Use "commented" in a sentence

1. Commented synonyms, Commented pronunciation, Commented translation, English dictionary definition of Commented

2. Extract Commented Pages Action Options Select the options for processing your Commented files

3. Coronavirus itself Commented wow

4. And unfortunately for your first paragraph, so is 'Commented code'! Commented code (especially well Commented code) is a pro, not a con

5. Find another word for Commented

6. "Gallant's code is Commented

7. Sionnach commented on the word Antapology

8. Sionnach commented on the word Ankylostomiasis

9. Hernesheir commented on the word Attires

10. You commented that I never age.

11. Recently Commented Confessions & Stories

12. The newspaper commented that Awake!

13. He commented on the composition.

14. He commented with typical pungency.

15. Hernesheir commented on the word Chrisom

16. TNH commented on the word Commentariat

17. Vanishedone commented on the word Cussedness

18. Bilby commented on the list Bywords

19. Pikachu commented on the word Begrimed

20. Chained_bear commented on the word Beeves

21. Yarb commented on the word Cockloft

22. Jmjarmstrong commented on the word Allograph

23. Qroqqa commented on the word Alumnus

24. Reallifepixel commented on the word Aril

25. Arby commented on the word Crummy

26. Mollusque commented on the word Calcination

27. Whichbe commented on the word Bootless

28. Yarb commented on the word Blacklegs

29. AZwordy commented on the word Balderdash

30. Bilby commented on the word Aught

31. Bookriter commented on the word Assess

32. Each Chorus is commented on in turn.

33. A 2019-10-22: No one so far has Commented on the A 2018-10-27: I Commented on the other thread A 2013-01-10: If no one has Commented or voted, A 2012-02-26: Rabend has not voted, just Commented

34. Callosity commented on the word Callosity

35. Pfitz commented on the word Clientelism

36. Synonyms for Commented in Free Thesaurus

37. Mollusque commented on the word Catchpenny

38. Mount_weary commented on the word Chrysalism

39. Milosrdenstvi commented on the word Cachinnation

40. Qroqqa commented on the word Blacklead

41. Jinglebelljosie commented on the word Biliment

42. Jmjarmstrong commented on the word Basiation

43. Nielsencl commented on the word Bankrupture

44. Bilby commented on the word Bupkis

45. 100000232338334 commented on the word Brooked

46. Bilby commented on the word Assinine

47. Manilamac commented on the word Adumbrated

48. Tinfangwarble commented on the word Anamnesis

49. Bilby commented on the word Astir

50. Emakrizi commented on the word Aberrant

51. In reality, Commented code is harmless

52. Hernesheir commented on the word Combed

53. Alexz commented on the word Chortle

54. Cxkang commented on the word Captious

55. Teasea commented on the word Bumf

56. Chained_bear commented on the word Blatherskite

57. AnWulf commented on the word Anglish

58. PossibleUnderscore commented on the word Bilious

59. Elisheba commented on the word Caryatid

60. Carolinacc commented on the word Augean

61. Yarb commented on the word Annectent

62. Sionnach commented on the word Autolysis

63. Vanishedone commented on the word Assimilationist

64. Yarb commented on the word Afflictive

65. Yarb commented on the word Armamentarium

66. A Canadian report on job absenteeism commented:

67. A 2010-10-20: This morning, I Commented on one o A 2008-12-23: As Commented (on) by / As relayed A 2008-10-30: Grammar: need not be Commented A 2008-10-30: The individual …

68. Copy link Quote reply Ariain commented Oct 22, …

69. Vendingmachine commented on the word Avidity "Mr

70. Commented: to make a statement of one's opinion.

71. Goofus's code is Commented out." (So "Remove Commented code" would be less technically correct, but of course a human

72. Definition of Commented out in the Idioms Dictionary

73. The Top 10 Most Commented Ads on AOTW

74. 'Commented out' is pretty much an industry term — Right

75. One of them commented: “Why were we sent here?

76. So commented an experienced German writer and television broadcaster.

77. MTV News commented that Glover "positively slay" the song.

78. 'Well, at least it's not purple,' she commented drily.

79. Doctors commented that some patients deliberately prolong their treatment.

80. Even local newspapers have commented on the aid rendered.