intentions in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. ý định, mục đích; chủ định
2. (số nhiều) (thông tục) tình ý (muốn hỏi ai làm vợ)
3. (y học) cách liền sẹo
4. (triết học) khái niệm

Sentence patterns related to "intentions"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intentions" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intentions", or refer to the context using the word "intentions" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. I have no intentions.

Cháu không có mục đích gì.

2. You know my intentions better.

. Em hiểu rõ ko phải mà.

3. However, their intentions are honourable.

4. My intentions were perfectly honourable.

5. She stated her intentions unequivocally.

6. Naively optimistic, full of good intentions, but despite his good intentions, are still unavoidable in trouble.

7. He is motivated by good intentions.

8. Can you fathom out her intentions?

9. I had completely misread his intentions.

10. He was upfront about his intentions.

11. You must have mistaken my intentions.

12. The general misread the enemy's intentions.

13. I was misled about your intentions.

14. She professed ignorance of their intentions.

15. Baleful means harmful, or expressing harmful intentions.

16. Beware of the Intentions of the Heart

Hãy đề phòng khuynh hướng của lòng

17. Don't arrogate wrong intentions to your colleagues.

18. I could not puzzle out her intentions.

19. He was uncertain about his brother's intentions.

20. He was misunderstood notwithstanding his good intentions.

21. Her good intentions were thwarted almost immediately.

22. I could not puzzle out his intentions.

23. You misled me as to your intentions.

24. Hell is paved with good intentions

25. Despite good intentions you will harm someone.

Nếu có hiềm khích, ngươi sẽ hại người.

26. Those intentions were noble, the realisation fraught.

27. Our information on Israeli intentions was sketchy.

28. We could not puzzle out his intentions.

29. We have no bad intentions with your planet.

Chúng tôi không có mưu đồ xấu với hành tinh của các bạn.

30. 8 But the generous one has generous intentions,

8 Nhưng người hào hiệp có ý hào hiệp

31. My Hun brother, I came with peaceful intentions

Các anh em, chúng ta nên chung sống cùng nhau trong hòa bình.

32. They remained Blissfully unaware of his true intentions

33. He also knows our thoughts, desires, and intentions.

Ngài cũng biết ý nghĩ, ước muốn và dự định của chúng ta.

34. No civilised woman would have intentions regarding him.

Không người phụ nữ văn minh nào muốn có tình ý với anh ấy.

35. Do not arrogate wrong intentions to your friends.

36. Il Moro has made his intentions abundantly clear.

Cái thằng mọi rợ đó có nhiều mưu mô lắm.

37. China, of course, insists it has bellicose intentions.

38. They remained blissfully unaware of his true intentions.

39. When telling a white lie the intentions are good rather than when telling a lie its intentions are the other way around.

40. It searches our intentions and motives of our hearts.

Tựa gương sáng soi rọi tâm hồn, nhận ra lối đi không ngay.

41. How dare you impute such monstrous intentions to me?

42. She firmly relied on the liberality of his intentions.

43. He's been upfront about his intentions since the beginning.

44. Babby Farms is a great idea with great intentions

45. The government has been quite explicit about its intentions.

46. 9 The Republican intentions with Medicare are pretty clear.

47. Why has Jehovah no need to hide his intentions?

Tại sao Đức Giê-hô-va không cần phải che giấu ý định ngài?

48. ( Huns ) My Hun brothers, I came with peaceful intentions

Các anh em Hung Nô,

49. □ Why does Jehovah not need to hide his intentions?

□ Tại sao Đức Giê-hô-va không cần phải che giấu ý định ngài?

50. Incontrovertible proof of the government's true intentions toward Morocco.

Bằng chứng không thể chối cãi về ý đồ thật sự của chính phủ đối với vấn đề Ma Rốc.