грецкий in Vietnamese

° гр́ецкий прил.
= ~ ор́ех а) (дерево) [cây] hồ đào, óc chó (Inglans regia); б) (плод) [quả, hạt] hồ đào, óc chó

Sentence patterns related to "грецкий"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "грецкий" from the Russian - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "грецкий", or refer to the context using the word "грецкий" in the Russian - Vietnamese.

1. Расколоть эту крепкую черепушку, как грецкий орех?

Đập vỡ cái hộp sọ đó mở nó ra như một hạt dẻ?