Use "dropped" in a sentence

1. Comments are automatically dropped when their object is dropped.

2. you dropped these.

3. Oops, dropped it.

4. You dropped this.

5. Child mortality dropped by the most it had ever dropped in history.

6. You've dropped it.

7. I've dropped the check.

8. Truancy rates have dropped 42 percent, and daytime crime rates have dropped 35 percent.

9. My spirituality dropped drastically.”

10. Pressure's dropped to 60.

11. I dropped my pen.

12. Hey, you dropped this!

13. When I was 19, I dropped out of college -- dropped out, kicked out, splitting hairs.

14. I... must dropped it.

15. I dropped my fork.

16. He dropped his pants.

17. The temperature has dropped considerably.

18. The fuel gauges dropped swiftly.

19. Planes dropped supplies by parachute.

20. His blood pressure' s dropped

21. I think you dropped something.

22. She dropped her voice dramatically.

23. She dropped to a crouch.

24. She dropped down from fatigue.

25. She dropped out of school.

26. In fact, Buybacks dropped by …

27. Grave digger dropped it off.

28. You've dropped something, Mr. Pollock.

29. I think you dropped this.

30. The vase cracked when dropped.

31. She dropped off a casserole.

32. You must have dropped it.

33. 4 She dropped her veil.

34. He dropped a sweet wrapper.

35. I believe you dropped this.

36. Whoops! I nearly dropped it.

37. Looks like a bomb dropped. t

38. Her voice dropped to a whisper.

39. Her mouth dropped open in disbelief.

40. The book dropped from his hand.

41. Tom blanched and dropped his eyes.

42. Abi, we've dropped the saw trick.

43. Good thing we dropped the mines

44. His voice dropped to a whisper.

45. Come on, girl, I dropped bank.

46. Pierce Brosnan also dropped in recently.

47. His blood pressure had dropped severely.

48. Billycans were lost, dropped, trampled underfoot

49. All the charges have been dropped.

50. They just dropped everything and came.

51. She screamed and dropped the torch.

52. Old Mrs. Blenkinsop dropped a curtsey.

53. He dropped the hank of hair.

54. She probably dropped the parcel unawares.

55. And yet, operative mortality dropped profoundly.

56. I dropped by to see him.

57. Whoops! I nearly dropped the tray.

58. The number of Abortions dropped by 20% in that time period, while the abortion rate dropped 21% and the ratio of Abortions to live births dropped 17% to 200 Abortions …

59. Atmospheric pressure just dropped 200 hectopascals.

60. And temporarily, very unexpectedly, they dropped.

61. Our mouths dropped open in surprise.

62. He suddenly dropped his habitual banter.

63. As a result, the Purpura population dropped.

64. I dropped your toothbrush in the toilet.

65. I dropped the dustpan and ran indoors.

66. I dropped the bucket, and water sloppedout .

67. The teapot dropped out of her hand.

68. You Betcha recently dropped another hilarious video

69. Then they dropped back out of sight.

70. He dropped down into an armchair,exhausted.

71. Enemy aircraft dropped bombs on the city.

72. The girl dropped ( BoBBed ) a curtsey ( curtsy ).

73. Rory's hand dropped back on the counterpane.

74. Rory's hand dropped back on the Counterpane

75. Imagine being dropped in an empty room.

76. Everybody I dropped was with that piece.

77. The price of oil has dropped significantly.

78. Then she dropped her bombshell. " I'm pregnant.

79. He dropped a coin into the slot.

80. The charge was baseless and eventually dropped.