absolute majority in Hindi

absolute majority <N.>

  1. पूर्ण~बहुमत "The communist won an absolute majority."

Sentence patterns related to "absolute majority"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "absolute majority" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "absolute majority", or refer to the context using the word "absolute majority" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. — absolute majority

2. Absolute majority: 310

3. Absolute majority - 255.

4. Required absolute majority: 97

5. The absolute majority is 263 votes.

6. Koroma obtained an absolute majority of votes.”

7. Absolute majority for election in this ballot: 324

8. Decisions are taken by absolute majority, after deliberation

9. Decisions are taken by absolute majority, after deliberation.

10. Decisions and judgements are handed down by absolute majority

11. The Catholic Party retained its absolute majority until 1918.

12. She received an absolute majority of votes cast by parliamentarians.

13. In the 2000 elections, the PP gained an absolute majority.

14. This is the first time that we got absolute majority.

ऐसा पहली बार हुआ है कि हमें पूर्ण बहुमत प्राप्त हुआ है।

15. But it will never come close to an absolute majority.

16. The code of conduct is adopted by an absolute majority.

17. Absolute majority required 67. The votes cast were as follows:

18. The party won an absolute majority in Portugal in 19

19. In this case the absolute majority of votes is always required.

20. National secured an absolute majority with only 1 % of the vote.

21. The European Parliament shall take its decision by absolute majority vote.

22. The Kuomintang and its allies an absolute majority in Taiwan's legislature.

23. Ronny Abraham obtained an absolute majority of votes in the General Assembly.”

24. His party won the first absolute majority in parliament in thirty years.

उनकी पार्टी ने तीस वर्षों के बाद पहली बार पूर्ण बहुमत प्राप्त किया है।

25. 280 seats are needed for an absolute majority in the National Assembly.

26. Electoral system: The President is elected by an absolute majority of votes.

27. Accordingly # votes constitute an absolute majority for the purpose the present election

28. decisions of the board of directors are adopted by an absolute majority;

29. In the elections of 1971, 1975 and 1979 he obtained an absolute majority.

30. They shall be delivered by an absolute majority of the votes validly cast.

31. OK still, it is the potato held absolute majority in whole course only.

32. (5) A chamber shall reach its determination by an absolute majority of votes.

33. The proposal must be passed by an absolute majority of the Basque Parliament.

34. Meanwhile, Moldova's ruling communist party won an absolute majority in Sunday's parliamentary election.

35. After a long time a single party won absolute majority in both countries.

दोनों देशों में लंबे समय के बाद किसी एक पार्टी को स्पष्ट बहुमत मिला।

36. After three decades, the people gave an absolute majority to a single party.

तीन दशक बाद लोगों ने एक पार्टी को पूर्ण बहुमत प्रदान किया।

37. As they controlled an absolute majority of shares, the club was effectively closed.

38. Morales went on to win the 2005 presidential election with an absolute majority.

39. Absolute majority (in the European Parliament): Majority of the members who comprise Parliament.

40. The Barisan Nasional retained a 77% absolute majority with 148 of 193 seats.

41. A few moments ago, I indicated that an absolute majority consists of # votes

42. A candidate who obtains an absolute majority of the votes will be elected.

43. A few moments ago, I indicated that an absolute majority consists of 97 votes.

44. The Social Democratic Party gained an absolute majority in the parliamentary elections of 1916.

45. Both are far short of the 326 seats needed for an absolute majority. Sentencedict.com

46. The Maoists are the biggest bloc in Nepal's parliament, although not an absolute majority.

47. Accordingly, 97 votes constitute an absolute majority for the purpose of the present election.

48. (5) The adoption is only valid if an absolute majority of the votes is obtained.

49. The process will continue until one candidate obtains an absolute majority over other remaining candidates.

50. The conservative-islamic AKP arises with absolute majority of the seats in elections brought forward.