tripos in English

the final honors examination for a BA degree at Cambridge University.
I became interested in Renaissance while studying for the tripos in Cambridge.

Use "tripos" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tripos" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tripos", or refer to the context using the word "tripos" in the English Dictionary.

1. Before I went to the other place by the Isis, I saw the river Cam when I came up to study for my Economics tripos at St John’s.

2. 30 After sitting the tripos exams where everything you saw all year was fair game, having a test that covers three weeks of material is no longer as daunting.

3. Agena-D Thorad-SLV2G Agena-D 20.06.1968 Va SLC-1E KH-4A 47 / Tripos 3/Sousea 2 267 174 2801 Agena-D Atlas-SLV3A Agena-D 06.08.1968 CC LC-13 Canyon 1 268 175