Use "by now" in a sentence

1. If his accomplishments in bed counted militarily, he'd be a bloody ace by now:

Si son talent au lit comptait au niveau militaire, il serait un as maintenant.

2. By now there were better prospects on how to use these popular and promising, advanced cartographical interfaces.

On en était venu à mieux voir comment utiliser ces interfaces cartographiques perfectionnées qui rencontraient un grand succès et ouvraient des perspectives prometteuses.

3. Honestly, I was hoping... [ American accent ] that you would've pitched forward, lights out by now. [ tires screeching ]

Honnêtement, je espérais... vous seriez évanoui à cette heure.

4. Take the inevitable rejections in stride; stories abound of the piles of rejection notices received by now-acclaimed writers.

Ne vous laissez pas troubler par les inévitables rejets; les histoires de rejet abondent parmi les écrivains désormais célèbres.

5. By now, you probably think your opinion of Goldman Sachs and its swarm of Wall Street allies has rock-bottomed at raw loathing. You’re wrong.

L’intellectuel états-unien Noam Chomsky a donné une série de conférences à Paris.

6. A legitimate question is whether character in airmanship is really more crucial than integrity and whether or not the terms mean the same thing . Semantics notwithstanding, there is a difference which could Prove si g nificant . If you're a critical reader, you've probably observed by now that some of the questions are phrased in a manner that will allow a definite distinction between "character" and "integrity ."

Cette question se rapporte aux pilotes (ou aux commandants de bord de lignes aeriennes ou commandants d'aeronefs, si vous pr~ferez) qui sont pleinement qualifies et qui possedent toute l'experience qui, selon vous, est necessaire . Serait-ce la maitrise de soi, le "leadersltip", ou simplernent 1'integrite?