Use "encountered" in a sentence

1. Common: often observed or encountered.

2. We have encountered major problems.

3. Our troops encountered only token resistance.

4. We've invaded every country we've encountered.

5. The Russian invasion encountered fierce resistance.

6. Customary means commonly practiced, used, or encountered

7. I had never encountered such resistance before.

8. Stereoisomerism is encountered in the homologous series.

9. TAnzanite isn’t frequently encountered in metaphysical shops

10. Asteroidean is a boss encountered in Ōkamiden

11. Considerable difficulty was encountered in obtaining cement.

12. The plane encountered severe turbulence during the flight.

13. The development of newspapering encountered inflexion in 200

14. Kerrey's SEAL team first encountered a villager's house.

15. I encountered great difficulties in learning English grammar.

16. She had never encountered such deep prejudice before.

17. She encountered an old friend on the road.

18. The colonists encountered the problem with runaway slaves.

19. 23 But often they encountered difficult culture shock.

20. Buzzar is an optional boss encountered in Paper Mario

21. The young scientists encountered many difficulties during their exploration.

22. And they encountered heavy, sustained, uh, automatic weapons fire.

23. I have never encountered a more honorable man.

24. Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating pathname.

25. En route, she encountered and sank the freighter Jumna.

26. Such objections are commonly encountered in the field ministry.

27. The guarding infantry probed the area but encountered nothing.

28. As a young man Howard Buten encountered a child

29. If unsuitable Backfill material is encountered, notify the Engineer

30. Beady is a Joy Mutant encountered within the Bathhouse

31. PPE must provide adequate protection against all risks encountered.

32. I first encountered sushi in an expensive specialist restaurant.

33. She had encountered bad weather and run out of fuel.

34. The word Chattel is encountered in two main senses

35. Avenger is encountered in Bazett's story in Rin's route

36. He'd had the most compelling eyes she'd ever encountered.

37. Have you ever encountered a Jedi knight before, sir?

38. The Burglar is the first villain Spider-Man ever encountered

39. Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating the pathname.

40. Galapagos sharks are active predators often encountered in large groups.

41. Discover the Birds—and bird behaviors—most commonly encountered in Massachusetts

42. The excess that they encountered during the exorcism was so excessive.

43. He is the boldest and best marksman I have ever encountered.

44. Cryptorchidism is the most common genital problem encountered in pediatrics

45. The stack was empty when a POP command was encountered

46. Prospero first encountered Ariel soon after landing on the island

47. While flying over Brentwood, Tennessee, they encountered a violent thunderstorm.

48. The underground Cistern is a structure I have not encountered before

49. This is the first time I've encountered a couple like this.

50. Failed peristalsis was commonly encountered in patients as well as controls.

51. Encountered along the way as Coca-Cola cans, Integral will increase.

52. However, his squadron encountered another Algerine cruiser off Cape Palos.

53. The term polyethylene glycol may be encountered in some formulations.

54. But with every initiative, they encountered an undercurrent of resistance.

55. Never once have I encountered the slightest risk as a result'.

56. Arsine is the most powerful hemolytic poison encountered in industry. (EPA, 1998)

57. Predictably, the Senate’s bill encountered stiff resistance from the dominant rating agencies.

58. Two-dimensional (2D) problems are encountered in furniture, clothing and glass production.

59. However, Eon Productions encountered problems in securing film locations in South Africa.

60. They encountered serious problems when two members of the expedition were injured.

61. Which concrete cases involving drug trafficking by air have been encountered?

62. One Sabbath day, he encountered a man with a withered hand.

63. He tried to raise his head, and encountered an immovable resistance.

64. Her range of weaponry could easily decimate any convoy she encountered.

65. A partial or inexact application of image filter'% 1'was encountered.

66. Beelzebub is the first character encountered in Helltaker, and has two forms

67. Further problems were encountered with the lexicon supplied with the second version.

68. We encountered a solid cold front at 000 feet ( 5 , 000 meters ).

69. This Botfly larva may be encountered throughout the eastern United States

70. Airsickness is a common problem encountered in aviation training and may

71. The next morning, Beaupuy and Marceau encountered the rebels near Entrammes.

72. The invasion of Tarawa commenced 20 November but encountered bitter resistance.

73. Once, he encountered preclusion from riots and terrorists in these countries.

74. The second major event we encountered was the infamous gladiatorial boss.

75. Celibacy, or Bramacharya, is encountered frequently in Hindu lore and life.

76. Buoyancy acts upward for the kind of situations encountered in everyday experience.

77. The drilling machines encountered an unforeseen pocket of water in the seabed.

78. He encountered the young woman as she was leaving a coffee shop.

79. Basilisks are an enemy first encountered in the Land of Wind and Shade

80. The most well-documented and encountered bee swarms are those of honey Bees