Use "by now" in a sentence

1. By now she was mainlining.

2. By now Slote was ravenous.

3. He'll be home by now.

4. Should be slowing down by now.

5. He must be there by now.

6. Nelson, by now, was his nonpareil.

7. He should have arrived by now.

8. She should know that by now.

9. She should have arrived by now.

10. By now Peter was really grieved.

11. She'll have had the results by now.

12. By now Britain had lost its empire.

13. My legs, by now, feel like jelly.

14. By now the rain was pelting down.

15. By now it was completely dark outside.

16. By now, the baby was wide awake.

17. Perhaps they are already there by now.

18. By now the cement had set hard.

19. The plants must need watering by now.

20. By now the party was in full swing.

21. The fire should be well alight by now.

22. I don't even know how many by now.

23. By now the crowd was baying for blood.

24. There should be some snowdrops out by now.

25. By now any semblance of normality had disappeared.

26. By now , it was a taunt to him.

27. By now he is a famous public figure.

28. She must know the play backwards by now.

29. I would have taken you over by now

30. By now, she was screaming, completely overcome with hysteria.

31. By now the cottage lettings were in full swing.

32. She ought to have been made sergeant by now.

33. Events were by now overtaking the scientists almost daily.

34. By now the whole affair was in the open.

35. By now he was in a very agitated state.

36. 10 By now, wealthily was riding a steamship process.

37. Shouldn't you be running around on rooftops by now?

38. You must be getting used to that by now.

39. By now the wine had lifted her flagging spirits.

40. By now, the high - power floodlight has been adopted.

41. How many people have accessed your homepage by now?

42. I had sobered up by now and felt terrible.

43. Nicoletta has become by now indispensable for my life.

44. By now I'm sure you know who I am.

45. You'd think we'd have stopped making them by now.

46. You'd think I'd be good at losing by now.

47. By now, killing is all our unsub things about.

48. If it was this meningitis she'd be dead by now.

49. By now that “short while” must be near its completion.

50. Neglecting your work, it should have been full by now!

51. Mrs McIntyre must be getting on for 90 by now.

52. 4 Corporate executives should recognize financial hocus-pocus by now.

53. By now she was resisting him only a little bit.

54. Lassie would have had a fire truck here by now.

55. 9 By now this had become a major preoccupation for him.

56. I'm sure by now you can appreciate where we're coming from.

57. 10 However,( there are not consistent brittleness indexes by now.

58. I believe all of you have got the text by now.

59. Robb will have sent a force to retake Winterfell by now.

60. Let's go back. Your parents must be getting frantic by now.

61. Most of the French reserve divisions had by now been committed.

62. By now, though, most of the technical hurdles have been overcome.

63. By now the passengers were getting browned off with the delay.

64. By now she was probably telling them she was an anesthesiologist.

65. By now they should be digging pits, putting bags of sand up.

66. Which means they could be a thousand miles into Mexico by now.

67. You'd think he'd have our hours of operation down by now, right?

68. I wanted to come after you, I would've done it by now.

69. By now, putting satellites in orbit is old hat to space scientists.

70. Babbling is by now quite complex and often referred to as jargon

71. Figured your scalp would be hanging in some Apache wickiup by now.

72. He looks great and yet he must be pushing sixty by now.

73. 16 'she should be all right from the plane's jolting by now.

74. But by now, everybody agrees that the elephant had an aquatic ancestor.

75. He was on the floor, which was by now streaked with excrement.

76. You must have worked out by now that I didn't do it.

77. Cupid was healed of his wound by now and longing for Psyche.

78. By now, the plane was just a distant speck in the sky.

79. The girls mill around. They are used to her tears by now.

80. As we all know by now, these theories of doom are bunkum.