in passing in Vietnamese

@in passing
*thành ngữ passing

Sentence patterns related to "in passing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in passing" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in passing", or refer to the context using the word "in passing" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Only in passing.

Chỉ loáng thoáng thôi.

2. It was just in passing.

Chỉ nói loáng thoáng thế thôi.

3. He displayed admirable skills in passing, dribbling, and heading.

4. 7 People in passing cars tried waving him down.

5. Camille Paglia gives us, in passing, a definition of Aestheticism:

6. It is also mentioned in passing in The Tale of Genji.

Tục này cũng được nhắc đến trong Truyện kể Genji.

7. Constipation is the term used to describe difficulty or infrequency in passing feces (poo)

8. ‘In his discourse on Cetology, Ishmael describes himself in passing as ‘an American whaleman’.’

9. He had a half-brother, Jim, whom he mentioned in passing on his show.

Ông có một người anh em cùng cha khác mẹ, Jim, người đã từng được ông nhắc đến trong chương trình của mình.

10. The Communication addresses some of these, at least in passing, and some it does not

11. Johnson succeeded in passing major civil rights laws that restarted racial integration in the South.

Johnson thành công trong nỗ lực tìm kiếm sự phê chuẩn cho các đạo luật bảo vệ dân quyền và khởi sự chính sách hòa hợp chủng tộc ở miền nam.

12. 5 The political standoff led to a six-month delay in passing this year's budget.

13. Moss has been noted for his determination in passing the Freedom of Information Act into law.

14. He put his hand familiarly on her shoulder, as if only to greet her in passing.

15. The Romans were instrumental, however, in passing on the scientific knowledge that had accumulated until that time.

16. ‘In passing under a tree infested with Aphides the drops can be felt like a fine rain.’

17. We hope that all political parties will help us in passing this Bill in the Rajya Sabha.

18. And he told me in passing that the accountant had bought a pair of Ferengi rain slippers.

19. At times, detailed explanations are omitted from one account but are provided elsewhere by statements made in passing.

20. 29 Sometimes as few as 20 out of 500 or more candidates succeed in passing all the tests.

21. The advancing starting material (1) is heated in passing by applying an alternating magnetic field to the resin.

22. 29 A word here in passing about what actually goes to make up a typical volcanic eruption cloud.

23. 27 We can't go into all the details of that case now, I merely mention it in passing.

24. In passing, I might draw your attention to the dreadful morbidity and mortality rates of these compulsory surgeries.

25. It started many years back, when a gardener on an Atypically cold day commented on her sweatshirt in passing

26. That is their secret, and will remain so; it behoves us not to pry, only to speculate in passing.

27. There are 27 countries in the world that do not grant equal rights to women in passing on their nationality.

Có 27 quốc gia trên thế giới không cấp quyền bình đẳng cho phụ nữ khi chuyển quốc tịch.

28. It highlights in passing the difference between unwanted and regretted contact, Anatomises the multiple manifestations and pervasiveness of entitlement, and …

29. One man Ebony mentioned, but only in passing, would become one of the most influential black deejays of all time.

30. I've seen them in passing before, but I don't think the true Abominability of them became clear until last week, when I …

31. The New Testament writings only mention the first Antioch in passing, and Paul wrote no existing letters to the churches in either city.

32. We are working together actually on counter-terrorism as well. It is an element in our discussions with them. It is mentioned in passing.

33. But the passers-by from whom he Cadges cigarettes know him, and if you know Marshall Willoughby even in passing, you know he has a …

34. Let us remark in passing, that the burial of Mother Crucifixion under the altar of the convent is a perfectly venial offence in our sight.

35. Once congenial pairs of eyes now squinted and frowned at one another in passing. Someone in the company was a spy, a voyeur with sadistic tendencies.

36. In distinguishing between impulse and reaction Blading it is necessary to consider what happens to the steam in passing through one stage of fixed and moving blades

37. In passing, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru are "moisture farmers"; in Dune, dew collectors are used by Fremen to "provide a small but reliable source of water."

Ngoài ra, chú Owen và dì Beru là "nông dân ẩm"; ở Dune, những người thu gom sương được Fremen sử dụng để "cung cấp một nguồn nước nhỏ nhưng đáng tin cậy."

38. 12 In passing ostentatious, understood that the camouflage maliciously , has already put behind the sad feeling. all are a silent movie as if, in nobody left theater performance.

39. SEPARATION AND SERVICE JAMES HUDSON TAYLOR He was a Backslider, and had stopped in passing, being attracted by a hymn I was singing—one his mother used to sing.

40. It may be remarked in passing that the supposed disappearance of buffalo-grass, Bulbilis dactyloides, connected more or less poetically with the vanishing herds of bison, is a popular myth

41. It may be remarked in passing that the supposed disappearance of bugalo-grass, Bulbilis dacQloides, connected more or less poetically with the vanishing herds of bison, is a popular myth

42. In passing, let it be noted that the theory on the origin of the solar system that Laplace advanced in his Celestial Mechanics has been replaced by other theories equally inconclusive.

43. As an extended flight of the imagination 'The Blood oranges' explores regions of desire, fidelity, and repression that many have gestured towards or illuminated in passing, but that few have mapped extensively

44. In Passing Judgment, Apter reveals how interactions between parents and children, within couples, and among friends and colleagues are permeated with praise and blame that range far beyond specific compliments and accusations

45. All it amounted to was Howard mentioning in passing "the vast Black Kingdoms of the Amazons" (The essay was also serialized in Savage Sword of Conan I#7-8, 12, 15-17).

46. In passing, we should note that local initiatives were taken to counteract the high absenteeism rates in some bases, such as Gagetown, where exercises, operational courses and business travel kept it at about 30 percent.

47. In passing on the Funding Advantage, the FI’s Treasury Department has to cope with differences in term of the loan, type of loan repayment (bullet or amortising), whether the loan is at fixed or variable interest, and possibly the currency.

48. The Argonauts now, with the assistance of Hera, followed the example of the dove, sailed quickly between the rocks, and succeeded in passing through without injuring their ship, with the exception of some ornaments at the stern, henceforth the Symplegades stood immoveable in the sea.

49. Faucher's "The Effect of the Atomist Clinamen in the Constitution of Borges's 'Library of Babel'" and Neil Badmington's "Babelation." Emir Rodriguez Monegal mentions in passing that the story "satirizes the concept of a total library" (89), but does not expand on this suggestion.

50. ‘The temple guards Cudgel him even before he has been judged.’ ‘They Cudgel him and force him to confess to his iniquities.’ ‘I must mention, in passing, that there was a picture of him in the newspaper - and he does have a face, or wears an expression, that rather invites a Cudgelling.’