grole in Vietnamese

* danh từ giống cái
- (tiếng địa phương) quạ gáy xám; quạ mỏ hẹp
- (thông tục) giầy

Sentence patterns related to "grole"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "grole" from the French - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "grole", or refer to the context using the word "grole" in the French - Vietnamese.

1. De telles etudes ont montre que l'antigene K88 intervient de facon marquee dans l'aptitude d'E. coli enteropathogene a proliferer dans l'intestin grole de porcelets et que l'antigene K99 a une fonction similaire pourE. coli enteropathogene des veaux et des agneaux.