tedium in Vietnamese

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như tediousness

Sentence patterns related to "tedium"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tedium" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tedium", or refer to the context using the word "tedium" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Stress also relieves the tedium of everyday life.

2. Two-thirty was a time of blank arrest; a time of tedium, with all the dangers tedium carries at its heart.

3. It was another day of mind-numbing tedium.

4. I didn't know how to while away my tedium.

5. We sang while we worked, to relieve the tedium .

6. In myself I could observe the following sources of tedium.

7. And ask any worker about the treadmill, the maddening tedium.

8. Biometrics tedium-proof FERA Becket wagati Ndebeles recreation Bumbaste monopoliser

9. We played games to relieve the tedium of the journey.

10. 7 I didn't know how to while away my tedium.

11. 10 Melancholy, weariness, tedium? the reiteration of the note cannot be coincidence.

12. Sometimes I shave my legs, amazed at the majestic tedium of the activity.

13. His relentless gentility would risk serious tedium without a sharpness of eye and wit.

14. To relieve the tedium of the days they sang, or told stories to Enoch.

15. Synonyms for Accidie include boredom, ennui, tedium, weariness, apathy, doldrums, dullness, flatness, languor and monotony

16. She began to wonder whether she wouldn't go mad with the tedium of the job.

17. Blindfold unfolds at a slow pace with a tedium that evokes Padnos’ own physical and psychic experiences

18. These moments were so vivid, so powerful, that they over-rode the endless tedium and the despair.

19. The only things to break the dusty tedium are distant mountains[Sentencedict], ragged scars on the horizon.

20. Understanding your address book's capabilities will save you time and tedium in the long run.

21. She wanted to be left alone, but now the tedium of her resolutely normal life is plastered across 190 pages.

22. The proposed new lineup also drops Comedy Central, which often helps channel surfers flee the tedium of network programming.

23. You can end up a slave to the system, putting in endless hours of tedium and hating it.

24. Some married women do so because they have grown tired of the tedium of being at home all day.

25. But in this return he sometimes found something as horribly inane as the tedium of the city clerk's world.

26. It was all highly entertaining and colourful, especially after a couple of days of shows that explored new boundaries of tedium.

27. She would have welcomed a raging tempest or a blistering drought - anything to relieve the endless tedium of her situation.

28. It all adds up to a simulacrum of French village life – but without the tedium, because you are in the epicentre of civilisation.

29. As yet another Metroidvania with a Dark Souls bent, Blasphemous is an enjoyable descent into a pitiless world partially marred by some cumbersome mechanics and tedium

30. Helping Americans get their tax returns in order since 1955, H&R Block is guaranteed to take the tedium out of your taxes

31. In order to create a sense of tedium during a classroom lecture scene, there could be several brief Cutaways to a clock moving forward several hours.

32. But “Advantageous,” which till then has been quite fascinating in its quiet, methodically paced way, at this point slows to an even quieter near-crawl, risking tedium when it requires

33. ‘Critics Assailed the commission, as well as a number of state and local organizations, for commercializing centennial activities.’ ‘The book sold well and rapidly became fashionable, but was Assailed in various critical pamphlets for length, tedium, and doubtful morality.’

34. ‘Adaptations to the school curriculum’ ‘It is a process of Adaptation, a habit acquired with effort, pain, and tedium.’ ‘This was considered critical for highly educated immigrants, because settlement and Adaptation is facilitated by social interaction.’

35. Webster’s dictionary defines tedium as “the quality or state of being wearisome, tiresome or dull”. But there is also the word used in the spiritual literature of almost all the western languages, namely, acedia, the meaning of which is basically that of apathy (as opposed to diligence) and boredom (as opposed to joy).

36. The Latin version by Saint Jerome, the Vulgate, says: Dormitavit anima mea prae taedio (literally, “My soul slept from boredom”: Ps.118/119:28). We should note that the Greek word in the Septuagint, which Jerome translates as taedio (tedium, or boredom) is our word, “acedia.” What is the Hebrew word which underlies the Greek?