Use "doing nothing" in a sentence

1. Bummed: to spend time doing nothing.

2. Or even by doing nothing at all.

3. And nothing I am doing is working.

4. The apprentice is always lazing about doing nothing.

5. You're not paid to sit around doing nothing!

6. He is always loafing around and doing nothing.

7. " Are you doing anything this afternoon? " " Nothing special. "

8. Budless says: we need another $10,000 for doing nothing

9. By doing nothing we learn to do ill. 

10. He sits on his arse all day doing nothing.

11. Budless says: we need another $10,000 for doing nothing

12. Formerly he often lingered around a park doing nothing.

13. Formerly he often lingered about a park doing nothing.

14. Nothing wrong with doing your business in the toilet.

15. Eve isn't the type to sit around doing nothing.

16. Nothing shall deter us from doing what we think right.

17. Bivouacked They were Bivouacked on their parade-ground, doing nothing.

18. Being still and doing nothing, are two very different things.

19. He's a local despot , stopping at nothing in doing evil.

20. 'People like doing things for nothing.'--'I know they do.'.

21. I don't pay you to sit around all day doing nothing!

22. How can you stomach bearing witness such atrocities whilst doing nothing?

23. It staggers me that the government is doing nothing about it.

24. 23 Peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing in particular.

25. But Mr Abbell is adamant that he is doing nothing untoward.

26. What have you been doing today? Oh, nothing, just fucking around.

27. The Government is doing nothing to intervene in the crisis.

28. He did not like to hang about all day doing nothing.

29. Despite this accumulation of evidence, the Government persisted in doing nothing.

30. Bestir yourself to start doing things after a period during which you have been doing nothing synonym rouse

31. You request the main selection at the retail price by doing nothing.

32. And get this -- you'll have an eight-week vacation of doing absolutely nothing.

33. We've been doing nothing but argue since Tomeo started dressing up like that...

34. There is nothing to stop them doing better than this and backdating this improvement.

35. They were forced to band together because the city was doing nothing for them.

36. The UAW contract also guarantees that 12,000 Autoworkers get full wage for doing nothing

37. Why should I do all the donkey work while you sit around doing nothing?

38. Why don't you get on withwork instead of piddling away the whole morning doing nothing?

39. They thus act “without prejudgment, doing nothing according to a biased leaning.” —1 Timothy 5:21.

40. Persecution, reproaches, tortures —nothing could swerve him from loyally doing God’s will down to the death.

41. All or nothing relates to doing something either completely or not at all: She either loves you or hates you - it's All or nothing with her

42. 🔊 Instead of doing nothing, the girl chose to Confront those who started a rumor about her

43. 24 He was doing nothing more dreadful than lingering, making light-hearted conversation and monopolizing Linda's attention.

44. Nothing is more exhilarating than the realization that you can make money by doing work that you love.

45. “Nothing is better than doing what you love,” says Gavin Rossdale, and the Bush frontman knows from experience

46. It is far better to be proactive in doing something and make mistakes than do nothing and be safe.

47. Sometimes we may feel unsure of what to say or do —so we wind up saying and doing nothing.

48. 29 The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of time. 

49. 27 The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame. 

50. Nothing much was doing, though, and eventually I went home for a bite to eat and a well-deserved kip.

51. Budless says: This is an outrage , unjust we are taking this to trial! Budless says: another $5,000 for doing less than nothing

52. 17 At the Dixie Dude, I spent my time between riding in the hills and just sitting on the porch doing nothing.

53. Budless says: This is an outrage , unjust we are taking this to trial! Budless says: another $5,000 for doing less than nothing

54. 16 The easiest thing in this situation is to do nothing and rest miserably in the comfort zone of doing something predictable.

55. 31 But as they were leaving, they began saying to one another: “This man is doing nothing deserving of death or prison bonds.”

56. Nothing more, nothing less.

57. Nothing seek, nothing find.

58. Nothing crave, nothing have.

59. Sow nothing, reap nothing.

60. Nothing more nothing less.

61. Nothing venture, nothing have.

62. Nothing brave, nothing have.

63. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

64. Just keep doing what you're doing.

65. Nothing will come of nothing.

66. Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

67. 21 In fact, all Athenians and the foreigners staying* there would spend their leisure time doing nothing else but telling or listening to something new.

68. 16 And above all, doing Jehovah’s work will profit us absolutely nothing unless we do it out of love, unselfishly, out of a pure heart.

69. A nothing, a zero, absolutely nothing

70. A nothing, a zero, absolutely nothing.

71. Nothing ventured, nothing ventured, I say.

72. ‘The provision of aid became an excuse for doing nothing, a kind of Busywork that governments undertook so they could avoid decisive political and military action.’

73. He that nothing questions nothing learns. 

74. Nothing venture, nothing have [gain, win]. 

75. Nothing more would beckon, nothing would tantalize.

76. Nothing had slipped, nothing had been overlooked.

77. He that knows nothing, doubts nothing. 

78. Doing something very badly, in a careless or stupid way: What Bungling idiot did this? The system is so Bungling and bureaucratic that nothing ever gets done.

79. Nothing.

80. Angry girl wants to be doing what they're doing.