Use "elders" in a sentence

1. Ancientry elders collectively; antiquities collectively; elders of a parish

2. Where elders?

3. Elders report to the coordinator of the body of elders


5. Bodies of elders

6. Even elders and children.

7. Where are the elders?

8. Often, elders encounter prejudice.

9. Elders in a Theocracy

10. Loyalty to Loyal Elders

11. Elders Give an Account—How?

12. Caring elders everywhere wholeheartedly agree.

13. Hardworking Christian elders deserve encouragement.

14. Elders' Transportation Assistance Supports Elders who want to share and celebrate Aboriginal culture and oral traditions.

15. Gentleness attracts, making elders approachable.

16. Elders strive to be approachable

17. Thus some Christian elders report:

18. Appointed elders represent the royal priesthood

19. They assist the body of elders.

20. □ What chief characteristic must elders have?

21. Elders need discernment to perceive this.

22. Mutual Respect Among Bodies of Elders

23. Our work belongs to the Elders.

24. Likewise today, elders avoid unchristian harshness.

25. I need to see your elders.

26. The elders will treat you kindly.

27. He is respectful to his elders.

28. 26 The coordinator of the body of elders serves as chairman at meetings of the body of elders.

29. Rather, he admonished them as fellow elders.

30. It's been okayed by the village elders.

31. • How should elders shepherd spiritually ailing ones?

32. How Elders Train Others to Become Qualified

33. 182 Paul yields to the elders’ request.

34. Around the fire, tribal elders chanted incantations.

35. We extend a release to Elders D.

36. I have to report to the Elders.

37. Peter provided what example for Christian elders?

38. Qualifications: Must be elders or ministerial servants.

39. Consult with the elders in your congregation.

40. Respecting your elders is a Confucian ideal

41. 23 Congregation elders should imitate that example.

42. A council of elders governs the tribe.

43. Listen to the counsel of your elders.

44. Christian elders endeavor to be like him

45. 16 The elders shepherd the flock “eagerly.”

46. The elders were kind and very helpful.

47. What lesser-known work do elders do?

48. These elders do not constitute a clergy class.

49. How should elders care for spiritually ailing ones?

50. First, the elders needed to establish the facts.

51. Elders, like Timothy, must at times reprove wrongdoers.

52. Rather, such elders provide loving help and encouragement.

53. We spoke with the elders of your tribe.

54. Call elders in your congregation to assist you.

55. (b) Why should Christian elders be particularly careful?

56. Jehovah’s Witnesses have the resource of congregation elders.

57. Elders help restore erring ones to God’s favor

58. Christian elders serve as examples for the flock

59. We even had centers to train their elders.

60. Elders, How Do You Feel About Training Others?

61. What should guide elders in handling judicial matters?

62. Christian elders train younger men in the congregation

63. 16 Listen to the counsel of your elders.

64. Elders, commend others for their whole-souled efforts

65. Cicadas are the elders of the insect world

66. Titus to appoint elders in Crete (5-9)

67. □ What qualities should characterize oversight by Christian elders?

68. Jehovah gives spirit to 70 elders (16-25)

69. Elders, set a good personal example in cleanliness.

70. What a fine example for Christian elders today!

71. There were indigenous elders with hipsters working on transit.

72. 21 Like Paul, Christian elders today are self-sacrificing.

73. □ How should elders show that they honor one another?

74. Christian elders must exercise self-control and maintain confidentiality

75. □ What high standard was required for the “elective elders”?

76. In what ways is much demanded of congregation elders?

77. The elders suggested that his wife needed practical help.

78. I serve in the presidency of my elders quorum.

79. Don't answer back to the elders; it's not polite.

80. 9 Around the fire,( tribal elders chanted incantations.