Use "disarmament" in a sentence

1. Their new Social Democratic Party favoured multilateral disarmament as opposed to unilateral nuclear disarmament.

2. The Conference on Disarmament should establish without delay an ad hoc committee to deal with nuclear disarmament

3. The party supports multilateral disarmament.

4. Work on verification in the proposed group of governmental experts cannot be a substitute for the established disarmament machinery — the Conference on Disarmament and the Disarmament Commission — addressing the issue of nuclear disarmament verification in line with the scope of a future comprehensive instrument on nuclear disarmament.

5. They campaigned for nuclear disarmament.

6. The Cold War came to an end, and there was optimistic talk about disarmament, including nuclear disarmament.

7. “‘We haven’t had a disarmament movement and very little disarmament activity really since 1964 or 1965,’ he said. . . .

8. The representatives are debating about disarmament.

9. In a way, nuclear disarmament makes matters worse.

10. The session adopted a resolution on disarmament.

11. We have called for the setting up of an Ad Hoc Working Group on Nuclear Disarmament at the Geneva Conference on Disarmament.

12. Trust Fund for Global and Regional Disarmament Activities

13. The party reaffirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament.

14. Negotiations for disarmament have in general led nowhere.

15. They had campaigned vigorously for unilateral nuclear disarmament .

16. The disarmament conference will be reconvened next month.

17. Complete disarmament was the ultimate goal of the conference.

18. Non‐discriminatory Global Nuclear Disarmament: Our commitment towards non-discriminatory global nuclear disarmament remains unwavering, in line with the Rajiv Gandhi Action Plan.

19. There is a large body of support for nuclear disarmament.

20. I don't go along with her views on nuclear disarmament.

21. Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament?

22. 16 Nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation are closely related goals.

23. And it could monitor the implementation of disarmament treaties.

24. The disarmament of the aggressor nations must be complete.

25. Nobuyasu Abe, Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs; and H.E.

26. In which case, you'd be throwing out decades of disarmament progress.

27. She is known chiefly for her commitment to nuclear disarmament.

28. 3 The government seeks to promote non-proliferation and disarmament.

29. The process of disarmament is at a crucial turning point.

30. 7 Scientists, the arms race and disarmament Who is responsible?

31. The party has now abandoned its policy of unilateral disarmament.

32. The candidates had to state their position on unilateral disarmament.

33. In a way[], nuclear disarmament makes matters worse.

34. Suppose, though, that all the nuclear powers actually agreed to total disarmament.

35. The disarmament clauses of the Treaty of Versailles were not openly violated.

36. Nuclear disarmament is the act of reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons.

37. There is trade, there is disarmament, there is cross-border relations.

38. States acknowledged that there is a problem in the disarmament machinery.

39. There is trade, there is disarmament, there is cross- border relations.

40. What is the latest state of play in the disarmament talks?

41. He invoked memories of Britain's near-disastrous disarmament in the 1930s.

42. Draft resolution # affirms these propositions regarding the importance of regional disarmament

43. It is this conviction which underlines our continued advocacy of nuclear disarmament.

44. Nuclear-weapon-free zones were an important transitional step towards comprehensive disarmament

45. An effective world disarmament treaty should bring a detente in international tensions.

46. The United States has prevented progress in almost all the multilateral disarmament forums

47. adopted by the Disarmament Commission by consensus at its 1999 substantive session;

48. Not so long ago Mr Kinnock was strongly committed to unilateral disarmament.

49. It urges organized international action for disarmament, collective security and world peace.

50. The lasting we want it a trigger-happy general at the disarmament talks.

51. The disarmament agency accordingly came into being as a semidetached part of State.

52. Nuclear-weapon-free zones were an important transitional step towards comprehensive disarmament.

53. All 187 signatories were committed to the goal of (eventual) nuclear disarmament.

54. When asked directly for her position on disarmament, the candidate only equivocated.

55. Unilateral disarmament for Britain was the policy of the right hon. Gentleman.

56. Nepal values multilateral negotiations in disarmament and non-proliferation that ensure transparency and accountability

57. Non-nuclear weapon states criticized insufficient progress toward disarmament by the nuclear weapon states.

58. We shouldn't harbour any unrealistic notions about the talks on the so - called disarmament.

59. There is a wide diversity of opinion on the question of unilateral disarmament.

60. The United States must appear second to none in its desire for disarmament.

61. The next government will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear disarmament.

62. Representatives of around forty five (45) member States of the Conference on Disarmament (CD) and around ten (10) observer States attended the event, as did representatives of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR).

63. We have seen encouraging instances of actual disarmament, particularly with respect to missile stocks

64. My delegation regrets the paralysis that has befallen the United Nations disarmament machinery.

65. The Ministers agreed to advance efforts to strengthen the global non-proliferation and disarmament system.

66. The Committee took action on the draft resolution in cluster 3 (Outer space (disarmament aspects).

67. Addington opposed emancipation, instituted annual accounts, abolished income tax and began a programme of disarmament.

68. Throughout the world they are the banner bearers of the struggles for unilateral nuclear disarmament.

69. General Miguel Grande has suddenly decided to participate in a Central Asian disarmament conference.

70. The best way to follow up could be for India and the U.S. to support the setting up of an Ad Hoc Working Group in the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva on nuclear disarmament.

71. aa) Convening of the fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament

72. * India acknowledged the importance to New Zealand of a strong non-proliferation and disarmament regime.

73. Nuclear disarmament and the disassembling of nuclear weapons have expanded the possibility of nuclear theft.

74. General and complete disarmament: problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus

75. We have seen encouraging instances of actual disarmament, particularly with respect to missile stocks.

76. We are accelerating the disarmament process, disarming both regular armed forces and armed groups.

77. In her youth she was an active member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament .

78. I followed closely the statement made by Mr. Nobuyasu Abe, Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs

79. An absolute disarmament priority for the Sudan is the issue of small arms and light weapons

80. Let's put it to the question. How many people here are in favour of unilateral disarmament