Use "case law" in a sentence

1. Would it seek merely to codify the existing case law or to reform on the existing case law?

2. Most fields of private law still consist primarily of case law and the extensive and steadily growing statutory law continues to be subject to binding interpretation through case law.

3. The case law is one of the law forms and the main law origin nowadays.

4. Case law - ( Also known as common law. ) Law established by previous decisions of appellate courts.

5. I was ruined by that law case.

6. There is a law case now with you.

7. She Argued the case for changing the law

8. What's my remedy in law in this case?

9. (aa) Previous case-law on Articles 48 and 52

10. Her case falls within the ambit of moral law.

11. Case by case, DDR is essential to actually develop sustainable peace and the rule of law

12. See also the case-law cited in footnote 56 above.

13. Isn't there any law around to take your case to?

14. It has been recognized that case law is the dominant source of Anglo-American legal system. So, the adoption between case law and statutory law becomes the distinctive watershed of two legal systems.

15. The roots of the law of confidence lie in equity and it is almost entirely case law.

16. (c) whether India’s domestic law will prevail over CSC in case of a nuclear accident and in case of a conflict over CSC and the Indian law;

17. Officers must understand Applicable case law and sentencing guidelines (if Applicable)

18. How a Car Accident Case Works Car Accident law is a combination of traffic and personal injury law.

19. The following is an example of a case law on Abutter:

20. Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (Clout) × or start browsing by

21. That passage of the law and the repeal of the law fortified the case of the Piarco Airport accused.

22. Within the Western legal tradition, norms are set through two different procedures: reiteration (case law) and parliamentary law-making.

23. 23 To draw forth an new concept "mixed law "coming from combining of case law and code law, and to expound the advantages and development tendency of "mixed law".

24. I said the case law could change and we would get nothing.

25. 58 – On this point, see the case-law cited above, footnote 38.

26. 20 Within the Western legal tradition, norms are set through two different procedures: reiteration (case law) and parliamentary law-making.

27. When you need legal assistance in a family law dispute or criminal law case, call the Bartow office of Blenk Law, PA, at 863-578-8617

28. 33 – Huijbrechts, cited in footnote 9 above, paragraph 17 and case-law cited.

29. He became disillusioned with law after losing a case due to a technicality.

30. You weren't so bound by rules, legislation, case law or anything like that.

31. The law courts are venal and can take decades to decide a case.

32. This has less support in the case law than the previous two tests.

33. Because the Internet is new, there is little relevant case law in this area.

34. The following is an example of a case law referring to the autrefois Attaint:

35. 8 Complying with Roman law, Lysias sent a letter to Felix outlining the case.

36. The American legal system, like the English, is methodologically mainly a case law system.

37. The Battered woman self-defense achieved acceptance within the case law of numerous states

38. After entering in the 20th centuries, the relationship between case law and statutory law of two legal systems have the trend of amalgamation.

39. If upheld in appellate court the case could form an important precedent in family law.

40. A Brief must include facts about the trial court case and examples from the law

41. — that law does not allow any means of challenging that act in the relevant case.

42. There are specific legislative provisions which apply to fiscal valuations and which supplement case law.

43. Case Law Winterhaven Stables Ltd. v. Attorney General of Canada [1988] 53 D.L.R. (4th) 413.

44. See also FlachglasTorgau, cited in footnote 4 above, paragraph 30 and the case-law cited.

45. Judges have a hard time trying to thread their way through the labyrinthine case law.

46. Confederative inquisitor ever sued 10 their crime, but at that time a judge with this law have not perfect for cancel this law case

47. Consuetudinary— (Medieval Latin consuetudinarius, from consuetudo, custom) is a term applied to law where the rule of law is determined by long standing custom as opposed to case law or statute

48. Consuetudinary — (Medieval Latin consuetudinarius, from consuetudo, custom) is a term applied to law where the rule of law is determined by long standing custom as opposed to case law or statute

49. The order for reference goes on to address the case-law of the Spanish Constitutional Court.

50. The law will apply equally to men and women except in the case of maternity leave.

51. In finding the method for risk - hedging invalid, court relied on existing Supreme Court case law.

52. 23 – Judgment cited above, paragraph 12, and the case-law cited in footnote 14 of this Opinion.

53. There is not a lot of case law for the adjudication officers to base their decisions on.

54. 17 For the lackingof case law, it needs special legislation to decide the concrete right to privacy.

55. Acquittal Law and Legal Definition Acquit means to find a defendant in a criminal case not guilty

56. 36 – See, inter alia, Impact, cited in footnote 35 above, paragraph 45 and the case-law cited.

57. Case law has shown that court rulings on these kind of scenarios have resulted in arbitrary decisions.

58. (33) Case-law acknowledges that, to that end, the Commission bases its action on an ‘overall approach’.

59. 51 The case-law cited above is applicable, by analogy, to Article 53 of the EEA Agreement.

60. The absence of detailed case law has meant that there are no established rules to resolve conflicts.

61. The changing nature of the planning context, through case law, government policy and statute, demands continuing attention.

62. That aside, reasoning in accordance with the aforecited case-law, I believe that this is clearly a case where Article 67 is not of a residual nature.

63. As the managing partner of Becker Law Office, Gregory J. Bubalo approaches every case from three valuable perspectives

64. 51 That finding is, moreover, supported by the case-law of the Court as set out in Altun.

65. Georgia statutes and case law provide two basic methods to Controvert a workers' compensation claim in its entirety

66. Courts of Cassation do not re-examine the facts of a case, they only interpret the relevant law

67. In certain cases, such organisational problems lead to an accumulation of delays and procedural errors. Case law example:

68. 112 – According to consistent case-law, the primary law obligation of transparency requires a sufficient degree of advertising to be ensured for the benefit of any potential contractor.

69. Therefore, it is the basis on which statutory law, case law, custom, folk rules, public order and excellent social custom as well as laws formulated by judges exist.

70. Often, you need to compare many different cases to the specific facts in your case to figure out what the law that Applies to your case really is

71. Finally, another line of case-law in the pension context worth addressing relates to Directive 79/7/EEC.

72. Any other unilateral actions that are being taken in this particular case are at odds with international law.

73. And in the ideal case, the hypothesis isn't just an idea: ideally, it is a law of nature.

74. The law adds: “In no case should the amount exceed the sum of 10,000 F CFA (US$20.00).”

75. A determination to rein in the president also lay behind the Case Act that became law in 19

76. As a result, reliance has been placed mainly upon case law to map the contours of the current prohibition.

77. There is now a small body of case law illustrating the application of the reasonableness test by the courts.

78. Each begins with an introduction to the law concerning that Aggravating circumstance, followed by case annotations in chronological order.

79. In putting this case we should first recollect the third pillar in Dicey's concept of the rule of law.

80. After a consideration of the theories, the case law from both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries will be examined.