tripped in English

catch one's foot on something and stumble or fall.
he tripped over his cat
synonyms:stumblelose one's footingcatch one's footsliplose one's balancefallfall downtumbletoppletake a spillwipe out
walk, run, or dance with quick light steps.
they tripped up the terrace steps
activate (a mechanism), especially by contact with a switch, catch, or other electrical device.
an intruder trips the alarm

Use "tripped" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tripped" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tripped", or refer to the context using the word "tripped" in the English Dictionary.

1. The rug tripped him up.

2. She tripped over the rug.

3. Who tripped the alarm?

4. It tripped the alarm.

5. 1900 hours, an alarm was tripped.

6. She tripped up on the rug.

7. I tripped out so hard.

8. Then the alarm gets tripped.

9. I tripped and went sprawling.

10. The wrestler tripped up his opponent.

11. Shutdown tripped the circuit breakers

12. He tripped up the speaker by artful questions.

13. Somebody tripped an alarm at a realty office.

14. He tripped the pickpocket up by the heels.

15. She caught her heel and tripped.

16. An intruder had tripped the alarm.

17. We must have accidentally tripped the alarm

18. She tripped along joyfully as if treading on air.

19. She tripped over the bump on the sidewalk.

20. I tripped over the leg that stuck out.

21. He tripped and fell over(sentencedict .com), grazing his knee.

22. I tripped over, dropping the tray I was carrying.

23. Make sure none of these are tripped, Blownor loose

24. I tripped and fell into a muddy ditch.

25. She tripped and went down with a bump.

26. The hard math problem tripped up most of the students.

27. 26 I tripped over, dropping the tray I was carrying.

28. I clacked one ski against the other and almost tripped.

29. He tripped on a curb holding a door open for me.

30. I tripped over the guy rope of the tent in the dark.

31. I must have accidentally tripped the alarm as I was leaving.

32. He tripped and fell, scrambled to his feet and sprinted out of reach.

33. If someone tripped you during the marathon, their efforts were Abortive too

34. 16 He shut the door, turned and tripped straight over the portmanteau.

35. I tripped and almost did a backward flip down the stairs.

36. I tripped on a stone and went sprawling on the pavement.

37. Then again, Sargent might have tripped over his ample midsection, too.

38. You can’t be tripped during your own trip attempt when using a Bolas.

39. I've got a bad migraine, I tripped and fell and cut my arm.

40. The photographer tripped over a lead, wrenching a microphone from its stand.

41. Unfortunately his assistant, a young gnome, tripped and Bolluxed the experiment, disappearing in the process

42. With a deft flick of his foot, Mr Worth tripped one of the raiders up.

43. I tripped on the reality of this ecology of creativity just last week.

44. 25 One policeman tripped over a litter-bin and sat down heavily in the gutter.

45. Ruth tripped and fell as she walked up the steps. The boys behind her sniggered.

46. A Bralette really proves its worth when worn under anything that has tripped you up before

47. The exam went quite well, except at the end when I tripped up on the final question.

48. 13 They wolf-whistled at me, and I was so embarrassed I tripped up.

49. He tripped them up with facts, Ambuscaded them with facts, bombarded them with broadsides of facts

50. The stammering policeman spun around, tripped on the rusty pot, and all but crashed to the ground.