intentionally in Vietnamese

Phó từ
cố ý, cố tình

Sentence patterns related to "intentionally"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intentionally" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intentionally", or refer to the context using the word "intentionally" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. You did this intentionally!

Bạn cố ý làm phải không!

2. I've never intentionally hurt anyone.

3. knowingly or un – knowingly, intentionally or un- intentionally, had become a part of our daily lives.

4. It could even be disseminated intentionally.

Thậm chí có thể bị phát tán một cách cố ý.

5. I kept my statement intentionally vague.

6. Pitchers intentionally walked McCovery 260 times.

7. She would never intentionally hurt anyone.

8. Did he ever intentionally inflict emotional distress?

Ông ta có cố tình làm tổn thương tâm lý của cậu không?

9. I would never intentionally hurt your feelings.

10. Jeffrey, who actually intentionally aimed at the die- off of aboriginal populations, and intentionally gave Native Americans blankets infected with smallpox scabs.

11. You worried about getting caught intentionally tainting evidence?

Mày lo lắng sẽ bị công an sờ gáy vì che giấu chứng cứ à

12. Others avow that he intentionally distorted the trial.

13. Again we have intentionally segregated neighborhoods, workplaces and schools.

14. He had dishonestly and intentionally not fulfilled that obligation.

15. Affinity communities are intentionally designed for active, 55+ adults

16. According to one dictionary, “procrastinate” means “to put off intentionally and habitually; to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.”

Theo một từ điển, “trì hoãn” có nghĩa là “cố tình dời lại và có thói quen hoãn lại; cố ý đình lại những gì phải làm”.

17. Most edges are intentionally Beveled for mechanical and practical reasons.

18. Most leaders understand this; few intentionally mislead people about meaning.

19. I didn't ignore her intentionally - I just didn't recognize her.

20. Should we categorise people who intentionally spread HI as murderers?

21. The method involves the infusion of intentionally mismatched allogeneic cells.

22. The item he intentionally obscured would make several interpretations possible.

23. Shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment or disparagement.

24. He intentionally ordered an ‘Accidented’ car from the US …

25. Most edges are intentionally Beveled for mechanical and practical reasons.

26. Contaminants are substances that have not been intentionally added to food

27. Humans of Adventism: The Series is intentionally designed to spark conversations

28. Lenin’s decree of the Cheka’s powers and parameters were intentionally vague

29. Invalid traffic covers intentionally fraudulent traffic as well as accidental clicks.

30. The term Alkyl is intentionally unspecific to include many possible substitutions

31. The court held that they were intentionally homeless and so disqualified.

32. In an intentionally unkind way Familiarity information: Cuttingly used as …

33. Bigamy is usually a mistake, or an intentionally fraudulent situation

34. Asshole A person who is intentionally cruel, obnoxious and heartless

35. But unlike real-world court cases, kōans were intentionally incomprehensible.

Không giống với những vụ án thực tế, Công án có bản chất nghịch lý.

36. She's not intentionally unkind - she's just a little thoughtless sometimes.

37. For years I have been losing to both of you intentionally

Trong nhiều năm, 2 chị chẳng thèm để ý đến em luôn.

38. Cairn is a biblical university intentionally centered on Christ and His Word

39. Anyone who intentionally helps someone else commit a crime is Aiding them

40. In boxing it is a foul to hit below the belt intentionally.

41. This picture is among the first photographic Abstractions to be made intentionally

42. Indeed,(Sentence dictionary) editors were intentionally kept in the dark about finances.

43. Lenin’s decree of the Cheka’s powers and parameters were intentionally vague

44. Buddhist meditation is the practice of intentionally working with your mind

45. 23 She's not intentionally unkind - she's just a little thoughtless sometimes.

46. A Backwinded jib that intentionally “prevents” the boat from efficient forward motion

47. Achates engine intentionally matches size of Ford F-150 EcoBoost V-6

48. This volatile liquid is highly reactive and more often discussed than intentionally prepared.

Chất lỏng dễ bay hơi này có tính phản ứng rất cao và được thảo luận nhiều hơn là điều chế.

49. The inequality in life chances has therefore intentionally been reinforced in old age.

50. 17 In boxing it is a foul to hit below the belt intentionally.