interacts in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "interacts"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "interacts" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "interacts", or refer to the context using the word "interacts" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Radiation interacts with matter.

Bức xạ tương tác với vật chất.

2. Atmin Interacts with the Ubiquitin Ligase UBR5

3. MuSK interacts with Dvl in muscle cells directly andspecifically.

4. 19 Their feeling interacts to form a unitive integer.

5. Antigen interacts with the surface of sensitized mast cells.

6. Axin1 interacts with adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC), beta-catenin, glycogen

7. The diathesis, or predisposition, interacts with the individual's subsequent stress response.

8. Then, viral protein gH/gL interacts with cellular αvβ6/αvβ8 integrins.

Sau đó, protein của virus gH / gL tương tác với sự tích hợp αvβ6 / αvβ8 của tế bào.

9. 4 This hormone interacts closely with other hormones in the body.

10. The truss handling apparatus interacts with the forks of a lift.

11. The immune system interacts with both the nervous system and the hormones.

12. Living matter lives surrounded by, and ceaselessly interacts with, its nonliving environment.

13. Cortisol interacts with neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that send signals in the brain

14. Methanol strongly interacts with THP in the mixed adsorbed layer forming heteromolecular associates.

15. A multitude of factors, including attachment, interacts in complex ways to predict adjustment.

16. " Well, when a particle passes through the Higgs field, it interacts and gets mass.

" À, khi một hạt bay ngang qua trường Higgs, chúng tương tác và nhận khối lượng.

17. 2 days ago · Why Tanner Buchanan Rarely Interacts with Cobra Kai Castmates

18. Attribution creates an understanding of what happens when a user interacts with a mobile ad

19. When this current interacts with the northeastern coast of South America, the current forks into two branches.

Khi dòng chảy này gặp bờ biển đông bắc Nam Mỹ, dòng chảy tách ra thành hai nhánh.

20. In inelastic scattering, the neutron interacts with the nucleus and the kinetic energy of the system is changed.

Trong tán xạ không đàn hồi, neutron tương tác với hạt nhân và động năng của hệ thống được thay đổi.

21. A person who interacts with an app or site whose activities you measure with Google Analytics.

22. Chemical Antidote one that interacts with a poison and changes its chemical nature to form a harmless substance

23. Tomato myosin interacts with skeletal F-actin to form an actomyosin complex that can be dissociated by ATP.

24. The stronger the interaction, the longer a given Analyte interacts with the micelle, and the longer its migration time

25. A site manager interacts with customers, publishes posts and photos and responds to reviews on behalf of your listing.

26. Anandamide interacts with CB1 receptors in the nervous system and CB2 receptors in the peripheral nervous system.

27. Because of absences and program requirements, the Committee does not meet regularly and generally interacts by e-mail.

28. Earth's gravity interacts with other objects in space, especially the Sun and the Moon, Earth's only natural satellite.

29. Leptin is thought to signal the brain through the hypothalamus, an organ that interacts with the pituitary gland.

30. · Changing the way in which the government does business and interacts with the private sector across the board;

31. 20 Leptin is thought to signal the brain through the hypothalamus,[] an organ that interacts with the pituitary gland.

32. α-catenin interacts with E-cadherin indirectly through binding with β-catenin and links the Adherens junction to the actin cytoskeleton.

33. Antisense (plural Antisenses) (genetics) A molecule which interacts with a complementary strand of nucleic acids, so as to suppress its transcription.

34. Dr. Shaw plans to engineer an S100B protein that interacts with its biological targets in the absence of calcium.

35. Biofeedback therapy works by altering your awareness/consciousness of how your mind interacts with your body, adjusting states of arousal

36. Few studies have addressed the issue of sedation produced by drugs and how it interacts with any observed Amnesic effects.

37. In science, Artemisinin has an endoperoxide capacity, that interacts with heme, especially in situations that increase iron in cancer cells

38. Anandamide, also called N-arachidonoylethanolamine (AEA), is a lipid neurotransmitter that interacts with particular receptors in the body’s central nervous system

39. For that purpose, the endless screw (8) is followed by a perforated disk (4) which interacts with a sorting blade (10).

40. The thermosphere interacts strongly with the sun and hence is greatly influenced by the sun's solar activity, which occurs in cycles.

41. Modern developments in artificial intelligence are bringing a new light to past perceptions of how the human mind interacts with nature.

42. Agonist: Agonist (full Agonist) is an agent that interacts with a specific cellular constituent (ie, receptor) and elicits an observable positive response.

43. According to VMD, the photon is a superposition of the pure electromagnetic photon (which interacts only with electric charges) and vector meson.

Theo VMD, photon là trạng thái chồng chập của photon điện từ thuần túy (mà chỉ xuất hiện trong tương tác giữa các hạt điện tích) và meson vectơ.

44. When an original acoustic signal interacts with an object, the resultant acoustic signal comprises a diffracted component and an undiffracted component.

45. It Accumulates within amyloid deposits, physically interacts with amyloid-β (Aβ) via its N-terminal Aβ binding domain, and facilitates Aβ aggregation

46. Bolls is a renowned scholar in psychophysiology and embodied cognition – how the human brain interacts with, processes, takes in, and is influenced by, media

47. WT1, PSF, alpha-Actinine, criblage triple-hybride de levure.[Traduit par la Rédaction] Myotilin interacts with alpha-actinin, actin and gamma-filamin.: La myotiline interagit avec l'alpha-Actinine, l'actine et la gamma-filamine.: Myopalladin is preferentially expressed in skeletal and heart muscle, and interacts closely with alpha-actinin.

48. It Accumulates within amyloid deposits, physically interacts with amyloid-β (Aβ) via its N-terminal Aβ binding domain, and facilitates Aβ aggregation

49. An antAgonist drug will work in the same way, to some extent, as the Agonist drug in the sense that it interacts with the neurotransmitters

50. The Curl command-line program, on the other hand, acts as a text-based interface and interacts with libCurl via the command line