ຄົນຮັບໃຊ້ in Vietnamese

ຄົນຮັບໃຊ້ ຄືຄົນໃຊ້.

Sentence patterns related to "ຄົນຮັບໃຊ້"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ຄົນຮັບໃຊ້" from the Lao - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ຄົນຮັບໃຊ້", or refer to the context using the word "ຄົນຮັບໃຊ້" in the Lao - Vietnamese.

1. ຄົນຮັບໃຊ້ ຂອງເພິ່ນ ກໍຢ້ານ ແລະ ຖາມເອລີຊາວ່າ ເຂົາ ເຈົ້າຈະເຮັດ ຈັ່ງໃດໃນ ສະຖານະການ ທີ່ເສຍປຽບ ຢ່າງນັ້ນ.

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