tedious in Vietnamese

Tính từ
chán ngắt, tẻ, nhạt nhẽo, thiếu hấp dẫn, làm buồn tẻ

Sentence patterns related to "tedious"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tedious" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tedious", or refer to the context using the word "tedious" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Ambagious: Circumlocutory; tedious

2. Another tedious lawsuit.

Lại 1 vụ kiện cáo tào lao nữa.

3. The work is tedious.

4. Three agonizingly tedious days.

5. He found committee meetings extremely tedious.

6. Actually, I find it rather tedious.

Thực ra, tôi thấy nó chán ngắt.

7. The arguments are tedious and complicated.

8. The work was tiring and tedious.

9. The tedious job simply ate me up.

10. The audience coughed down the tedious speaker.

11. They reluct at long and tedious essays.

12. Many secular jobs are tedious and unfulfilling.

Nhiều công việc ở ngoài đời thì nhàm chán và bạc bẽo.

13. He performed the tedious task of collating texts.

14. Yes, it was tedious, but we kept going.

Vâng, điều đó chán ngắt, nhưng chúng tôi vẫn tiếp tục.

15. I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days!

16. We are bored by the speaker's tedious talk.

17. How tedious would this world be without mystery.

Thật buồn tẻ biết bao khi thế giới này không có những điều huyền bí.

18. The manager landed me with this tedious task.

19. Bummer An unsuccessful, unpleasant, or tedious experience; a failure

20. Synonyms for Cloyed include palled, became nauseating, become nauseating, became sickening, become sickening, became distasteful, become distasteful, became tedious, become tedious and became tiresome

21. The job is tedious, but the pay is good.

22. Her visits were starting to get a bit tedious.

23. Bumblery, andthe bumbler is spared the tedious exercising ofhis mentalfaculties

24. He went on at tedious length about his favourite hobby.

25. Is not so long as is a tedious tale.

Không phải là quá dài như là một câu chuyện tẻ nhạt.

26. It would be tedious to stop to enumerate them.

27. 14 Art restoration work is slow, methodical and sometimes tedious.

28. I was in the minority in finding him a bit tedious.

29. Shooting a movie can be time-consuming, tedious, and expensive.

30. Elimination of tedious repetitive work such as casting and balancing.

31. The camaraderie among fellow employees made the tedious work just bearable.

32. It would be tedious to recapitulate the substance of Addison's tributes.

33. The trouble is I find most forms of exercise so tedious.

34. After reading Vera, which I loved, I found the Benefactress quite tedious

35. Finding that worm connectome took over a dozen years of tedious labor.

Để tìm ra được hệ kết nối của con giun này phải mất hàng tá năm trời để làm những việc tẻ nhạt

36. His phone call was a welcome intrusion into an otherwise tedious morning.

37. She writes a tedious and self-indulgent column for a Sunday paper.

38. "Carsick" can be tedious, but Waters is never unlikable

39. The main argument was submerged in a mass of tedious detail.

40. 30 He went on at tedious length about his favourite hobby.

41. The Circumnavigation is mostly a passage and as such, it’s somewhat tedious

42. A time management system automates processes, which eliminates paper work and tedious tasks.

Một Hệ thống quản lý thời gian tự động quá trình loại bỏ công việc giấy tờ và các nhiệm vụ tẻ nhạt.

43. It had been a tiring day, largely because of all the tedious waiting.

44. Many of you rise early to work at exhausting or tedious jobs.

Nhiều người trong các bạn phải dậy sớm, đến sở làm những công việc nặng nhọc hoặc nhàm chán.

45. We had to listen to all the tedious details of his operation.

46. Where, later, Joyce would see it, with tedious inevitability, and ask questions.

47. The dog provides most of the comic relief in this tedious sitcom.

48. I spent the rest of their visit gleefully boring them with tedious details.

49. THE most tedious task in scientific discussion is definition specially of abstract terms .

50. And they'll soon forget the tedious sermonizing of a few dry old men.

Và họ sẽ chóng quên những lời thuyết giáo tẻ nhạt của các lão già kia.