менторский in Vietnamese

° м́енторск|ий прил.‚ирон.
- [thuộc về] tôn sư, nhà mô phạm; ~им т́оном lên giọng dạy đời, lên mặt mô phạm, với giọng lên lớp

Sentence patterns related to "менторский"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "менторский" from the Russian - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "менторский", or refer to the context using the word "менторский" in the Russian - Vietnamese.

1. Недопустим менторский тон Высокого представителя в отношении процесса формирования нового Совета министров по итогам всеобщих выборов прошлого года.