teething troubles in Vietnamese

Danh từ
những vấn đề nhỏ xảy ra vào các giai đoạn đầu của một cuộc kinh doanh

Sentence patterns related to "teething troubles"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "teething troubles" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "teething troubles", or refer to the context using the word "teething troubles" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Amber Teething Toy – Little BAmber is a Natural Amber and Rubber Giraffe Teething Toy for Natural Teething Comfort – Comforting Texture Teething Toy for Sore Gums – Teething Necklace Alternative

2. Amber Teething Toy – Little BAmber is a Natural Amber and Rubber Giraffe Teething Toy for Natural Teething Comfort – Comforting Texture Teething Toy for Sore Gums – Teething Necklace Alternative

3. Puppy Teething vs Nipping and Biting

4. Drooling: How teething babies wash their chins.

5. 6 Light troubles speak; great troubles keep silent. 

6. her troubles ♫

những lo toan ♫

7. A frozen wet washcloth or rubber teething ring work well .

Khăn mặt ướt lạnh hoặc vòng ngậm mọc răng bằng cao su cho bé cũng có tác dụng tốt .

8. Which mildly troubles him.

Anh nhẹ nhàng gỡ rối tài tình cho họ.

9. Those troubles, always linger.

10. Camomile has long been used as a remedy for teething babies.

11. That company then used the chemical to make the teething medicine .

Sau đó công ty này đã dùng chất này để làm thuốc giảm đau khi mọc răng .

12. Teething gels are among the over-the-counter preparations that contain Benzocaine

13. Don't meet troubles half-way.

14. Her arthritis troubles her greatly.

15. Many troubles oppressed my father.

16. Though troubles and trials beset us,

Cho dù gian khó bủa vây khắp bao phía,

17. You know what troubles me most?

Đồng chí có biết, điều khiến tôi đau khổ nhất là gì không?

18. He was plagued by eye troubles.

19. Don't dump your troubles on me!

20. Though Troubles Assail, And Dangers Affright - Song Lyrics with Orchestral backing music.LYRICS:Though troubles assail, And dangers AffrightAuthor: John Newt

21. Examples: Basinful of troubles; of worries

22. This is what sorely troubles him.

23. Though troubles assail, And dangers Affright.J

24. Living and Witnessing Through the Troubles

Sống và làm chứng trong Thời Kỳ Loạn Lạc

25. He's always drunk and giving you troubles!

Lúc nào cũng say xỉn khiến anh bị vạ lây!