, in the absence of any complaint, a Member State is in possession of sufficient evidence of injurious pricing and of resultant injury to the Ö Union Õ industry, it shall immediately communicate such evidence to the Commission.

20. Criminalistics [ krim- uh-nl- is-tiks ] noun (used with a singular verb) the scientific study and evaluation of physical evidence in the commission of crimes.

21. At the Global Commission we have studied the evidence, and we've heard the experiences of over 700 people from 140 countries.

22. The evidence was strong that the council subcommittee was persuaded before the public hearing that the Housing Commission should take priority.

23. In Canadian evidence law, according to the general evidence rule, hearsay evidence is generally inadmissible.

24. Commission synonyms, Commission pronunciation, Commission translation, English dictionary definition of Commission

25. Circumstantial evidence, also known as indirect evidence, is an unrelated chain of events which when put together formulates circumstances leading to the commission of the crime and can be used to derive a conclusion.

26. Absenteeism in Commission staff.

27. F. whereas there is further scientific evidence which does not appear to have been taken into account by the Commission and its advisers,

28. A party may always submit evidence in rebuttal or amplify previous evidence

29. The Commission had no evidence on file indicating that the SG&A and profit achieved by the Turkish company might be influenced, e.g., by abnormalities in the production process.

30. Circumstantial evidence, in law, evidence not drawn from direct observation of a fact in issue

31. Bloodstain Evidence Bloodstains are an important piece of evidence in a forensic examination

32. Criminalistics is “the scientific study and evaluation of physical evidence in the commission of crimes.” Criminalistics plays a vital role in organizing crime scenes, helping victims, ensuring justice, and serving the public.

33. 90 As regards the probative value to be placed on the various pieces of evidence, it should be emphasised that the only relevant criterion for the assessment of freely adduced evidence relates to its credibility (judgment in Dalmine v Commission, cited in paragraph 88 above, EU:C:2007:53, paragraph 63; see judgment of 8 July 2004 in Mannesmannröhren-Werke v Commission, T‐44/00, ECR, EU:T:2004:218, paragraph 84 and the case-law cited, and judgment in JFE Engineering and Others v Commission, cited in paragraph 88 above, EU:T:2004:221, paragraph 273).

34. 136 However, on the basis of the reasons stated in the contested decision and in the light of the evidence supplied in that regard by the Commission, it must be held that the Commission already had ample evidence following the inspections carried out on 19 and 20 September 2002, ITC’s leniency application of 21 September 2002 and Tréfileurope’s leniency application of 4 November 2002 (see contested decision, recitals 450 to 455).

35. Similarly, the Commission took a selective approach, since it did not refer in the contested decision to evidence provided by ABB which was not in line with its theory, in particular the GE Agreement.

36. 24 It means blind trust, in the absence of evidence, even in the teeth of evidence.

37. Conclusive Evidence is evidence that cannot be contradicted by any other evidence

38. COMMISSION - The term'Commission'means the Federal Trade Commission.

39. 85 Consequently, the evidence upon which the Commission bases the first part of its first complaint as regards the agglomeration of Midleton must be declared admissible.

40. The Member States shall, if requested by the Commission, advise and assist the Commission in:

41. The Commission can accept this amendment as it is in line with the Commission proposal.

42. Admissible evidence is any document, testimony, or tangible evidence used in a court of law

43. Evidence, mark, let's just get some evidence.

44. Anecdotal evidence suggests that sales in …

45. Economic growth is also in evidence.

46. Admissibility the concept in the law of evidence that determines whether or not evidence can be received by the court. The evidence must first be relevant, but even relevant evidence will …

47. Corroborating evidence means supplementary evidence that tends to strengthen or confirm the already existing evidence.

48. The value of Direct Evidence is more than Circumstantial Evidence is more than Circumstantial Evidence

49. In addition, Olivier Belle, Chairman of the Commission on the Status of Women, addressed the Commission.

50. Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission Annual Conference in Taipei, along with other commission members from New York.

51. When the Commission investigated Mr. Chan's self-employment in October 1996 a Commission agent interviewed him.

52. Associative evidence can be used to provide links between evidence and individuals involved in a crime

53. Circumstantial Evidence is also known as indirect evidence

54. On the other hand, Corroborative evidence is the evidence used to make substantive evidence more concrete

55. Since the anti-competitive activities were in abeyance between October 1993 and March 1994, as the Commission itself acknowledges, and since there is no evidence that the applicant participated in anti-competitive activities during the period April to August 1994, the Commission cannot accuse it of having resumed its participation in the cartel in question before August 1994.

56. In 1975, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made fixed commission rates illegal, giving rise to discount brokers offering much reduced commission rates.

57. Corroborative evidence merely restates facts already introduced into evidence

58. How to use Commission in a sentence.

59. The difficulty lies in providing sufficient evidence.

60. Credible evidence is evidence that's likely to be believed

61. There's plenty of evidence in the basement.

62. The Federal Trade Commission in the United States determined that there was "no credible scientific evidence" that the extract of soursop sold by Bioque Technologies "can prevent, cure, or treat cancer of any kind."

63. In science and history, Consilience (also convergence of evidence or concordance of evidence) is the principle that evidence from independent, unrelated sources can “converge” on strong conclusions.

64. The Commission failed to correctly apply the appropriate binding Commission Guidelines, thereby acting in breach of EU law.

65. This paper discusses types of non - repudiation evidence , elements non - repudiation evidence and validity non - repudiation evidence.

66. The Commission may accept voluntary contributions generally or in connection with specific projects or activities of the Commission.

67. Commission address for correspondence: European Commission Directorate-General for Trade

68. Commission address for correspondence: European Commission , Directorate-General for Trade,

69. Anyone 2021 © 6006 WORLDWIDE Store Evidence Contact Evidence Contact

70. What evidence?

71. A Technical Commission for Data-Processing (hereinafter called the 'Technical Commission`) shall be attached to the Administrative Commission.

72. Include climate change in the Bushfires royal commission

73. The Commission is in agreement with this amendment.

74. Bilingualisms and multilingualisms in medieval wales – evidence and inference Evidence for bilingualism and multilingualism in medieval Wales is very patchy and scattered


76. In the age of evidence-based medicine, therapeutic decisions should invariably be based on the best available evidence.

77. (aa) be addressed to the Commission in writing;

78. In 19 the Federal Trade Commission was established.

79. Warship will remain in commission when not refitting.

80. Since the evidence against him is overwhelming, Jordan agrees to gather evidence on his colleagues in exchange for leniency.