Use "dressed in white" in a sentence

1. The bride was dressed in white.

2. Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white.

3. She looked delicate and untouchable, dressed in white.

4. He was dressed in white from head to toe.

5. She was dressed in a white frock and a round white straw hat.

6. Everyone on stage was dressed in flowing white robes.

7. He was dressed in a suit and an impeccable white shirt.

8. She was dressed in tight jeans and a loose white pullover.

9. He was smiling, dressed in a white shirt, suit, and tie.

10. In the center of the square, Bestriding a white horse, sat a stately figure, dressed all in white armor

11. Behind him, there was a large choir dressed in whiter than white raiment.

12. Moreover, they are standing before Jehovah and the Lamb, all dressed in white.

13. In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute.

14. Next came 24 young women dressed in white, blue scarves on their right shoulders and white roses on their heads.

15. 5 In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute.

16. She was dressed in white, a picture of youth, unprotected innocence , and humBle girlish simplicity.

17. He was dressed in radiant white vestments and his hands were folded on his chest.

18. He sat in the dock dressed in a white shirt, dark blue tie and grey cardigan.

19. The girls are dressed alike, in dark blue uniforms with white collars and black pinafores.

20. (of people) dressed, or (of things) covered: A strange figure appeared in the doorway, Clad in white.

21. When I regained consciousness, all I could see were bright lights and people dressed in white.

22. She dressed up as a clown with a white face and red nose.

23. Horton, a big white man dressed in colorful, comfortable clothes, came back to say hello and welcome him.

24. Zero is dressed in a plain white T-shirt and ill-fitting jeans rolled up about six inches.

25. In times past, the Korean ruling class often wore colors that were flattering, while the peasants dressed mostly in white.

26. President McKay was dressed in a cream-colored suit and, with his wavy white hair, looked very regal.

27. Legend has it that his body, dressed in white clothing, was put in a bag, and dropped into the ocean.

28. Recall, too, that the 24 elders were “dressed in white outer garments, and upon their heads [were] golden crowns.”

29. A moment later, the kitchen passage swung open and a small servant dressed in white jolted into the room.

30. She was dressed in a long white robe of finely pleated linen, which was belted loosely at the waist.

31. After we got dressed, she pulled back our hair and tied it with a white tie.

32. She dressed her tiny self carefully, donning a clean white camisole and her black Sunday frock.

33. (Revelation 7:9) They are spoken of as “standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes.”

34. “Aunt Jemima” was a minstrel show character developed during the mid-1850s by a white male in blackface dressed as a black woman, designed to entertain white audiences.

35. 18 Liu's two employees, dressed in white, are strictly sequestered so no outside bacteria infect the small wheels of Camembert.

36. She was dressed casually in a pair of faded Levi jeans, brown ankle boots and a baggy white T-shirt.

37. Dames Blanches are white dressed female spirits who supposedly appear near caves, caverns, bridges or ravines

38. The Bayonne Festival, the town's major annual event with everybody dressed in white and red during 5 days ! 29 july / 2august

39. A golden crown adorns the head and the relic is dressed in beautiful white robes delicately and artistically embroidered with gold.

40. She occasionally left the house to go to mass dressed entirely in black, her face covered by a net or by sunglasses, wearing a white turban and white gloves.

41. Their striking black and white plumage is often likened to a white tie suit and generates humorous remarks about the bird being "well dressed".

42. All of the mourners were dressed in black/They were all dressed in black.

43. She was dressed in purple.

44. She was dressed in grey.

45. Dressed in a charcoal gray athletic outfit, Mallet wears special white cotton gloves - gloves that every visitor receives before entering the exhibit.

46. Banshees are frequently described as dressed in white or grey, often having long, pale hair which they brush with a silver comb

47. Men dressed in white robes and wearing tall black hats wave their arms, whirl and bow, and even stand on one leg.

48. She dressed her Carefullest on Monday night, put on a fresh white waist and white kid gloves, and wore her bracelet and gold watch and chain

49. Appareled: as in dressed, clothed

50. She was dressed in gray.

51. Then followed 24 young men dressed in white pants; black coats; white scarves on their right shoulders; coronets, or crowns, on their heads; and a sheathed sword at their left sides.

52. 23 The bridesmaids wore white satin dresses trimmed with pearls and sequins with Alice band flower trimmed head-dressed.

53. She dressed in a hurry.

54. She was dressed in somber black.

55. An elderly woman dressed in denim.

56. The band was dressed in scarlet.

57. The man is dressed in blue.

58. And they are “dressed in white outer garments,” signifying that they have been adjudged righteous, worthy of an honored place before Jehovah in that heavenly court.

59. It usually is really worth being dressed in a white attire if she might possibly use a tiara or rhinestone necklace with it!

60. He dressed quickly in casual clothes.

61. The band dressed up in drag.

62. She had arrived dressed in pink.

63. The mourners were dressed in black.

64. Both were dressed in blue overalls.

65. 12 It usually is really worth being dressed in a white attire if she might possibly use a tiara or rhinestone necklace with it!

66. Get dressed.

67. When you're Attired, you're dressed in clothing

68. # With his men all dressed in blue

69. The cow is all dressed in leather.

70. She was dressed in a lively pink.

71. The children were dressed in halloween costumes.

72. To be well dressed doesn't mean to be luxuriously dressed.

73. He was dressed in a black suit.

74. 5 He was dressed in khaki trousers.

75. Dressed throughout in opal white fittings, the original marble mantelpiece and concept chandelier lights add character to its boutique-minimal look, for a really tranquil ambience.

76. Dressed up or dressed down, Chaser remains the authority on cool.

77. Please, get dressed.

78. 8 They are dressed in starched khaki.

79. They were dressed up in Victorian clothes.

80. Appareled definition: dressed or clothed especially in fine attire; often used in combination synonyms: robed, garbed, clad, dressed, garmented, attired, clothed