peak period labour demand in Vietnamese

@Peak period labour demand
- (Econ) Cầu lao động ở thời kỳ cao điểm; Cầu lao động ở kỳ giáp hạt.
+ Mức cầu về lao động ở thời điểm cao nhất, cụm thuật ngữ này thường được nói đến việc làm trong nông nghiệp có tính chất chu kỳ với những đỉnh điểm xảy ra vào thời gian thu hoạch.
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-mức cầu lao động cao điểm
-mức cầu lao động trong thời kỳ cao điểm

Sentence patterns related to "peak period labour demand"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "peak period labour demand" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "peak period labour demand", or refer to the context using the word "peak period labour demand" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. This usually occurs during the peak agricultural activities and when labour is in a great demand.

2. Aggregate peak demand (67)

3. 10 And during peak demand,( discounts can vanish.

4. Load demand can exceed 66 percent during peak periods.

5. We now are in this period called "peak TV," right?

Chúng ta hiện giờ đang trong quá trình gọi là "truyền hình cao điểm" phải không?

6. Labour Demand Construction activity has been growing steadily for more than ten years.

7. Use the "Demand comparison" card to compare how different demand channels are performing over the selected time period.

8. However, a larger labour force without overall aggregate demand would merely increase the unemployment rate.

9. Employment Redundancy is a predominant form of adjustment to changes in the demand for labour.

10. During this period, the country's labor force was in high demand.

Trong giai đoạn này, lực lượng lao động của đất nước có nhu cầu cao.

11. 20 Employment Redundancy is a predominant form of adjustment to changes in the demand for labour.

12. If the ith labour market initially experiences excess demand money wages will rise at a rate.

13. This peak spring period is generally what is referred to as the "Canadian seal hunt".

Thời kỳ cao điểm mùa xuân này thường được gọi là "mùa săn hải cẩu Canada".

14. Basque activities in the St Lawrence estuary reached a peak in the period 1550-80

15. In pastoral areas a high demand for female labour persisted, and in the dairying regions even increased.

16. Thirdly, estimate the elasticity of the constrained labour demand function with respect to the real wage rate.

17. In addition, this peak demand can be expected to lead to higher prices than in a phased introduction.

18. Problems would seem to exist on both the supply and demand side of the labour market for designers.

19. During the peak construction period, five acres [more than two hectare] a day were being reclaimed.

Trong thời gian xây cất cao điểm, người ta khai khẩn được hai hecta đất mỗi ngày.

20. 25 Electricity companies use it to switch off certain loads, such as water heaters, at times of peak demand.

21. Mr Prescott's demand for the tunnel to be taken into public ownership goes beyond existing Labour Party policy.

22. During the reporting period, UNMEE has noted an increase in demand for such activities.

23. Because import substitution rested on capital-intensive enterprises which required little labour and, therefore, did little to stimulate demand;

24. The aggregate labour demand curve also shifts to the right, and the equilibrium in the labour market shifts from point A to point B. The equilibrium nominal wage increases unambiguously.

25. Peak power = (peak potential in volts) × (peak beam current in amperes).